Biographical Sketch of George G. Brown

This representative agriculturist and patriotic citizen is one of the leading farmers of the vicinity of Nyssa, having a quarter section of good land, which is his family home, two miles west from that town. Mr. Brown was born in Platt County, Missouri, on January 22, 1850, being the son of George and Jemima (Harris) Brown. In March 1855 the family went to Doniphan County, Kansas and the father was one of the early settlers of that section. He was a pro-slavery advocate and was through the exciting times of that period. In 1867 they removed to Newton County, Missouri, … Read more

Biography of Wallace Fairbank

WALLACE FAIRBANK. – The subject of this sketch is one of the substantial and capable men of Union county, and one who showed the metal of which he was made at the time Columbia called for sons to avenge her insult and to put down the minions of rebellion, at which time he responded and did good service until the work was completed and he was honorably discharged, carrying, however, until this day the serious effects of his service and the wounds that he received. Mr. Fairbank was born in St. Lawrence county, New York on July 27, 1848, being … Read more