Biography of James Baxter

Captain James Baxter, of Boise, is a native of England, his birth having occurred in Norwich. His parents were Frank and Mary (Gunn) Baxter, who came with their family to the United States when the Captain was very young. They resided near New York City for some years, and then removed to Paterson, New Jersey. The father was a horticulturist by occupation and successfully engaged in the cultivation of vegetables and flowers. Soon after his arrival in America he took steps toward becoming naturalized and was recognized as a valued and influential citizen. He served as county commissioner in New … Read more

Biography of Chester P. Coburn

Among the well known and highly respected citizens of northern Idaho who have borne an important part in the development of the state is Chester P. Coburn, of Lewiston, whose name is enrolled among the pioneers who came to this section of the country in 1862. He aided in the organization not only of the state but of the territory, and has ever been a prominent factor in the progress and advancement which have wrought a marvelous transformation here. It is a well attested maxim that the greatness of a state lies not in its machinery of government, nor even … Read more

Biography of Robert Noble

This well known citizen of Reynolds, Owyhee county, is one of the largest sheep-raisers in Idaho and has been largely instrumental in improving the grade of stock raised in the state. His efforts have therefore been of public benefit, for the improvement of stock adds to its market value, and the wealth of the agricultural class is thereby augmented. The rich pasture lands of the northwest provide excellent opportunities to the stock-raiser, and this industry has become a most important one in the commercial interests of Idaho. Mr. Noble, one of its leading representatives, is of English birth, a native … Read more

Biography of Jesse L. Conant, M. D.

The subject of this sketch is a worthy example of the large class of well read, careful and honorable physicians who are dear to their fellow townsmen wherever their lot may be cast. They are near to the people in sickness and trouble and grow very near to them in all relations of life, and become, many of them, the most influential men in their communities. Doctor Jesse Lyman Conant, mayor and prominent physician and druggist of Genesee, Idaho, was born in Birmingham, Essex County, New York, May 31, 1831, and is descended from an old Norman family which went … Read more

Biography of John Hallenbeck

In March 1864, John Hallenbeck became a resident of Silver City, and from that time until his death, throughout the period of pioneer development and latter-day progress, he was prominently identified with its upbuilding and interests. A native of the Empire state, he was born in Albany, October 24, 1830, and was of Holland lineage. His ancestors were among the early settlers of New York and participated in the events which form the colonial and Revolutionary history of that state. The maternal grand-father of our subject was also one of the heroes of the war for independence, and his wife … Read more

Biography of Alexander Stalker

In the days of the early development of south-eastern Idaho Alexander Stalker came to the state, and is therefore numbered among its pioneer settlers, but he has not only witnessed the changes that have since occurred, for in all that has tended to the development, progress and advancement of the section he has ever borne his part, and may therefore well be called one of the founders of his county and town. In later years he has been somewhat prominent in political affairs, and at all times he has been a loyal citizen, deeply interested in everything pertaining to the … Read more

Biography of Moses Alexander

The sturdy German element in our national commonwealth has been one of the most important in furthering the substantial and normal advancement of the country, for this is. an element signally appreciative of practical values and also of the higher intellectuality which transcends all provincial confines. Well may any person take pride in tracing his lineage to such a source Moses Alexander is one of the worthy sons that the Fatherland has furnished to America, and Boise now numbers him among her leading merchants, while in the office of mayor he is capably handling the reins of city government. He … Read more

Biography of Wallace Fairbank

WALLACE FAIRBANK. – The subject of this sketch is one of the substantial and capable men of Union county, and one who showed the metal of which he was made at the time Columbia called for sons to avenge her insult and to put down the minions of rebellion, at which time he responded and did good service until the work was completed and he was honorably discharged, carrying, however, until this day the serious effects of his service and the wounds that he received. Mr. Fairbank was born in St. Lawrence county, New York on July 27, 1848, being … Read more

Biography of John R. Kellogg

JOHN R. KELLOGG. – No compilation that purports to give representation to the leading men of Union county would be complete were there failure to incorporate therein an epitome of the career of the venerable and esteemed gentleman whose name is at the head of this article and who has the distinction of being among the very first dauntless men who made permanent settlement in this favored section, and who is no less distinguished by his faithful labors in all the long years since that have resulted so well in the development and progress of Union county, as well as … Read more

Biography of John Frawley

JOHN FRAWLEY. – It is pleasant to contemplate the faithfulness of the gentleman whose life’s career it is now our privilege to outline in brief review. He has won again and again the encomiums of his fellows in the political field and the substantial appreciation of their approbation in being elected to the responsible position of treasurer of Union county, which position he is holding for the third successive term, having been elected on the Republican ticket. John Frawley was born in Syracuse, New York, on May 29, 1850, being the son of Cornelius and Mary (Halliman) Frawley. He was … Read more

