Biographical Sketch of Jeptha Homer Wade

Wade, Jeptha Homer; financier; born, Cleveland, Oct. 15, 1857; son of Randall P. and Anna R. McGaw Wade; educated, Cleveland private schools; A. M., Western Reserve University; married, Oct. 15, 1878, Miss Ellen Garrettson; issue, three children; Mr. Wade now makes his home in New York; chairman Board of Directors, Citizens Savings & Trust Co.; vice pres. The Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co.; interested in many banking, manufacturing and mining enterprises; a large holder of Cleveland real estate; a trustee of most of the leading educational and charitable institutions of the city, and a most generous supporter of these institutions.

Biographical Sketch of Frederick Clayton Waite

Waite, Frederick Clayton; college prof.; born, Hudson, O., May 24, 1870; son of Nelson and Cynthia (Post) Waite; graduate Western Reserve Academy, Hudson, 1888; B. Litt., Western Reserve University, Cleveland, 1892, A. M., 1894; A. M., Harvard, 1896, Ph. D., 1898; unmarried; asst. in biology, Western Reserve, 1892-1895; Morgan fellow, 1896-1897; demonstrator zoology, 1907.1908; Harvard, instructor biology, high schools, New York, 1898-1900; New York University, 1899-1900; asst. in anatomy, Rush Medical College, Chicago, 1900-1901; asst. prof. histology and embryology, 1901-1904; asso. prof., 1904-1906, prof., 1906-; sec’y of faculty, 1907-; Western Reserve University; fellow A. A. A. S.; member Association American … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Whittlesey Walton

Walton, John Whittlesey; merchant and mfgr.; born Salisbury, Litchfield County, Conn., Jan. 15, 1845; son of Lucius Clark and Mary Vesta (Whittlesey) Walton; removed in early life to Tallmadge, Summit County, O.; educated, public school and Tallmadge Academy, graduated, 1864, Eastman’s Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; married, Cleveland, Oct. 6, 1869, L. A. Lyman; issue, one son and two daughters, Edwin A. Walton (Detroit, Mich.), Ethelwyne, now Mrs. William O. Osborn, Cleveland, Florence L., now Mrs. Frank Gill Dorr, Buffalo, N. Y.; married Gertrude Louise Hutchinson, Madison, Ind.; issue, three daughters, Gertrude Letitia, Margaret, Gladys; clerked first in retail and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles William Wason

Wason, Charles William; retired; born, Cleveland, April 20, 1854; son of Charles and Matilda Parker Wason; graduated, Cornell University, 1876; married, Paris, France, January, 1882, Jettie Anna Morrill; issue, two daughters, Jettie, now Mrs. Harold Edwards, Velda, now Mrs. John A. Rithet; married, Cleveland, September, 1896, Margaret Wright; married, Hamilton, Canada, February, 1901, Mabel Breckenridge; director Cleveland, Painesville & Eastern; Northern Ohio Traction and Light Co., Williamson Building Co.; trustee Cleveland Associated Charities; member Kappa Alpha, Carnellian Council, Cleveland Engineering Society, Bibliophile Society, Union, Country, Mayfield, Willowwick and Rowfant Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of S. H. Weis

Weis, S. H.; architect; born, New York City, September, 1888; educated in the grammar and High Schools of Cleveland, and University of California; married in Cleveland in 1911; pres. and treas. Esplanade Realty Co.; member Chamber of Commerce.

Biographical Sketch of Leon Cowles Welch

Welch, Leon Cowles; mechanical engineer; born, Green, N. Y., June 20, 1882; educated, High School and Cornell University, M. E.; married, Oxford, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1913, Edith Sans Packard; 1906, started as machinist’s helper; has held various positions with the following companies: New York Transit Co., Ohio Oil Co., National Transit Co., Northern Pipe Line Co., Buckeye Pipe Line Co.; at present division supt. of The Buckeye Pipe Line Co., also a director of the company; member American Society Mechanical Engineers, Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, University Club. Recreations: Baseball, Football and Tennis.

