Biography of Rev. P. A. Neville

Rev. P. A. Neville, rector of St. Bridgets Church, East Bloomfield, New York, has been an indefatigable worker in the interests of his religion and the church of which he has charge, and his life is so closely connected with that institution that a history of the one must of necessity be a history of the other. When the Rev. Bernard O’Reilly and his brother William, in turn, visited the village of East Bloomfield in 1846, the Catholics in that section numbered only about forty. Three years later, Father Quigley received permission to visit the section and minister to the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rev. Michael Thomas Madden

Rev. Michael Thomas Madden, pastor of St. Francis Church (Roman Catholic) of Phelps, New York, is a native of Rochester, New York, in which city his grandfather settled in 1818 upon his emigration to this country from Ireland, his birthplace. Father Madden attended the public schools of Rochester, where he obtained a rudimentary education, which was supplemented by a course of study at St. Basil’s College, Toronto, Canada, Niagara University, Niagara Falls, New York, Seton Hall College, South Orange, New Jersey, receiving from the latter named institution the degree of Bachelor of Arts. and two years later that of Master … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Arthur S. Vincent

Arthur S., son of Charles B. and Maria (Bliven) Vincent, was born at Phelps, Ontario county, New York, December 20, 1862. He attended the public schools of Phelps, and the knowledge thus acquired prepared him for the activities of life. For a number of years he was very successfully engaged as a portrait artist, but at the present time is devoting his entire attention to the growing of fruit, having about two thousand fruit trees of different species, and is deriving there from a goodly income. He was elected a member of the village board of trustees, in which capacity … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles B. Vincent

Charles B. Vincent, son of Benjamin Vincent, was born at Phelps, Ontario county, New York. After completing his studies in the common schools of the neighborhood, he served an apprenticeship at the trade of foundryman, and throughout his active career followed that occupation. He was a man of character and integrity, active in all that pertained to the welfare of the community, and won and retained the confidence of all with whom he was brought in contact. He married Maria Bliven. Their children were: Russell. deceased: Emma, deceased: Charles: Arthur S. (see elsewhere) ; Nellie: George, deceased.

Biographical Sketch of George Franklin Smith

George Franklin, second son of Franklin D. and Mary (Wilson) Smith, was born at Manchester, New York, August 4, 1867. He attended the schools in the neighborhood of his home, acquiring a practical education. Being reared on a farm, he naturally chose that line of work for his active career, and has continued to the present time, success crowning his efforts as the result of diligence, perseverance and progressive methods. He is a staunch adherent of the principles of Republicanism, but has never aspired to public office, preferring to devote his entire energy to the cultivation and improvement of his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Franklin D. Smith

Franklin D., son of Asa and Hannah (Poor) Smith, was born in Manchester, New York, September 22, 1829. He received the education afforded by the schools of that clay, after which he devoted his attention to fanning, cultivating his acres in such a manner that they yielded an abundant harvest, thus bringing him in return a comfortable livelihood. He performed the duties entrusted to him in a satisfactory manner. and ranked among the substantial men of that section of the state. He married. February 1, 1865, Mary Wilson, daughter of Peter and Susan dambertson) Wilson, and a descendant of Samuel … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Asa Smith

Asa Smith. grandfather of George Franklin Smith, was born in the vicinity of Mansfield, Vermont. from whence he removed in later life to New York state and there passed the remainder of his days. He performed well his part in all affairs pertaining to the community, and his influence for good was felt and appreciated. He married Hannah Poor, who was born near Haverhill, New Hampshire, and among their children was Franklin D. (see elsewhere).

Biographical Sketch of Edward Baxter Dixon

Edward Baxter Dixon was born in Hall, Ontario county, New York, July 21, 1874. He enjoyed the same educational advantages as his, brother, and his business career has been identical with his with the exception that he engaged in his present line of business in 1895, five years prior to his brother entering. He is connected with the Presbyterian church, and his political affiliation is with the Republican party. For fourteen years he served in the capacity of secretary to ex-Senator Raines. of New York. He is a member of Osceola Lodge, No. 768, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He … Read more

Biography of Dudley Marvin Dixon

Prominent among the highly successful and enterprising business men of Hall. New York, are Dudley Marvin and Edward Baxter Dixon, brothers, sons of Edward and Isabella (Crosier) Dixon, the latter named a daughter of Major Crosier. They belong to that honorable class of men in whom every city takes a peculiar pride, men who by force of character, strength of will and firmness of purpose, joined to natural ability, have come to deserve the distinctive title of self-made. Dudley Marvin Dixon was born in Hall. Ontario county, New York, March 29, 1870. He obtained a practical education in the public … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Henry Sweeney

Charles Henry, son of Thomas Henry and Honora Frances (Donnelly) Sweeney, attended the St. Francis de Sales School at Geneva, New York. At the age of fourteen he began his active career, entering his father’s office, engaged in real estate and general insurance. He is now (1910) the head of the firm of T. H. Sweeney & Sons, the other members being his brothers, William Edward and Stephen Joseph Sweeney, and in addition to a general insurance business, they handle all kinds of real estate and make extensive loans. It is the oldest established real estate agency in eastern Ontario … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Henry Sweeney

