Biography of P. N. Perrier

P. N. Perrier, an enterprising young farmer of Washington county, who makes his home in Ochelata, is a native son of Oklahoma and a member of one of the honored pioneer families of the state. He was born in Osage county, Oklahoma, December 24, 1896, and is a son of Napoleon and Ellen (Haynie) Perrier, the former of Osage and the latter of Cherokee descent. The father was born near the Osage Mission, in Kansas, September 18, 1859, his parents being Peter and Catherine (Cadrick) Perrier, both of whom were of Osage extraction. In 1872 they removed from Kansas to Indian Territory, acquiring a farm on Bird creek, in Osage county, where they spent their remaining years. Their son, Napoleon Perrier, is now the owner of a six hundred and forty acre farm in Osage county, and has property in Bartlesville and Ochelata. He is living retired on his farm on Candy creek, in Osage county, being recognized as one of the foremost citizens of his community. His wife was born near Fayetteville, Arkansas, and nine children were born of their union.

In the acquirement of an education P. N. Perrier attended the public schools of Ochelata, likewise pursuing his studies in the evening classes, and subsequently he completed a course in automobile mechanics. He then engaged in the garage business in Ochelata, in which he continued until the United States entered the World war, when he enlisted for service, becoming a truck driver. He was assigned to the ammunition and supplies department of the Ninetieth Division and was sent overseas, where he remained for twelve months, seven of which were spent in France and five in Germany as a member of the Army of Occupation after the signing of the armistice. He returned to this country on the transport Kentucky and was mustered out at Camp Pike, Arkansas, on the 25th of June, 1919. He is the owner of a valuable farm of six hundred and forty acres, situated five miles west of Ochelata, devoted to the raising of cereals and stock, and from the oil wells on his property he also derives a large addition to his income. He maintains his home in Ochelata and is recognized as a very progressive and enterprising young business man.

On the 14th of May, 1917, Mr. Perrier was united in marriage to Miss Hester Dewitt, a daughter of Walter and Ann (Stark) Dewitt, natives of Missouri. The mother died when Mrs. Perrier was an infant and the father came to Oklahoma in 1913, his demise occurring a year later. Mr. and Mrs. Perrier have become the parents of two children, Francis and Wayne. Mr. Perrier worthily bears an honored family name and although but twenty-five years of age he has already won a measure of success that many an older man might well envy, while his personal qualities are such that he enjoys the friendship and esteem of many.


Biography, Civil War,

Benedict, John Downing. Muskogee and Northeastern Oklahoma: including the counties of Muskogee, McIntosh, Wagoner, Cherokee, Sequoyah, Adair, Delaware, Mayes, Rogers, Washington, Nowata, Craig, and Ottawa. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1922.

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