Biographical Sketch of John Jay Wemple

Wemple, John Jay; merchant; born, Aug. 23, 1849; Ashville, N. Y.; son of Hiram S. and Sophia Kidder Wemple; educated, Jamestown Union School and Collegiate Institute; took state regents examination and taught school in Warren County, Pa., and in Kansas; railroad agent in Kansas and Nebraska about five years; mgr. Paine Lumber Co.’s interests in Nebraska, four years; treas. Ohio Sash & Door Co., 24 years; pres. Wholesale Merchants Board, Chamber of Commerce, one year; director Chamber of Commerce, one year; member Hastings Lodge, F. & A. M., Hastings, Neb.; Mt. Nebo Commandery, No. 11, K. T., Hastings, Neb.; McKinley … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rollin Henry White

White, Rollin Henry; automobile mnfr.; son of Thomas H. White and Almira Greenleaf White; educated, Cornell University, ’94, M. E. and E. E.; married, Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1896, Katharine King; issue, Elizabeth, William King, Rollin Henry, Jr.; member Union, Country, and Chagrin Valley Hunt Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Charles H. Spriggs

Spriggs, Charles H.; realty and building; born, Washington County, Pa., Oct. 2, 1875; of Scotch-English ancestry, and ancestors on both sides of family prominent in Revolution and War of 1812; public school education; married, 1908, Miss Olive Carter, of Waynesburg, Pa.; two daughters; politically a Progressive Republican; business career, with the Second National Bank of Pittsburgh, resigning on account of poor health, and engaged in the real estate business in the southwest; returning east, became associated with one of the largest real estate firms in New York City; impressed with the wonderful real estate opportunities in Cleveland, he located here, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Franklin John Sprague

Sprague, Franklin John; dentist; born, Wellsville, N. Y., 1868; son of William and Elmina Norton Sprague; educated, public schools, Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, Lima, N. Y.; Dental Department, Western Reserve University, degree D. D. S.; married, 1879, Lucy Amanda Emmons; one daughter, Dorothy Sprague; two years sec’y Cleveland Dental Society; pres. same organization one year; member Cleveland and Ohio State Dental Societies.

Biographical Sketch of Cady Staley

Staley, Cady; engineer; born, Minaville, N. Y., Dec. 12, 1840; son of Harmanus and Eveline (Darrow) Staley; A. B., Union College, 1865; C. E., 1866; Ph. D., 1874 (LL. D., 1888, Ohio Wesleyan, 1888); married Kate Holcomb, of Waterford, N. Y., Dec. 23, 1869; one of the engineers in building the Central Pacific R. R.; prof. civil engineering, 1868-1886; dean of faculty, 1876-1886, Union College; pres. Case School Applied Science, Cleveland, 1886-1902; traveling member American Society Civil Engineers. Author: The Separate System of Sewerage (with G. S. Pierson).

Biographical Sketch of Frederick Augustine Sterling

Sterling, Frederick Augustine; merchant; born, Chapinville, Conn., May 26, 1831; son of Frederick Augustine and Caroline Mary (Dutcher) Sterling; educated, public and private schools, Geneva, N. Y.; married, Meadville, Pa., May 13, 1856, Emma Betts; issue, one son, living in Erie, Pa.; merchant in Cleveland since 1850; connected with T. S. Beckwith & Co., Beckwith, Sterling & Co., Sterling & Co., The Sterling & Welch Co., pres. the Sterling & Welch Co., director Union National Bank; director Citizens Savings & Trust Co.; vice pres. Cleveland Burial Case Co.; pres. Board of Trustees, Second Presbyterian Church; member Union and Country Clubs. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John J. Sullivan

Sullivan, John J.; attorney; born, New York City, Oct. 25, 1860; son of Daniel J. and Mary (Sheehan) Sullivan; came to Trumbull County, O., at the age of 12; educated, common schools, and Academy at Gustavus, O.; married, Dec. 28, 1886, Warren, O., Olive S. Taylor, daughter of the late Matthew B. Taylor of Warren, O., prominent banker of Warren and former partner of Ex-Gov. Tod and J. V. N. Yates of Cleveland; issue, two daughters, Adaline and Mary Sullivan; Prosecuting Attorney, two terms, Trumbull Co.; State Senator, two terms, Trumbull-Mahoning Senatorial District of Ohio; United States atty. nine years; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Truman Monroe Swetland

Swetland, Truman Monroe; real estate; born, Middlefield, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1848; son of Eli and Sophia McGregory Swetland; educated, public schools; married, Rochester, Nov. 30, 1871, Carrie Raymond Hamilton; issue, four sons; instrumental in organizing a company for the erection of several large office buildings in Cleveland; treas. and gen. mgr. The Park Investment Co.; gen. mgr. The City Investment Co.; 32nd degree Mason; member the Pine Ridge Country Club, Isle of Pines, West Indies; fond of farming; in 1657, the first Swetland, an Englishman, settled in Connecticut; he was master and owner of his own ship, “The James,” … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank S. Taylor