Biography of Alex Furgason

ALEX FURGASON. – One of the earliest pioneers of Union county, and one who has been a real pioneer of the pioneers, the subject of this sketch is eminently worthy to be represented in a work of the character of our volume, since also he has always maintained a bearing of uprightness and manifested principles of truth and probity, and has wrought during all the years of his domicile here for the development of the county’s resources and for the interests of all, while he has prosecuted successfully his private business enterprises. Mr. Furgason was born in Rouse’s Point, New … Read more

Biography of Elverdo Draper

ELVERDO DRAPER. – To the leading and prominent citizen, whose name initiates this paragraph, we are pleased to accord a representation in this volume because he has manifested during the years in which he has been domiciled in Union county ability of a fine order, and because he has materially assisted in the progress of the county and substantially aided in its upbuilding, while he has developed its resources and augmented its wealth by his enterprising endeavors in his private business; and during all this commendable course there has not only been displayed a praiseworthy sagacity and integrity but a … Read more

Biography of Hosmer L. Buell

HOSMER L. BUELL.-The subject of this sketch deserves to be placed in the history of Union county for various reasons. He is a man of ability, which is amply demonstrated in the fine drug business that he manipulates in the city of Elgin, where he does a thriving business. He has passed a life of great activity in various leading industries, being ever at the ehad both because of his energy and because of his fitness for that purpose. When the call came for men, brave and true, to face the cannon of the hosts of rebellion, our subject never … Read more

Biography of Charles L. Blakeslee

CHARLES L. BLAKESLEE. – A man of energy, sagacity, and keen foresight. Mr. Blakeslee is today one of the well-known pioneers, whose labors have opened this vast and fertile region for the settlement of his fellows, and, he has gained distinction not only on account of this work but also through his enterprising endeavors in operations in the industrial world here as well as in the ranks of educators that laid the foundations deep and wide for the advancement of the new found land for the training of those that should follow. In 1827, in New York, Charles L. was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James M. Stanley

James M. Stanley was born in Canandaigua, New York, January 17, 1814; died April 10, 1872. He moved to Michigan in 1835 and became a portrait painter in Detroit; two years later removed to Chicago. About this time he visited the “Indian Country” in the vicinity of Fort Snelling, and there made many sketches. Returned to the eastern cities, where he spent several years, but in 1842 again went west and began his wanderings over the prairies far beyond the Mississippi, reaching Texas and New Mexico. His Buffalo Hunt on the Southwestern Prairies was made in 1845. From 1851 to … Read more

Biography of Thomas E. Sheard

Thomas E. Sheard. There are no business men who, outside the medical and dental professions, come into such close, personal contact with their fellows as do barbers, and often their delicate ministrations are just as comforting and beneficial. A long course of careful training is necessary to bring about deftness of hand and quickness of eye, and when these are accompanied by a genial presence and a personal interest, a barber finds himself popular and prosperous. For thirty-two years Thomas E. Sheard had conducted his barber establishment in the same block on Kansas Avenue, Topeka, and during this time his … Read more

Biography of John Sayre Downes

John Sayre Downes. The City of Topeka is the home of the largest organization of its kind in the United States, the Aetna Building and Loan Association, which maintains about 600 agencies in Kansas and Oklahoma. The growth and development of this institution during the quarter of a century in which it has been in existence is a commentary upon the success to be attained by enterprises in the Sunflower State when their policies are directed by men of substantial ability, strict integrity and business foresight. At the head of the Aetna Building and Loan Association today, in the office … Read more

Biography of Edwin Scotton

Edwin Scotton. Precisely speaking there is no new country and pioneers and pioneer life no longer exist. An absorbing and fascinating condition has passed into history, and its lessons and inspiration live principally in the lives of those who endured the hardships and contributed by various services and diversified gifts to the upbuilding of the present. Shawnee County has as noble a roll call of early settlers as any part of Kansas, and among those inseparably associated with the Fulton County records, none are more deserving of perpetuation in its annals than is the late Edwin Scotton. Mr. Scotton was … Read more

Biography of Peter Heil

Peter Heil, now living retired at Topeka, was born in Jefferson County, New York, December 9, 1840. When sixteen years of age he moved with his father, John Peter Heil, to Buchanan County, Iowa. His mother’s maiden name was Louisa Bueling, and she died when her son Peter was six years old. His parents were natives of Germany, and came to the United States separately as young people, being married in New York State. When in his native state, Peter Heil attended district school for a few months, but after the removal of his people to the West his help … Read more

Biography of Andrey Abraham Potter

Andrey Abraham Potter. Genius knows no race nor land. Watered by opportunity it flowers in any clime and under all conditions. Among the notably efficient men who make up the faculty of the Kansas State Agricultural College, at Manhattan, particular attention may be directed to Prof. Andrey Abraham Potter because of the achievements which already crown his comparatively short life. As dean of the division of engineering and director of the engineering experiment station, of the Kansas State Agricultural College, he qualifies as an expert in his profession, his recognized standing in which has been signally pronounced upon by his … Read more