Biography of Mrs. Emma Daniels

Mrs. Emma Daniels, a native daughter of Oklahoma and a member of an old an honored pioneer family of the state, is the owner of a good farm near Ochelata, in Washington county, and the discovery of oil on her property has also added greatly to its value. She is a daughter of Mrs. Jacob Dick, a native of Texas, who was formerly Mrs. William Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers were Oklahoma pioneers. Mrs. Dick resided in Oklahoma since 1872, and after the demise of Mr. Dick, who was a native of this state and a farmer by occupation, she made her home with the subject of this review until her death on November 1, 1921.

In the schools of her native state Emma Dick received her education and on reaching young womanhood she married George Daniels, a Cherokee and a native of Oklahoma, born December 25, 1851. In early life his parents removed from Georgia to Indian Territory, settling among the Spavinaw hills, in the Delaware district. Mr. Daniels devoted his life to farming and was a successful agriculturist. Four children were born of that union: Lucy became the wife of Phyletius Reed, who was a machine gunner in the World war and died in France. He was a member of the Cherokee tribe and after his demise his widow married J. M. Mangan, a well known farmer; George Daniels, twenty-five years of age, is also a veteran of the World war and saw service in France as a corporal of the One Hundred and Ninth Infantry, which was attached to the Twenty-eighth Division. He is a bright young man, popular with his associates, and is now acting as engineer at the Crystal White Refinery. He married Nannie Parkhill and they have a son, George Dennison; Mrs. Maggie Sculawl and William R., the latter a young man of seventeen years, complete the family. Mrs. Daniels is now rearing a nephew’s child, Ruby Streeter, who is five years old. Mr. Daniels has passed away.

Mrs. Daniels resides on a farm of one hundred and twenty-nine acres, situated five miles north of Ochelata, this being the property of the subject of this review, and each of her children owns eighty acres of land. Mrs. Daniels is cultivating the ranch, the principal crop being corn, and she also raises cattle and hogs. The place is well developed and improved and there are also good producing oil wells on the property. Mrs. Daniels’ life has been passed within the borders of this state and she has watched with keen interest its growth and development as its rich agricultural and mineral resources have been exploited and the work of civilization has been carried forward. She has experienced many of the hardships and privations of frontier life and her conversation spans the past in interesting reminiscences. She is the possessor of many admirable traits of character and as one of the pioneer residents of Washington county she is accorded the respect and esteem of an extensive circle of friends.


Biography, Women,

Washington County OK,

Benedict, John Downing. Muskogee and Northeastern Oklahoma: including the counties of Muskogee, McIntosh, Wagoner, Cherokee, Sequoyah, Adair, Delaware, Mayes, Rogers, Washington, Nowata, Craig, and Ottawa. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1922.

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