Letter of Administration of John Concklin, Jr. – 1666

“JOHN CONCKLIN, Jr., of Hashamomack, neare Southold, in the East Riding of Yorkshire,” having married Sarah, “late widow of Wm. Salmon, who had then divers young children, of whom he hath had greate care, and been at considerable expense in bringing them up,” Letters of Administration on estate of William Salmon were granted to him in November, 1665, and confirmed March 19, 1666. Whereas, John Concklin, Jr., of Hashamomack, did intermarry with Sarah, widow of Wm. Salmon, late of Southold, with whom he left six children, four of which he had by Katharine his former wife, and the other two … Read more

Letters of Administration for Samuel Andrews – 1667

Upon the request of John Richbell, of Mamaroneck, that he might in behalf of Joanna Davison, widow and executrix of Nicholas Davison, and Richard Russell, of Charles Towne, in Massachusetts, take Letters of Administration of estate formerly of Samuel Andrews, deceased, in Oyster Bay and Horse Neck, upon Long Island; the same was granted November 4, 1667. Whereas, Nicholas Davison, of Charles Town, in Massachusetts, merchant, was made Administrator of estate of Samuel Andrews, merchant, who being indebted to Richard Russell of Charles Towne, a certain sum which was allowed by the Court, held at Cambridge April 30, 1660; and … Read more

Will of Thurston Raynor – 1667

THURSTON RAYNOR, Southampton. “I, Thurston Raynor, being in perfect memory, yet stricken in age, and not knowing how long my dayes shall continue in this world, do make this my last will and testament.” Leaves to son Joseph 28 acres of land “coming to me from the Towne,” upon the last Division, which is already laid out to his own proportion in said Division. To son Jonathan one-half of all housing and lands, when he comes to the age of twenty-one. Leaves to wife, Martha, the use of the other half for life, and then to go to his son … Read more

Will of Henry Pearsall – 1667

HENRY PEARSALL, Hempstead. “This being the last will and testament of Henry Pearsall, Hee being in his right senses, notwithstanding very weake in Body.” Leaves to Joseph Williams “a pair of oxen I bought of Mr. Fordhams,” also some land upon ye north side lying in the New Field. Makes wife sole executor, and mentions “the four youngest of my children.” “I desire at the death of my wife the housing and land should be left to my son Nathaniel.” Dated July 24, 1667. Witnesses, Joseph Sutton, Clerk. Thomas Rushmore, Timothy Halstead. Proved March 1668. LIBER 1-2, page 23 Wee, … Read more

Will of Thomas Stevenson – 1668

Robert Coe and Daniel Denton, of Jamaica, Long Island, are appointed Administrators of the estate of THOMAS STEVENSON, and guardians of his children. July 9, 1668. Ri. Nicolls. LIBER 1-2, page 25 Robert Coe resigns his appointment as Administrator of estate of THOMAS STEVENSON July 9, 1668, and Anthony Waters, of Jamaica, is appointed in his place. August 15, 1668. LIBER 1-2, page 26

Will of Thomas Exton, Capt. – 1668

CAPT. THOMAS EXTON, New York. “Being sick and weak.” Appoints his loving friends Capt. Sylvester Salisbury and Mr. John Rider, Gent, executors. “I leave seven Beavers to buy wine for ye officers and Gentlemen who accompany my Corps to the Grave.” “I leave six choice Beaver skins to be paid to Capt. Thomas Breedon, of Boston, to satisfy a credit. Captain Thomas Delaval gave to Mr. Isaac Bedloe.” To Mr. Matthias Nicolls “my fine new Holland shirts which lye in my Black trunk.” To Abigail, wife of Mr. Matthias Nicolls, “my silver boat, a silver meat fork, and a silver … Read more

Will of Charles Morgan – 1668

CHARLES MORGAN, Gravesend. Makes wife Katharine sole executrix. Leaves to son Charles the lot or Plantations recorded to him in the Towne Books of Gravesend. To my other three sons, Thomas, John, and Daniel, the land and Plantation I now live on, and the barn that was formerly Slynihah Loras. His wife is to have the use of the said premises, “to dwell in soe long as shee shall keepe herself a widow. All this is my mynde and will soe to be.” Mentions daughters Mary, Rachel, and Susannah. Dated “Thirteenth day of 7th month 1668.” Witness Wm. Goulding, Sam’l … Read more

Will of Laurence Turner – 1668

LAURENCE TURNER, of Westchester, died intestate. Letters of Administration granted to wife Martha, in 1668. Children mentioned but not named. LIBER 1-2, page 32

Will of Richard Everett – 1668

RICHARD EVERETT, of Jamaica, died intestate. Abraham Smith appointed administrator, September 4, 1668. Children mentioned but not named.

