Biography of William Henry Tester

William Henry Tester was born in Burgess Hill, a town nine miles north of Brighton, County of Sussex, England, on July 4, 1869. He received the common school education as given by the parochial schools under the care of the Church of England. Six years of his life were spent in Weston Super Mare, situated on the Bristol Channel in Somersetshire. As a boy of ten or twelve, reading of the wonderful things of America–her immense mountain ranges, her Great Lakes and wonderful Niagara Falls, and last but not least of that Great American Desert as shown on the maps … Read more

Biography of Charles E. Spooner

Charles E. Spooner. When he started upon his wage-earning career, at the age of fifteen years, Charles E. Spooner began at the bottom of the ladder in the capacity of bundle-boy in a department store. No favors were shown him, for he had no important friends or other favoring influences, but his fidelity, energy and ability won him recognition and promotion and he soon grew beyond the opportunities of his immediate environment, and from that time his advancement has been sure and steady. In 1888 he became connected with the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad, in a minor position and … Read more

Biography of Albert Smith, M. D.

Albert Smith, M. D. It is practically beyond the possible for the conscientious physician and surgeon to arrive at a condition of mind where he is satisfied with his accomplishments, no matter what their degree, for, with an understanding of what great things are coming to the man of science, the numerous avenues yet unopened which will lead to new realms in the cure of the ills of humanity, and a constant yearning to add to his store of personal knowledge, he, of necessity, keeps on striving for perfection as long as life remains. One of the men of the … Read more

Biography of Richard M. Kleinhans

Richard M. Kleinhans is a veteran railroad man, having been in the active service more than twenty years. He started in his native State of Michigan, worked through various grades of promotion with the Lake Shore Branch of the New York Central lines, and finally came to the Southwest in the employ of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas. He is now car accountant for that road with headquarters at Parsons. Born in Detroit, Michigan, September 8, 1877, he is a son of George and Cecelia (Hunt) Kleinhans. His father was born in Pennsylvania in 1813, moved from that state to … Read more

Biography of James Bassett

James Bassett was a pioneer figure in Kansas. He arrived in the territory in 1857 and from that time forward until his death which occurred at Dover in Shawnee County, December 26, 1915, he was an upright, conscientious, hard working and successful citizen. He came to Kansas from Onondaga County, New York. A native of England, he was born in Glastonbury, January 25, 1856, and was one of the nine children of Joseph and Elizabeth (Hale) Bassett. Some years later, in 1849, Joseph Bassett set out for America, determined to establish a home for himself and family in the New … Read more

Biography of George W. Trout, Prof.

Prof. George W. Trout, professor of history at the State Manual Training Normal School at Pittsburg, Kansas, was born in Allen County, Kentucky, September 16, 1863, and is a son of Rev. Paton and Amanda (Black) Trout. He belongs to an old and honored family which originated in Ireland, and came to America during the days of the American Colonies, the first forefather in this country settling in Virginia, from whence the family drifted to various parts of the Union. George Trout, the grandfather of Professor Trout, was born in Sumner County, Tennessee, in 1789, and there spent his entire … Read more

Biography of Charles Hiram Cook

Charles Hiram Cook. Prominent among the men who have long been identified with the oil industry in Kansas as producers and drillers is found Charles Hiram Cook, of Coffeyville. From the time he left school he has followed the oil and gas fields in various parts of the country, and with the great development of the Kansas fields became interested here and has since played a part in the growth and advancement of the industry. Mr. Cook was born at Springboro, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, January 31, 1863, and is a son of Francis Henry and Emily (Fisher) Cook. The Cook … Read more

Biography of William Peterson

William Peterson, during the last years of his life, lived retired with his wife in a comfortable home at Randolph in Riley County. He had a remarkable range of experience. A native of Sweden, he came to the United States a poor man. He had hardly become accustomed to American ways before he entered the army to fight for his adopted land. Three years of gallant and faithful service as a Union soldier are to his credit. Nearly fifty years ago he came out to the new State of Kansas. He was a homesteader and for years a successful farmer … Read more

Biography of Alonzo O. Blair, M. D.

Alonzo O. Blair, M. D. By nearly forty years of practice in Southeastern Kansas Doctor Blair has become widely known as a successful physician and surgeon, and for more than a quarter of a century has been identified professionally and also in a business way with the City of Pittsburg. By ancestry he is of Scotch-Irish stock. His great-great-grandfather came in colonial times from England and settled in South Carolina. Doctor Blair’s grandfather was a native of South Carolina, but was opposed to the institution of slavery and moved from that state to Tennessee and thence to Illinois. He was … Read more

Biography of Dawson W. Cooley

Dawson W. Cooley is president of the Oxford Bank in Sumner County. His home has been in Kansas for upwards of half a century, and while his years have been chiefly employed in the banking business, he has also identified himself with various other enterprises for the good and upbuilding of this state. Mr. Cooley is one of the surviving veterans of the great Union army during the Civil war. He served during the first two years of that struggle in one of the noted regiments of New York State. His enlistment was in Company C of the Ninth New … Read more

Biography of Jason Clarke Swayze

Jason Clarke Swayze. Judged by the standard which must be applied to the men of his time and circumstances, Jason Clarke Swayze had many of the elements of greatness. He guided his life through a period of tense factional struggle, and always kept his rudder true and in the direction which his conscience told him was right and just. Kansas, and the City of Topeka particularly, has a just pride in recalling the record of this man. His home was in Kansas at Topeka from 1873 until his tragic death on the streets of Topeka. He was born in 1830 … Read more

Biography of James McDermott, Hon.

