Biographical Sketch of George G. Brown

Last Updated on January 18, 2013 by Dennis

This representative agriculturist and patriotic citizen is one of the leading farmers of the vicinity of Nyssa, having a quarter section of good land, which is his family home, two miles west from that town. Mr. Brown was born in Platt County, Missouri, on January 22, 1850, being the son of George and Jemima (Harris) Brown. In March 1855 the family went to Doniphan County, Kansas and the father was one of the early settlers of that section. He was a pro-slavery advocate and was through the exciting times of that period. In 1867 they removed to Newton County, Missouri, and in 1869 the father died there. Our subject grew to manhood on a farm, gaining his education as best could be done from the scanty opportunity of the common schools, which, however, was made the most of by our subject.

On March 15, 1874, in Newton County, occurred the marriage of Mr. Brown and Margaret D. Cary. In 1878 they removed to Grayson County, Texas and there Mr. Brown devoted his energies to farming and stock raising until 1886, at which time he returned to Newton County, Missouri, and two years later came thence to this country across the plains with teams and wagons. He had his wife, four children and mother on the trip and one hundred (lays were consumed in making it. They arrived at Long valley, Idaho. without serious accident and there Mr. Brown engaged in raising stock. It was in 1891 that Mr. Brown removed his family to his present abode. He entered a homestead and began the toil of making a fertile farm and comfortable home from the wilds of nature. He has succeeded in a great manner and has a valuable place. He secures water from the Owyhee ditch, has the farm well tilled, has a good residence, fine orchard, and secures a good return annually from the abundant crops raised.

Mr. Brown is affiliated with the K. of P., Armour Lodge, No. 69, of Ontario, and in political matters holds with the Democratic party, being active in the interests of the Country and laboring always for the advancement and up building of tine same. To Air. and Mrs. Brown have been horn the following named children: Carrie B., wife of Ira Rutledge, near Nvssa: Daisy, wife of John Ray, living near Nyssa; Effie, wife of N. Minton, living neat Nvssa ; William Edward; Francis; Georgia.



Whitman, Marcus. An Illustrated history of Baker, Grant, Malheur and Harney Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Chicago: Western Historical Publishing Co., 1902, 871 pgs.

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