Isaac Bell, Jr., Family

L203 GILBERT DE CLARE: a Magna Charta Surety; a descendant of KING ALFRED THE GREAT, son of Richard de Clare, a Magna Charta Surety. His descendant, 14 generations removed, was No. L221. L221 LADY CATHERINE AYLMER, a desc. of thirteen (who were of kin to nine of the others) of the twenty-five Barons who were Sureties for the observance of the Magna Charta. Widow of Sir Nicholas Plunket, of Dublin , m. Captain Michael Warren, Warrenstown, County Meath , Ireland (d. 1712). L222 OLIVER WARREN, Lieutenant, R. N., of Warrenstown. L223 NATHANIEL WARREN , of “Neilstown House,” Stillorgan and ” … Read more

New York Branch of Bells

Jonathan Bell, only son of Francis and Rebecca Bell, was one of the leading men of Stamford , being a selectman, representative, lieutenant and captain. He died March 11, 1699 . He married, first, August 22, 1662 , Mercy Crane. Children, all born in Stamford , were: Jonathan, Hannah and Rebecca. Jonathan Bell married, second, October 31, 1672 , Susanna Pierson. Children, all born in Stamford : Abigail, Abraham, Mercy, John, a daughter, James, Susanne and Mary. Jonathan Bell, only son of Jonathan and Mercy (Crane) Bell of Stamford, Conn., was born February 14, 1664 . He married, as his … Read more

History of the Schools at Sherburne New York

The Sherburne Union School was organized in the spring of 1847, by uniting the two districts in the village and the districts north and south of it. The first school meeting was held in April, 1847. The first trustees were Benjamin Skinner, Andrus Benedict and E. S. Lyman. John P. Dietz was chosen clerk and served as such several years. The first teachers were Catharine Tuttle, principal, Abby Hayward, daughter of Dr. Hayward, of Columbus, and Harriet Marks, daughter of Dr. Marks, of Sherburne. J. W. Mandeville succeeded Miss Tuttle as principal after one term and remained a year and … Read more

History of the Churches at Sherburne New York

The Duanesburgh colonists who settled this town arrived on the afternoon of Saturday, in March, 1793, and the second Sabbath following their arrival they met and inaugurated religious services which have been continued to the present time. July 6, 1794, Nathaniel and Bethiah Gray, Elijah and Sarah Gray, Abraham and Betsey Raymond, Timothy and Ruth Hatch, Elisha and Patience Gray, Josiah Lathrop, Eleazer Lathrop, Mabel, wife of Newcomb Raymond, Ruth, wife of Joel Hatch, Melissa, wife of James Raymond, and Ezra Lathrop and Mariam, his wife, were formed into a church by Rev. Mr. Campbell, a missionary, and denominated the … Read more

Village of Sherburne New York

Sherburne is a pleasant little village with broad and handsomely shaded streets, and in some measure supplied with good substantial flag walks. It is situated a little south of the center of the town, east of Chenango River, on the line of the Utica, Chenango & Susquehanna Valley railroad. It is distant about 10 1/2 miles from Norwich and five from Earlville. It contains six churches, (Congregational, Baptist, M. E., Universalist, Catholic and Episcopal) a Union Free School, with academic department, one newspaper office, (The Sherburne News) a National bank, a cotton factory, sash and blind factory, a carriage factory, … Read more

Town Officers of Sherburne New York

The first town meeting was held at the house of Timothy Hatch the first Tuesday in April, 1795. Isaac Foote was chosen moderator, and the following named officers were elected: Orsamus Holmes, Town Clerk; Isaac Foote, Supervisor; John Hibbard, Joseph Simons, Josiah Lathrop, Assessors; Eleazer Lathrop, Constable and Collector; John Guthrie, Constable; Joseph Porter, Samuel Picket, Overseers of the Poor; Joel Northrup, Abner Calkins, James Raymond, Stephen Parker, Joseph Guthrie, Overseers of Highways; Newcomb Raymond, Pound Keeper; John Lathrop, James Guthrie, Timothy Hatch, Commissioners of Highways; Joel Hatch, Ichabod Munger, Fence Viewers. The following list of the officers of the … Read more

Rexford Falls of Sherburne New York

At his death March 27, 1875, Nelson C. Rexford, a son of the pioneer, Benjamin Rexford, devised to the town the falls property on Mad brook, about a mile east of Sherburne village, on the road from Sherburne to Columbus, including some three or four acres extending along the banks of the stream. February 15, 1876, the town accepted the devise and resolved to designate the falls as Rexford Falls. The falls are about seventy-five feet in height. Below them the steep, rocky banks of the stream rise to a height of nearly a hundred feet and form a narrow … Read more

Postmasters of Sherburne New York

The first postmaster was James Elmore, who was appointed in January, 1801, and who was succeeded as early as 1805 by Sylvester Scoville, who was succeeded in 1829 or ’30 by Harry N. Fargo, who held the office till his death April 28, 1836, when Alexander Holmes received the appointment, and was succeeded in 1841 by William C. White, in 1845 by Edmund Shaw, in 1849 by Elisha J. Pratt, who held the office only a few months in that year, and was succeeded in May, 1849, by Elijah S. Lyman, who held the office till 1853, when Edmund Shaw … Read more

Physicians of Sherburne New York

The first physician was D. Lacy, who remained, however, but a short time. Dr. Asa White, a Vermont sufferer, having received a medical education in Vermont, removed from Putney in that State to the town of Bainbridge, where, about 1794, he married Sarah, daughter of Samuel Corbin, also a Vermont sufferer and an early settler in Bainbridge. About 1796, Dr. White removed to Sherburne, where he practiced till his death, Dec. 18, 1819, aged 47. His certificate of practice is signed by Joab Enos and bears date of Jan. 16, 1797, two years previous to which he had been in … Read more

Merchants of Surburne New York

The first merchant in the town was James Elmore. His store stood opposite the cemetery about a mile and a half north of the central part of the village, where J. R. Dennison now lives. He also kept the first inn, built the first frame house, and was the first postmaster, receiving the latter appointment from Postmaster-General Joseph Habersham in January 1801. He died April 19, 1836. Zaccheus W. Elmore was probably the first merchant in the village. His store stood just south of the Medbury House. He traded till within some ten years of his death, Aug. 10, 1865, … Read more