Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Barney D. Haddan

(See Grant)- Elizabeth Jane Fields, born February 13, 1880, educated at Hogan Institute.

Married August 9, 1894, David Barney Haddan, born Jan. 28, 1866, in Neoshoe County, Mo.

They are the parents of Thomas Elmer Franklin, born Jan. 19, 1898. Married Sept. 7, 1919, Lena May Williams, born Jan. 7, 1897 in Colon County, Texas and Marie Susan Haddan, born January 2, 1903, graduated from Pryor High Schol 1921 and married at Miami, Okla., June 29, 1921 Orum R. Garner born May 1, 1899 in Benton Co. Arkansas. Thos. E. F. Hadden, Jr., son of Thomas E. F. and Lena Mae was born Aug. 1, 1921 at Pryor, Okla.

Mrs. Haddan is a member of the Eastern Star Chapter No. 50 of Pryor. Mrs. Garner is a member of this chapter also. David Barney Haddan is a successful farmer and stock raiser, a member of the Masonic lodge and I. O. O. F. of Pryor. He was elected County Commissioner of Mayes County, November 8, 1910.

Henry Clay, son of Richard and Mary (Wilds) Fields was born October 21, 1844, Married in February 1861, Amanda Jane Rogers, born July 17, 1847 in Johnson County, Missouri. They were the parents of Mrs. David Barney Haddan, who is also the great, great grand-daughter of Richard Fields, Chief of the Texas Cherokees.

Carrie R. Fields born March 31, 1886, educated at Pryor, Indian Territory. Married to Joseph S. Butler Sept. 27, 1903, born Nov. 13, 1881. Mr. Butler is a farmer and stockman, member of A. O. U. W of Pryor and Mrs. Butler is a member of Eastern Star chapter No. 50 of Pryor.

Roland F. Butler, born Oct. 31, 1904 at Pryor a Pryor High School Student. Margaret Marie Butler born March 21, 1912


Starr, Emmett. History of the Cherokee Indians and Their Legends and Folk Lore. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The Warden Company. 1921

1 thought on “Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Barney D. Haddan”

  1. need info on Haddon family name is it Native American ?

    my gr, gr, gr, grandmother Sarah Haddon married Robert Stroud.

    I was told by my grandfather she was Cherokee.


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