Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Thomas B. Archer

(See England) Anna Bell daughter of Abram and Alta Berilla (Schrimsher) Meeks was born near Vinita November 20, 1878. Educated in Worcester Academy.

Married April 22, 1897 Thomas B. Archer son of Thomas and Fannie Archer, born Aug. 29, 1873 in Vernon County, Nevada, Mo.

They are the parents of Irra, born July 10, 1898; Otto B., born July 9, 1900, Fannie B., born February 13, 1902; Thomas B., born November 15, 1903; Abram born November 4, 1905 and Morrill Archer, born March 22, 1908. Ina, Otto B. and Fannie B. Archer are graduates from Vinita High School. Ima married at Vinita January 17, 1920 Harold Boggs. Otto Archer married at Vinita July 19, 1921 Gertrude Braden.

Mr. and Archer are members of the Baptist Church. He is a produce merchant at Vinita.


Starr, Emmett. History of the Cherokee Indians and Their Legends and Folk Lore. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The Warden Company. 1921

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