Thomas Henry, son of Edward and Julia (Desmond) Sweeney, was born at Sandy Creek, New York, March 28, 1850, died June 14, 1906, He attended the public schools in the neighborhood of his birthplace, and was trustee of the school district at the early age of fourteen years. In 1877 he established a general store at Geneva and was engaged in that line of business until 1885, a period of eight years, when he was elected police justice to fill a vacancy, serving for one year, at the expiration of which time he was reelected for a full term of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward Sweeney

Edward Sweeney, the first of the name of the line here tinder consideration, was extensively engaged in the contracting business. He was reliable, responsible, and of thorough integrity and unquestioned honor. and these qualities were active factors in the success attained by him in his business career. He served in the capacity of justice of the peace for a quarter of a century, discharging his duties with efficiency and promptness. He married Julia Desmond. and among their children was Thomas Henry.

Biography of Myron C. Sutherland

Myron C. Sutherland, whose farm is a model of its size in Seneca, Ontario county, New York, has been connected with agricultural interests all his life, and, by means of extensive traveling, has acquired the best methods in vogue throughout the length and breadth of the country. James Sutherland, his father, was born in Ontario county, New York, in 1815, and died there in 1877. He married Elizabeth Clark, who was born in Ontario county in 1820. Children . Myron C., see elsewhere, George W. and David C. Myron C. Sutherland was born in Seneca, Ontario county, New York, April … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Webster

James, son of John Webster, was born about 1720, in Richmond, Rhode Island. He married Hannah Woodmansee. Children, born at Richmond: Thankful, February 15, 1743: Margaret. December to. 1744; Hannah, June 8, 1747: Stephen, March 17, 1750, settled at Tyringham, Massachusetts. and married Abigail Parks, a native of Voluntown, Connecticut; Zerviah, December 4, 1752: James, September 4, 1755; Jonathan, mentioned elsewhere; Daniel, November 7, 1761 ; Sarah. May 21, 1763; Elizabeth, September 25, 1767.

Biographical Sketch of Jonathan Webster

Jonathan, son of James Webster, was born at Richmond. Rhode Island, April 2, 1758. After the close of the revolution he came to Tyringham, Berkshire county, Massachusetts. He married Mary — . Children, born in Rhode Island. Elias, born August 21, 1781 (recorded at Tyringham) ; Hannah, June 13. 1784 (recorded at Tyringham). Born in Tyringham: James, March 19, 1787: William, February 2, 1790 (twin) ; John, twin of William, mentioned elsewhere; Thomas, June 2, 1792; Jesse, March 11, 1794.

Biographical Sketch of John Webster

John, son of Jonathan Webster. was born at Tyringham. Massachusetts. February 2, 1790. When a young man he located at Franklin, Delaware county, New York, and later removed to Parma. Monroe county. New York. He married Mary Webster. He died in 1852 in Spencerport, Monroe county, New York; his wife Mary died at Victor, New York, in 1866. Children: Freeman, John Riley, Sarah F, Otis A., mentioned elsewhere; James Myron and Milo C.

Biographical Sketch of Otis A. Webster

Otis A., son of John Webster, was born at Franklin, Delaware county, New York, December, 1828, died in Victor, New York, February, 1891. he was educated in the public schools, and followed farming for his occupation. He removed to North Amherst, Ohio, in 1854, and engaged in the manufacture of plows, also conducting a farm in that town. In 1873 he came to Victor, Ontario county, New York, and settled on a farm at the north end of Brace street. where he lived until his death. In politics he was a Republican. He married Cynthia S. Wattles, in North Amherst, … Read more

Biography of Milo Freeman Webster

Milo Freeman, son of Otis A. Webster, was born at North Amherst, Ohio, November 14, 1866. He attended the public schools of Victor. New York, graduated from Canandaigua Academy in 1883 and from the College of Agriculture of Cornell University in 1888. He is a member of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity of that college. Since 1889 he has been engaged in farming and fire insurance at Victor. New York, where he has an excellent farm of seventy-five acres. In 1888-80 assistant to the secretary of the State Agricultural Society at Albany, New York. He is now (1910) secretary of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles F. Milliken

Charles F. Milliken, editor of the Ontario County Times, published at Canandaigua, New York, is the son of the late Nathan J. and Orline O. ( Sutton) Milliken, and comes of honored New England ancestry. He was born in Canandaigua, August 27, 1854, and was educated in the Canandaigua Academy. He married, at Canandaigua, June 18, 1895, Margaret Townley, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Hugh C. Townley: three children: Margaret F., born 1901: Charlotte T., born 1904: Nathan T., born 1906. Mr. Milliken’s life has been devoted to newspaper work, and he is now (1910) the editor and manager of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Israel Skinner

Israel Skinner, grandfather of Dr. Skinner, was a native of Prattsburg, Steuben county, New York. He followed the occupations of farmer, tanner and harness maker, and thus was enabled to earn a comfortable livelihood for his family and a competency for his old age. He married, at Canandaigua, New York. October 6. 1812. Betsy Maria Haves, who bore him the following children : Maria Betsy, Emily. Emily. Holly, Henry Godfrey, Lemira, Edward Hayes, Edgar Beach. Elizabeth E.