Biography of Fred C. Hall, M. D.

Fred C. Hall, M. D. Of the men devoted to the science of healing in Republic County few bring to bear upon their calling larger gifts of scholarship and resource than Dr. Fred C. Hall, of Cuba. Far from selecting his life work in the untried enthusiasm of extreme youth, the choice of this genial practitioner was that of a mature mind, trained to thoughtfulness by years of practical experience as an agriculturist and to a full realization of the possibilities and responsibilities which confronted him. Doctor Hall was born in Madison County, New York, in 1856, and is a … Read more

Biography of Edwin R. Sherwin

This well and favorably known resident of Grangeville came to the territory of Idaho when the, flourishing city of Lewiston was but a collection of tents, and through the thirty-seven, years that have since come and gone he has been an important element in the business life of this section of the commonwealth. He was born in Onondaga County, New York, January 26, 1821, and is of English and German descent. His ancestors were early settlers of New England, and the grandfather. Captain Joshua Sherwin, was a resident of Hartford, Connecticut. He was one of a family of seven sons, … Read more

Biography of James F. Kane

James F. Kane, the leading grocer of Pocatello, Idaho, was born at Joliet, Illinois, April 3, 1858, to Michael and Anna (Smith) Kane, natives of Ireland, who emigrated to Boston, Massachusetts, early in life and there met and married. At Joliet, Illinois, Michael Kane became a prosperous farmer, and for years he was foreman of the Illinois prison quarries. He is now, at the age of sixty-nine, a prominent farmer and stock-raiser of Nuckolls County, Nebraska. His wife died in her fiftieth year, in 1882. As is her husband, she was a devout member of the Catholic Church. They had … Read more

Biography of William H. Stufflebeam

There is not a more popular man in Idaho either as Elk or “landlord” than William Herman Stufflebeam, proprietor of the Blackfoot Hotel, at Blackfoot; there is not a man better liked on purely personal grounds; and there is not a man to whom the citizens of Idaho would more confidently entrust the unraveling of a difficult problem or the settlement of important monetary interests than to Mr. Stufflebeam, who is a business man of careful and comprehensive training. William Herman Stufflebeam was born at Whitehall, Washington county, New York. His paternal great-grandfather and his grandfather fought together in the … Read more

Biography of George H. North

Among the worthy citizens that New York has furnished to the state of Idaho is George H. North, the well known clothing merchant of Pocatello, whose enterprising, progressive methods give character to the business life of the city, and whose reputation in commercial circles is unassailable. He was born in Springwater, Livingston County, of the Empire state, July 14, 1858, a son of C. S. and Elvira Thankful (Wetmore) North, who likewise were natives of the same county. The father successfully carried on farming there until his death, which occurred in the fifty-eighth year of his age, while his wife, … Read more

Biography of Joseph Alexander

There is ever an element of interest in the history of a self-made man, one who starts out in life empty-handed and wrests fortune from an adverse fate. Obstacles and difficulties are encountered, but to the man of resolute purpose these but call for renewed effort and serve as stepping stones to something higher. The life record of Mr. Alexander stands in exemplification of what may be accomplished in this free land of ours, where the man of ambition and determination is unhampered by caste or class. He was born in Adelsheim, in the grand duchy of Baden, Germany, on … Read more

Biography of James O’Neill

James O’Neill came to the northwest from the far-off Atlantic coast: nor have his travels been limited by his journey across the continent, for he spent some time among the mountains in the distant south. He was born in Rondout, New York, May 6, 1861 his parents being Patrick and Hannah (Mullroy) O’Neill, natives of Ireland. Both crossed the Atlantic to the United States in childhood, and were reared, educated and married in the Empire state. The father, who was a tanner by trade, died when our subject was only about five years old leaving the mother to care for … Read more

Biography of Shepard Keene Linscott

Shepard Keene Linscott. The late Shepard Keene Linscott, who was born March 6, 1887, and died December 11, 1905, represented in the best sense the highest type of American manhood. A farm near Chesterville, Maine, was the place of his nativity and he was the only son of Shepard and Esther (Keene) Linscott. The house in which he was born was built by his grandfather, Samuel Linscott, who was a soldier of the Revolutionary war. When but sixteen years of age, Shepard Keene Linscott left the parental roof and became a pioneer farmer of Henry County, Indiana. Realizing the importance … Read more

Biography of John E. Frost, Hon.

Hon. John E. Frost. Many of Kansas’ most eminent citizens have been connected at one time or another with the Santa Fe Railroad Company. It was in the service of the Sants Fe that Hon. John E. Frost came to Topeka, where for thirty years or more his name had been closely identified with the commercial and civic interests of Topeka and the entire state. Topeka had reason to be prond of men of leadership in affairs, and among them probably none, outside of public office, had enjoyed more honors and had made his influence felt for good in more … Read more

Biography of D. Maynard Dibble

D. Maynard Dibble. Steady application to the development of an idea had brought about the material success and business prorninence of D. Maynard Dibble, now well known in business circles in Topeka. He had practically been a resident of this city all of his life, for he was brought here when but nine months old, and from earliest youth had been identified with business affairs. While he is vice president of the Citizens State Bank, the major part of his attention had always been devoted to the grocery and market business, and through initiative, natural resource and an intelligent use … Read more

Biography of William F. Benson, Hon.