Taylor, Frank S.; attorney; born in the country, near Alliance, O., Dec. 11, 1879; son of Hugh S. and Catherine Taylor; educated, Alliance High School, Mt. Union College, and took legal training at Ohio State University; married, Jamestown, N. Y., April 11, 1909, Mabel C. Todd; June 12, 1904, began the practice of law in Cleveland; member Masonic Lodge, and Knight of Pythias, and The Tippecanoe Club.

Biographical Sketch of William Brownell Sanders

Sanders, William Brownell; lawyer; born, Cleveland, O., Sept., 1854; son of William D. and Cornelia R. (Smith) Sanders; A. B., Illinois College, 1873, A. M., LL. B., Albany Law School, 1875; married Annie E. Otis, of Cleveland, April 30, 1884; Judge Court of Common Pleas, 1888-1890; resigned; member firm Squire, Sanders & Dempsey, Cleveland, since 1890; vice pres. Society for Savings; director Guardian Trust Co., National Commercial Bank, Cleveland Stone Co., Kelly Island Lime Co., etc. Clubs: Union, University, Tavern, Country, Roadside (Cleveland), Mayfield Country, University, and Lawyers’ (New York).

Biographical Sketch of Minot Judson Savage

Savage, Minot Judson; Clergyman; born, Norridgewock, Me., June, 10, 1841; son of Joseph L. and Ann S. (Stinson) Savage; fitted for college, but did not take course, because of poor health; graduate Bangor Theological Seminary, 1864; (D. D., Harvard, 1896); married Ella A. Dodge, of Harvard, Mass., 1864; Congregational home missionary in California, 1864-1867; pastor, Framingham Mass., 1867-1869, Hannibal, Mo., 1869-1873; became Unitarian; pastor Third Unitarian Church, Chicago, 1873-1874, Church of the Unity, Boston, 1874-1896; minister Church of the Messiah, New York, 1896-1906; retired. Author: Christianity, the Science of Manhood, 1873; The Religion of Evolution, 1876; Light on the Cloud, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jasper Holmes Sheadle

Sheadle, Jasper Holmes; Iron ore and lake transportation; born, New Bedford, Pa.; son of Obediah and Sarah Barnheisel Sheadle; educated, public schools and Hiram College; married, New York, Kate Buckingham; Republican; joined his father in banking business, in Girard, O.; two years teller of the Girard Savings Bank; at the age of 22 became asst. cashier Second National Bank, Youngstown, O.; left the banking business, and went to New York City, as supt. of laying of gas mains for Standard Gas-Light Co.; 1888, became sec’y of the Mahoning Valley Iron Manufacturers Ass’n, in 1890, became sec’y’ for The Cleveland Cliffs … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Arthur Bishop Shepherd

Shepherd, Arthur Bishop; electric machinery and building materials; born Troy, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1871; son of William A. and Martha Vail Shepard; educated, St. Paul School, Garden City, L. I.; Columbian University, Washington, D. C.; Massachusetts, Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass.; married, New York City, September, 1900, Gertrude Robins; three children; designing engineer for The General Electric Co., Schnectady, N. Y.; afterwards mgr. of their Cleveland office; with the company fourteen years; one year pres. Toledo; Chicago Interurban R. R.; at present, district mgr. for the following corporations: Wagner Electric Mnfg. Co., Asbestos Protected Metal Co., Colonial Fan & … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hoyt V. Shulters

Shulters, Hoyt V.; sec’y and treas. The East Ohio Gas Co.; born, Chautauqua, N. Y., Dec. 3, 1868; son of Edwin and Martha (Camp) Shulters; educated, public school and business college; married, August, 1890, Mary E. Courtright, of Painesville, O.; business career, office position with the Tiffin Natural Gas Co. for four years; went to Toledo for the Northwestern Ohio Natural Gas Co.; in 1895, became asst. sec’y and treas. until 1902; came to Cleveland, and was elected sec’y and treas. East Ohio Gas Co.; sec’y and treas. Green River Coal Co.; director Connecting Gas Co., and East Ohio Gas … Read more