Biography of G. T. B. Perry

G. T. B. PERRY. The practical value of shrewdness and discrimination combined with strict probity is exemplified in the prosperous condition of those who transact business on these principles. Mr. G. T. B. Perry, a prominent general merchant of Ozark, has a reputation for honorable dealing built up out of the practice of these invaluable principles. He is a product of the Blue Grass soil of Kentucky, Logan County, near Russellville, and is a son of John T. and Mary E. (Ewing) Perry, both natives of Kentucky. The grandfather, Samuel Perry, was a native of Virginia, and the family came … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Thomas Kerr

(See Duncan and Grant).-Susan Tolbert, daughter of John Tolbert and Amanda Cherokee (Duncan) Scott, was born in Delaware District May 11, 1873, educated in that District. Married at Seneca, Missouri, May 20, 1892, Thomas son of Alexander and Matilda Kerr. They are the parents of Ollie May Kerr, born November 22, 1894, married November 27, 1912, J. C. Carr, and has one daughter, Lena May Carr, born September 23, 1919. Mr. Kerr is a farmer, near Vinita. Charles Duncan, a Scotchman, married about 1784, Dorcas, a full-blood Cherokee, of the Deer Clan. Their son, John, married Elizabeth Abercromby, and they … Read more

Move to Neosho Missouri

The next year we moved to NEOSHO [Not sure about the name of this place.] Missouri. Me and Dad and my older brothers worked on a fruit farm called the SOEAKMAN farm. We stayed up there until the fruit harvest was over then we moved back to FLINT. Dad rented a place from Rich BECK the man who ran the BECK store and Post Office. We were just across the creek from the water mill. Tony BECK ran the mill. He was a brother of Rich BECK. I was big enough to go to the mill several times a day … Read more

Biography of M. W. Burrows

Coming to Indian Territory in 1890, M. W. Burrows was for many years actively identified with oil development work in this state, but has recently purchased a farm in Cherokee County, Kansas, which he intends to devote to the raising of fruit. He was born in Newton County, Missouri, January 17, 1876, of the marriage of J. H. and Mary E. (Medlin) Burrows, both natives of that state. The father is seventy years of age and is now living in Cherokee County, Kansas. In 1890 he came to Indian Territory, locating near Copan, on the Little Caney River, and there … Read more

Biography of George W. Robertson

GEORGE W. ROBERTSON- In the person of the subject of this sketch, we have exemplified the typical pioneer qualities that are so worthy of encomium, and that have done so much, for this country, practically making it what it is today, and our subject has spent a life of activity in the industries that develop and build up the country, while he has constantly displayed resources of ability and adaptability for the various positions of life that have held him in his career of varied and interesting achievements, manifesting as well, moral worth and a genial and kindly spirit throughout. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John G. Cearley

(See Ghigau and England)-John Gordon, son of Edmond Jeptlta and Sarah Letitia (Thompson) Cearley, born in Georgia May 19, 1880, educated in that State and in the Cherokee Nation. Married at Neosho, Missouri, January 15, 1908, Gertrude N., daughter of John Wesley and Ida Josephine (Jenkins) Harris, born near Vinita, January 13, 1899. They are the parents of Howard Luther, born October 8, 1908; Kenneth Raymond, born November 16, 1910 and John Gordon Cearley, born June 28, 1914. Mr. Cearley is a farmer near Big Cabin. Nannie Rider married David Thompson. Their son, Caleb Starr Thompson, married Matilda Cordill and … Read more

Biography of William Tillman

WILLIAM TILLMAN – We have before us in the person of the subject one of those hardy, intrepid and commendable pioneers, who wrought in this section for its development, wresting it from the grasp of the savages and fitting it for the abode of man. Especially is our subject to be mentioned in this capacity, since he came here yound and vigorous and wrought constantly here for nearly half a century, enduring all the hardships known to frontier existence, displaying an astuteness, energy, and ability, coupled with faithfulness and integrity that have commended him to the graces and hearts of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. John R. Hurst

(See Grant)-John Randolph, son of Christopher Columbus and Mary Ann (Blythe) Hurst was born Monday, April 18, 1853. Educated in the Cherokee National Schools. Married December 8, 1879, Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Hogan) Brown, born November 14, 1854 in Newton County, Missouri. They were the parents of Christopher Columbus, born September 30, 1880; Mary Ellen, born May 24, 1885; Winema Rachel, born September 30, 1891 and Albert J. Hurst, born January 7, 1894. John, son of William and Nannie (Fields) Blythe married Justin Cadle and they were the parents of Mrs. Mary Ann (Blythe) Hurst.

Bittenbender, Goldie Faye Farmer Marks Mrs. – Obituary

North Powder, Oregon Goldie Faye Bittenbender, 90, of North Powder, died Nov. 15, 2001, at home from complications associated with pneumonia. She requested there be no funeral. Her family will schedule a memorial service later. She was born Goldie Farmer in Neosho, Mo., on Sept. 20, 1911. She married Lois Marks in 1931. He died in 1943 during World War II. Goldie married Al Bittenbender in 1945. Mr. Bittenbender died in 1987. Goldie said one of her favorite things was that she and Lou never missed a Saturday night dance. She also loved to tag along with Al on his … Read more

Biography of William N. Buchanan

On the roster of county officials of Latah county appears the name of William N. Buchanan, who is now serving as sheriff, and his fearless and prompt discharge of his public duties has gained him the commendation of all lawabiding citizens. For twenty-one years he has been a resident of the county, and has therefore witnessed the greater part of its growth and development. Throughout this period he has been connected with its agricultural interests, and is accounted one of the leading farmers of this section of the state. Mr. Buchanan was born in Newton County, Missouri, April 2, 1857, … Read more

Missouri Atlases and Plat Books

Sample Missouri Plat Book closeup

198 online plat books and atlases organized by county and ordered by date for the State of Missouri. At the bottom of the page are two items that can help you use these documents in your genealogy research. The first is a blog post Plat Books Revealed: Mapping Generations of History and the second a video where Ben Clark explains what plat maps are used for, how to navigate them, and pulls out a few interesting stories from them.