Hon. James McDermott. The career of James McDermott, now a retired resident of the City of Winfield, has been one remarkable in many ways, and his life story contains many interesting chapters. From newsboy on the streets of New York to leading lawyer and member of the Kansas Legislature, his active career led him through many of the most important battles of the Civil war, as well as through the struggles of political life, and through it all he has maintained a reputation for courage, fidelity and absolute fearlessness. Mr. McDermott was born in New York City, New York, June … Read more

Biography of Henry H. Quantic

Henry H. Quantic. One of the well known and highly respected citizens of Riley, Kansas, is Henry H. Quantic, a substantial retired farmer. For thirty-two years he has been a resident of Kansas and during this time has witnessed many wonderful changes, and he has done his part in bringing about many that have been beneficial. He was born in the old Town of Kingsbury, in Somersetshire, England, June 10, 1841. His parents, who lived and died in England, were Job and Hannah (Bonning) Quantic, who had a family of thirteen children, five of whom reached mature years. Henry H. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edwin Gray Tillotson

Tillotson, Edwin Gray; banker; born Painesville, O., April 12, 1867; son of Frank A. and Sarah Gray Tillotson; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, May 1, 1895, Grace Felton Tillotson, who died Oct. 14, 1911; issue, one child; pres. The Tillotson & Wolcott Co., investment bankers; The Guarantee Title & Trust Co.; director The Electric Properties Co., New York City; member Union, Country, Mayfield, and Athletic Clubs, Cleverland, and City Midday, of New York.

Biographical Sketch of Frank Perkins Whitman

Whitman, Frank Perkins; physicist; born, Troy, N. Y., July 29, 1853; son of William Warren and Caroline Keith (Perkins) Whitman; A. B., Brown University, 1874, A. M. 1877 (hon. Sc. D., 1900); studied Johns Hopkins; married Charlotte Webster Wheeler, of Providence, R. I., May 26, 1881; instructor in English and Classical Schools, Providence, 1874-1878; prof. physics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, 1880-1885; Western Reserve University since 1886; Fellow A. A. A. S. (vice pres. 1898); member American Physical Society, Astronomical and Astrophysical Society, America, Illuminating engineering Society. Contributor to scientific journals.

Biographical Sketch of Monroe A. Ullman

Ullman, Monroe A.; business; born, Franklin, Pa., April 5, 1866; son of Morris and Lena Abraham Ullman; educated, 1872 to 1887, Mayflower School and Spencerian Business College; married, Albany, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1892, Florence Fuld; issue, two sons, Howard, born April 5, 1894, and Rufus, born May 30, 1895; vice pres. The Ullman-Emstein Co.; director German-American Savings Bank Co.; after he left school, he started with Ullman-Emstein Co., wholesale liquors; has been with them ever since; was made vice pres. when the firm was incorporated; member Hebrew Relief Ass’n; member Knights of Pythias, Washington Lodge; Cleveland Lodge, No. 16, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Arthur Baldwin Williams, Jr.

Williams, Arthur Baldwin, Jr.; real estate and law; born, Glen Ridge, N. Y., April 11, 1874; son of Arthur B. and Ida L. Harrison Williams; educated, Yale University, A. B., 1898; Cleveland Law School, LL. B., 1912; married, Scranton, Pa., June 5, 1901, Emma M. Hanley; admitted to Ohio bar, June, 1912; sec’y College Dept., International Committee of Y. M. C. A., 1901-1904; sec’y Central Dept., Cleveland Y. M. C. A., 1904-1907; general agt. The Cleveland Humane Society, 1908-1913; special lecturer in sociology, Western Reserve University, 1912-1913; Green, Cadwallader, Long Co., real estate, 1913; member Ohio State Bar Ass’n; life … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Otto A. Wilhelmy

Wilhelmy, Otto A.; florist; born, New York City, May 29, 1889; son of Curt A. and Marie Holoechter Wilhelmy; educated, Cleveland public schools and Prag, Germany, High School; married, Cleveland, June 29, 1911, Emily Witting; 1905-1907, at greenhouses of The Cleveland Cut Flower Co.; 1908-1909, at Long Island private place, gardening and hot house work; 1909-1911, landscape work in the south near Jacksonville and Tampa, Fla.; 1912, landscape work in Cleveland; 1912-1913, florist, decorator and designer.

Biographical Sketch of Worth M. Tippy

Tippy, Worth M.; clergyman; born, Larwill, Ind.; Nov. 8, 1867; son of Oren and Mary Elizabeth Carder Tippy; educated, DePauw University, Ph. B., DePauw University, Hon. D. D., Baldwin University, Hon. D. D., Cornell University, two years graduate work as Sage scholar, 1901-1903; married, Vevay, Ind., May 16, 1895, Zella Birda Ward; issue, Marian Ward, born Nov. 18, 1896; Helen Ward, born Dec. 12, 1898; member of Mayor’s Committee on nomination for Charter Commission, 1913; pastorates, Dryden, N. Y., 1892; LaFayette, Ind., 1893; Oxford, Ind., 1894; Terre Haute, Ind., 1895; Broadway Church, Indianapolis, Ind., 1900; Epworth Memorial, Cleveland, 1905 to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Walter Tyler

Tyler, John Walter; lawyer; born, South Newburg, O., May 4, 1841; son of Cutler and Sarah Fisher Tyler; educated, common and High schools; A. B., Oberlin College, 1867, and A. M., 1870; graduated from the Union Law School, Cleveland; admitted to the bar at Wooster, O., in 1862; married, Castile, N. Y., Dee. 29, 1875, Mary E. Higgins; issue, two sons, Walter J. and Paul W. Tyler, three daughters, Mrs W. K. Hayes, Mrs. Charles J. Johnson, and Marie S. Tyler; member and clerk of Board of County School Examiners, Lake County, 1862-1868; law partnership in Painesville with Franklin Paine, … Read more