Hon. William F. Benson. One of the most responsible offices under the jurisdiction of the State of Kansas is that of state bank commissioner and examiner. One of the best appointments – best because it was based entirely on fitness rather than for purely political reasons–made by former Governor George H. Hodges brought to this office William F. Benson, who had performed its varied and delicate duties for the past two years. Mr. Benson went into office with practical experience that made him almost at once master of all the details entrusted to his charge. Comparatively few understand the responsibilities … Read more

Biography of John R. Tercy

John R. Tercy, present prohate judge of Ellsworth County, possesses in a distinguishing degree that fine balance of qualities and faculties which enables a probate judge to handle the many delicate problems of administration in a manner that means the approximation of justice to them all. Judge Tercy is not so much a lawyer as a man of affairs. He had had a long and active experience and for many years was a prominent minister of the Presbyterian Church both in Kansas and other weetern states. Judge Tercy was born at Indianapolis, Indiana, September 19, 1858, and is of English … Read more

Biography of Henry Chase Bradbury

Henry Chase Bradbury. It is truly a fortunate man who can come to his seventy-third year with a record of so much good accomplished, with many responsibilities discharged and burdens bravely sustained as have been part and parcel of the life and experience of Henry Chase Bradbury, now living at Lincoln. Rev. Mr. Bradbury is the oldest active missionary of the Presbyterian Church in Kansas. For all the more than forty years of work he had done in Kansas Mr. Bradbury enjoys a vigorous old age and only his more intimate friends know that he had passed the three score … Read more

Biography of A. Sidney Chase

A. Sidney Chase. Quite recently, by his own choice, Mr. Chase terminated an official career which had been continuous for twenty-four years in the office of probate judge of Ellsworth County. It was a long and honorable service and when considered in connection with Judge Chase’s well known integrity of character and other successful aceomplishments it stands as a credit to the entire State of Kansas. To a large degree Judge Chase is the architect of his own destiny, but he had that inestimable advantage of good birth and the inheritance that comes from solid and substantial old American stock. … Read more

Biography of James M. Wilson

James M. Wilson has had a long and prominent official career in Ellsworth County, where for twenty years he had continuously filled the office of clerk of the District Court. Mr. Wilson is an old resident of Ellsworth, having come there as a youth thirty-five years ago. He is a lawyer by training and qualifications, though he had found his career in public office rather than in private practice. Mr. Wilson was born at Bath-on-the-Hudson, now Renssalaer, New York, September 12, 1864. His father, James Wilson, was born at Edinburgh, Seotland, in 1824, grew up and learned the trade of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Michael Burns

John Michael Burns has been a business man in Independence since 1905, and by the qualities of push and enterprise which are indicative of his character he had developed what is now the largest bakery establishment of the city. He was born in Oil City, Pennsylvania, December 1, 1878, but spent most of his years in Ohio until coming to Kansas. His father Michael Burns, who now resided at Lima, Ohio, was born in Ireland in 1848, and came to this country when a youth. He first lived in Oil City, Pennsylvania, where he married. By trade he is a … Read more

Biography of Richard Watson Argue

Richard Watson Argue, who died April 24, 1916, was very well and prominently known in the oil industry of the Mid-Continent field, lived at Independence a number of years, and Mrs. Argue, his widow, is still a resident there and had proved her resourcefulness as a business woman in looking after the extensive properties left by Mr. Argue at the time of his death. He was born near Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, March 1, 1845, a son of John Wilson Argue, who was born in County Cavan, Ireland, went to America early in life, and followed farming in Canada. He died … Read more

Biography of Andrew Benson

Andrew Benson has had a long and varied experience in the oil fields of both the East and West, and for a number of years had been established at Independence, from which city as headquarters he had operated extensively in the oil and gas districts of Southern Kansas and Oklahoma. Born March 5, 1864, in Warberg, Sweden, he was six years of age when his parents came to the United States in 1870 and settled in Jamestown, New York. He grew up there on a farm, received a fair amount of schooling, and in 1883, at the age of nineteen, … Read more

Biography of William Hasselmann

William Hasselmann is an expert florist. He learned the business in all its details and all its phases in Germany, and had had experience in some of the greatest flower growing centers in the world. Some years ago he located at Independence, Kansas, and is now proprietor of the leading greenhouses of that city and his business had grown so rapidly that it is constantly demanding more room and greater facillties for the better handling of a custom that now extends far beyond the borders of his home city. His full name is William Dietrich Hasselmann. He was born at … Read more

Biography of Willard Volney Church

Willard Volney Church is one of the older settlers in Marion County. This county had been his home for upwards of forty years, and during that time he had played a varied part as a lawyer, public official and business man. Mr. Church was born at Fort Ann, New York, February 16, 1853, a son of Volney and Harriet (Bush) Church. Mr. Church had the rather rare distinction at this time of being the grandson of a Revolutionary soldier. His grandfather, Willard Church was born at Mansfield, Connecticut, in 1758 and was a very young man when he took up … Read more