Biography of Peter Adams

For a third of a century Peter Adams has been a resident of Owyhee county, and has been identified with the important work of taking from the mountain side the rich mineral deposits and securing the valuable metals that they may be used in connection with the commercial activity of the nation. He came to the west from the far-off Empire state, his birth having occurred in Dunkirk, New York, on the 24th of February 1837. The Adams family is of Scotch origin, and the parents of our subject were Peter and Jane (Brodie) Adams, residents of Buffalo, New York. … Read more

Biography of C. A. S. Prosser, M. D.

Dr. C. A. S. Prosser, born in 1864 in Lunenburg, Ontario, was a respected physician in Boise, Idaho. Descended from Loyalist ancestors who settled in Canada during the American Revolution, he pursued medical studies under his brother’s guidance before graduating from Bellevue Hospital Medical College in 1887. After practicing in New York and Iowa, he moved to Boise in 1893 due to health reasons, where he established a successful practice and served as a physician and surgeon at Wesleyan Hospital. He married Clara Raymond in 1889, with whom he had two daughters.

Biography of Charles W. Shaff, M. D.

Holding marked prestige as a member of the medical profession of Idaho is Dr. Charles W. Shaff, of Lewiston, now the honored president of the State Medical Association. In the learned professions advancement depends upon the man, his talents, his skill and his ambition. The physician’s power is especially his own; not by purchase, by gift or by influence can he gain it. He must commence at the very beginning, learn the very rudiments of medicine and surgery, continually add to this knowledge by close study and earnest application, and gain reputation by merit. If he would gain the highest … Read more

Biography of Carlton M. Lounsbury

Carlton M. Lounsbury has played a very effective and successful role in Kansas affairs for over fortyfive years and now, at the age of seventy-one, a young old man, is enjoying comfortable retirement at the city of Lincoln. Mr. Lounsbury is of an English family. It was his grandfather who came from England and first settled in Canada. Carlton M. Lounsbury’s father Rudolphus Lounsbury, was born in Canada in 1797, but when a young man came to the United States and settled in Western New York, in what was known as the “Holland Purchase.” He followed the vocation of agriculture … Read more

Biography of N. T. Van Natta, Hon.

Hon. N. T. Van Natta. Accurately speaking there remains no new locality in our country, and pioneers and pioneer life no longer exist. An engrossing and interesting condition had passed into history, and its lessons and inspiration live principally in the retrospection of those individuals who endured the hardships and contributed by various services and diversified gifts to the upbuilding of the present. Republic County had as noble a roll call of early settlers as any part of Kansas, and among those inseparably connected with the Republic County records none are more deserving of prepetuation in its annals than Hon. … Read more

Biography of Robert Wilson Turner, Hon.

Hon. Robert W. Turner. One of the most distinguished citizens of Kansas, Hon. Robert Wilson Turner had been a prominent practitioner of the Mankato and Jewell county bar for more than a quarter of a century, and during this time, as well as prior thereto, a leading figure in public life. His public service had been of great practical value not alone to his community, but to the state and the country, and while his fearless independence, both of speech and politieal action, had at times brought him into conflict with other state and national leaders, it had decidedly raised … Read more

Biography of Michael T. Hoffman, Rev.

Rev. Michael T. Hoffman is pastor of the Church of the Holy Cross at Emmett. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1908 and practically his entire service had been given in Kansas. He is a devoted and zealous churchman and had done much in a constructive way for the upbuilding of Catholic influence in Kansas. Father Hoffman was born in Alsace-Lorraine, Germany, June 4, 1885, but had lived in the United States since he was five years of age. His father, John Hoffman, was a native of the same border country but then under the Dominion of France, born … Read more

Biography of Ward Salisbury

Ward Salisbury. The Salisbury family have been residents of Hiawatha County for over thirty years, and Mr. Ward Salisbury, who was a child when his father located there, had succeeded the older Salisbury as proprietor of the leading grain elevator and his business as a grain buyer extends all over that section of Kansas. Mr. Ward Salisbury was born in Norway, Herkimer County, New York, February 20, 1877. His lineage goes back for a number of generations in American history. The Salisburys came out of England and were colonists in New York. Mr. Salisbury is a member of the Sous … Read more

Biography of Manasseh Stewart Knox

Manasseh Stewart Knox is one of the oldesb residents of Pottawatomie County. His own recollections of that district cover a period of sixty years, beginning in his early childhood. He knew Pottawatomie County when it was a virtual wilderness and when Kansas was still in the throes of the free stats struggle. Mr. Knox is one of the most substantial land holders and formerly one of the largest farmers in Northern Kansas and is president of the First National Bank of Havensville and had banking interests elsewhere. He was born in Cayuga County, New York, August 21, 1843. His ancestors … Read more

Biography of Michael J. Shields

The life of Michael Joseph Shields affords an illustration of the vicissitudes of business under modern conditions; it emphasizes the importance of doing the right thing at the right time, and it teaches a lesson of patience under difficulties and perseverance against obstacles, a lesson that should not be lost upon all of the many who need it. It is suggestive in another way, too, because it affords an example, in addition to many others that have been given in the past, of the excellent quality of the sturdy Irish-American character. Mr. Shields, who is one of the most enterprising … Read more