Plummer, Van William – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon Died-in Pendleton, Thursday, August 7, 1924, Van William Plummer, of La Grande. He was born July 4, 1866, in Neosho, Missouri; came to Oregon in 1888 and was married to Catherine Elizabeth Ashby May 14, 1890. He is survived by his widow, and one son-Thomas Plummer, of La Grande; three daughters-Mrs. A. O. Baird, of Baker; Mrs. Guy B. Rogers of La Grande; Mrs. C. A. Chesser of Austin; one sister-Mrs. J. L. Gibson of Cove; one brother-Carlos Plummer of La Grande; and eight grandchildren. The funeral was held Saturday August 9 from Cock Bros. … Read more

Cockerell, Alexander – Obituary

Union, Union County, Oregon Alexander Cockerell was born in Clay County, Ill., Dec. 13, 1844, and died at Union Ore., July 30, 1915. Age 73 years, seven months and 17 days. While a boy he moved with his parents to Newton County, Mo., where he lived until the Civil War broke out, when he joined the Union army, Company E, Sixth Missouri Volunteers where he served until peace was declared. He was married to Elmira Owens in Newton County, Mo., Oct 7, 1866. In 1866 they moved to Union, Oregon, where he was a member of the G.A.R. and a … Read more

Biography of Carl E. Kayser

Carl E. Kayser, son of Carl F. and Lillian P. (Eble) Kayser, was born May 20, 1889, in Newark, New Jersey. His father was born in the Grand Duchy of Baden, Germany, and his mother was born in the state of New Jersey. His father came to the United States at the age of eighteen years and has been in the teaching profession ever since, being now professor of Germanic languages in Hunter College, New York city. Carl E. Kayser attended the public schools in Newark, New Jersey, and in New York City, and from 1905 to 1909 he attended … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Arthur F. Chamberlin

(See Oolootsa) Arthur Fanshaw, son of Rev. Armory N. and Eunice Dolly (Hoyt) Chamberlain, was born October 9, 185 7 in Flint District. He was educated in the public schools and Male Seminary. Married June 9, 1883, at Neosho, Missouri, Letitia, daughter of Hamilton W., and Margaret Goodykoontz, born March 18. 1861, in Newton County, Missouri. They located in Vinita, and are the parents of. Dolly Edith (Cherokee name Oo-loo-tsa) born August 19, 1887; educated in the schools of Vinita, and Henry Kendall College; married June 22, 1907, William Robinson; Catherine Brown, born December 25, 1893; educated at Vinita and … Read more

Biography of James Colyer Gordon

James Colyer Gordon, superintendent of the waterworks system of Independence, had, together with his father, who for thirty years was engineer of the waterworks, had more to do with making this public utility a splendid and effleient organ of public service than any other individual. Independence had had a system of waterworks for thirty years or more. For many years it had been a municipally owned plant and the city corporation had expended an immense amount of money in perfecting the plant and the source of supply. The new water plant is located a mile and a half northeast of … Read more

Gibson, J. L. – Obituary

Cove, Union County, Oregon J. L. Gibson, Cove Pioneer, Passes Monday at Hom A pioneer of 1883, J.L. Gibson, Cove, died at his home March 23 4 a.m. after a lingering illnes five months duration. Hardened arteries causing neuraligia of the head at his advanced age caused his death which came peacefully in his sleep. James Logan Gibson was born in Nesho, Mo., July 29,1851 and had he lived until July he would have been 85 years of age. When a young man he went with his parents, to Texas and was married in 1876 to Mollie E Plummer. They, … Read more

Missouri Cemetery Records McDonald to Phelps Counties

Missouri Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the Missouri county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. McDonald County Following Cemeteries hosted at McDonald  County, Missouri Tombstone Transcription Project Brush Creek Cemetery Roller Cemetery Mercer County Following cemeteries hosted at Mercer County MOGenWeb Hart Cemetery St Paul Cemetery Following cemeteries hosted at Grundy County MOGenWeb Brummitt Cemetery Half Rock Cemetery Old Union Cemetery Prairie Ridge Cemetery Union Cemetery White Oak Cemetery Following Cemeteries hosted at Mercer County, Missouri … Read more

Emmons, Earl Mrs.- Obituary

Mrs. Earl Emmons is Laid to Rest Succumbs Here After Protracted Illness Mrs. Earl Emmons, who came home a week ago last Monday from Portland where she had been in the hospital for several weeks, passed away at her home on Alder Slope Friday, March 19th. Else Ruth Neal was born January 3, 1901, near Fairview, Newton county, Missouri. At the age of three she came with her parents to Oregon, coming in 1914 to Enterprise or near which she had made her home ever since. She was baptized in the Baptist church when she was 12 years old. she … Read more

Davies, Eva – Obituary

Eva (Neill) Emmons Davies, former Enterprise resident, died October 7, 1989, at Mt. Vista Care Center in La Grande. She was born June 19, 1899, at Newton County, Missouri, the daughter of George William Neill and Ollie Frances Davidson. On Oct. 18, 1967, she married Leslie H. Davies. He preceded her in death on June 15, 1987. She was also preceded in death by her first husband, Lester Emmons, in 1967. She was a homemaker and a member of Enterprise Christian church. Survivors include two sons, Ed Emmons, of Milton – Freewater and George Emmons of Hermiston; four grandchildren; four … Read more