Cynthia Todd Stiles of Breedsville OH

STILES, Cynthia Todd6, (Benjamin5, Titus4, Benjamin3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Dec. 6, 1800, died Sept. 11, 1865, married June 7, 1824, Noble, son of Enoch Stiles. She married second, in 1852, William Van Note, of Breedsville, Ohio. In 1849, Enoch Stiles with his son Noble went to California, where the latter died the same year. They were 49ers. She died at Breedsville, Ohio.

I. Enoch N., graduated from Oberln College.
II. Hervey Reuben, b. April 9, 1829.
III. Benjamin T.
IV. Miller C., d. Aged 6 years.
V. Royal P.
VI. Celestia C., m. Homer Curtis.
VII. Cynthia E., m. James Butterfield.

Butterfield, Curtis, Note, Stiles, Todd,


Breedsville Ohio,

Todd, George Iru. Todd Family in America. Gazette Printing Company. 1920.

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