Waterloo Township Town Officers 1827-1868

Last Updated on December 5, 2012 by

Township Trustees since 1827.

1827     William Lowry,      Elias Gabriel,       Silas Benjamin.
1828-30  William Lowry,      Abram Gabriel,       Hezekiah Robinett.
1831-34  William Lowry,      Daniel Lowry,        Jeremiah Thompson.
1835     William Lowry,      William Handberry,   Samuel Lowry.
1836     John Mintun,        William Handberry,   George Hewitt.
1837     John Mintun,        William Handberry,   William Lowry.
1838-39  Hugh Laughlin,      William Mills,       Elias Gabriel.
1840     William Handberry,  William Herron,      Elias Gabriel.
1841-42  William Handberry,  Elias Gabriel,       Pardon C. Hewitt.
1843     William Handberry,  Elias Gabriel,       Simon Elliott.
1844     William Handberry,  Elias Gabriel,       Daniel McCoy.
1845     John Mintun,        Simon Elliott,       Pardon C. Hewitt.
1846     John Mintun,        William Lowry,       Pardon C. Hewitt.
1847     John Mintun,        Hugh Boden,          Robert McNeal.
1848     John Mintun,        Hugh Boden,          John Means.
1849     Andrew Herron,      Robert McNeal,       John Means.
1850     Hugh Boden,         Robert H. Cotton,    John Means.
1851     Hugh Boden,         Robert H. Cotton,    Robert Spear.
1852     Hugh Boden,         Robert H. Cotton,    Joseph McNeal.
1853     Hugh Boden,         John Means,          Joseph McNeal.
1854     John Mintun,        Samuel Spencer,      P. B. Wilson.
1855     William Lowry,      Robert Spear,        P. B. Wilson.
1856     William Lowry,      Charles Burr,        Jonathan Mintun.
1857-58  William Lowry,      Charles Burr,        P. B. Wilson.
1859-60  Robert H. Cotton,   William Swaim,       Samuel Cagg.
1861-62  Moses Gabriel,      William Swaim,       Samuel Cagg.
1863     Moses Gabriel,      William Swaim,       Peter Beckter.
1864     James Boden,        William Swaim,       Richard Dowler.
1865     James Bell,         James Mayhugh,       Moses Kennard.
1866     James Bell,         Daniel McCoy,        Joseph McNeal.
1867     T. J. Allison,      Abraham Martin,      Joseph McNeal.
1868     Samuel Cagg,        E. H. Phillips,      Richard Jams.

Township Clerks and Treasurers.

         Clerks.               Treasurers.

1826-27  Andrew Glass.         Horace Martin.
1828     Elias Gabriel.        Lemuel Robinett.
1829     Elias Gabriel.        Isaac Pearce.
1830     William Young.        Alexander Young.
1830     Samuel Lowry.         Wilson Phillips.
1832     William Handberry.    Wilson Phillips.
1833-34  William Handberry.    Joseph Brooks.
1835     Elijah Lowry.         Joseph Brooks.
1836     David G. Benjamin.    Daniel Lowry.
1837     David G. Benjamin.    Elias Gabriel.
1838     William Johnstone.    Wanting.
1839-40  R. H. Cotton.         Alexander Young.
1841     William Young.        Alexander Young.
1842     James Holmes.         Elijah Lowry.
1843-44  James Holmes.         Alexander Young.
1845-46  W. C. Allen.          Alexander Young.
1847     James Holmes.         Alexander Young.
1848-50  W. C. Allen.          William Herron.
1851-52  David W. Mintun.      William Herron.
1853     William C. Allen.     William Herron.
1854-55  George Dixon.         William Herron.
1856     Asa Thomas.           William Herron.
1857     George Dixon.         William Herron.
1858-59 Bingham Goodrich.      Hugh Boden.
1860     S. C. Teeters.        Hugh Boden.
1861     A. G. Patterson.      Hugh Boden.
1862     John Nichols.         Hugh Boden.
1863     John Nichols.         Thomas Withers.
1864     A. G. Robinett.       Thomas Withers.
1865     Marcus L. Griswold.   Nelson Squires.
1866     H. C. Wilson.         A. G. Patterson.
1867     Lafayette Hawk.       A. G. Patterson.
1868     J. B. Miller.         A. G. Patterson.

We have not the early records of justices of the peace. The following have served since 1853, viz Robert McNeal, Pardon C. Hewitt, Hugh Boden, Elijah Lowry, and Lafayette Hawk.

AccessGenealogy.com Athens County Ohio Genealogy.

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