Biography of Auren G. Redway

For thirty-six years Auren G. Redway has been a resident of Boise, and for many years was prominently connected with her banking interests, but is now living retired, enjoying that well earned rest which is the fitting reward of an honorable and active business career. He comes from the far-off east and is a representative of a family that was established in America in colonial days. His grandfather, Preserved Redway, served his country throughout the war of the Revolution, was one of General Washington’s bodyguard, and had the honor of being a corporal of the guard at the time of … Read more

Biography of Timothy Regan

Among the pioneers of Idaho is Timothy Regan, of Boise, who came to the territory in 1864, and has since been largely instrumental in developing the rich mineral resources of the state. He is a native of Rochester, New York, born November 14, 1843, and is of Irish extraction. His parents, Morgan and Mary (Burk) Regan, were both natives of the Emerald Isle, whence they emigrated to the state of Maine, in 1831, bringing with them their two infant daughters. At a later date they removed to New York, thence to Chicago and afterward to Wisconsin, where the father secured … Read more

Biography of Norman Simon Hubbell

To the brave pioneers of the early ’60s and ’70s Idaho owes, in a large measure, the prosperity she now enjoys, as a state. Among those hardy souls and courageous hearts who then believed in her future, and by long years of toil and undaunted perseverance assisted nobly in the development of her resources, is the subject of this article; and no one is more worthy of representation in the annals of the state. The ancestors of Norman S. Hubbell were respected American citizens for many generations. He was born near Burdette, in what is now Schuyler County, New York, … Read more

Biography of Robert Grostein

Robert Grostein, one of Idaho’s most successful pioneer merchants, has carried on business in Lewiston since 1862 and through the intervening years has borne an unassailable reputation in trade circles, never making an engagement which he has not kept nor contracting an obligation that he has not met. His sagacity and enterprise and moreover his untiring labor have brought to him a handsome competence, and the most envious could not grudge him his success, so honorably has it been acquired. Mr. Grostein is a native of Poland, born in 1835, and is the eldest in the family of four children … Read more

Biography of James Flanagan

Success comes not to the man who idly waits, but to the faithful toiler whose work is characterized by intelligence and force; it comes only to the man who has the foresight and keenness of mental vision to know when and where and how to exert his energies, and thus it happens that but a small proportion of those who enter the “world’s broad field of battle” come off victors in the struggle for wealth and position. James Flanagan, a worthy pioneer and successful businessman of Boise, is one of the many good citizens that Ireland has furnished the United … Read more

Biography of John Lane

Colonel John Lane, the senior member of the law firm of Lane & McDonald, has long resided on the Pacific coast, but has made his home in Lewiston for only two years. In that time, however, he has gained prestige as one of the ablest members of the bar of this locality, and is therefore a valued addition to the professional circles of the city. A native of the state of Indiana, Colonel Lane was born in Evansville, May 17, 1837. His ancestors were of Irish and French stock and were early settlers of North Carolina, where they founded the … Read more

Biography of John Scales

John Scales, a resident of Wagontown, is a native of the Emerald Isle, his birth having occurred in Kilrush, County Clare, on the 6th of May 1840. At the time of the protectorate in England members of the Scales family, natives of that land, went to Ireland as soldiers of Oliver Cromwell, and for their services were paid in Irish estates, called “sword-lands.” The parents of our subject were Samuel and Rachel Scales, who were distant relatives. They came to America in 1855, bringing with them their family of five children, and took up their residence in the state of … Read more

Biography of Collins Perryman

Among the most prominent and valued residents of his section of the state is Collins Perryman, of Juliaetta, a veteran of the civil war, and a citizen whose labors in behalf of the town of his abode have been most effective in advancing its interests. He was the pioneer hotel man, as a real-estate dealer has handled the greater part of its property, has done more than any other man in the locality to improve the roads through the surrounding country, and has always been watchful of the welfare and progress, doing all in his power to promote the growth … Read more

Biography of Aaron Freidenrich

Aaron Freidenrich, one of the most prominent merchants of Grangeville, and the managing member of the firm of Alexander & Freidenrich, wholesale and retail dealers in general merchandise, is in control of the largest establishment of the kind in the town, and perhaps no town of equal proportion in the entire country can boast of a better or more extensive store. The success of this enterprise is due to him whose name begins this sketch, a most energetic and progressive man, whose sound judgment is supplemented by industry and honorable methods. These qualities have brought to him a most creditable … Read more

Biography of Theron J. Smith

Theron J. Smith, of Idaho Falls, Idaho, has influenced the settlement of more families in the Snake river valley than any two or three other men. He has been a factor in local real-estate transactions, and without doubt has been, in a general way, one of the most efficient promoters of the growth and prosperity of Idaho Falls and the settlement and development of its tributary territory. As immigrant agent of the Oregon Short Line Railroad, he has brought many excursions to this part of the country from Iowa, Nebraska and Illinois, and these excursions have resulted in a marked … Read more