Biographical Sketch of William Throope

William Throope, founder of this family, emigrated from England to Barnstable, Massachusetts, in the first half of the seventeenth century, and died in Bristol, Rhode Island, of which he was one of the original settlers, December 4. 1704. He was grand-juryman at Barnstable in 1680, and the same year went to Bristol, being the first of the settlers to travel thither, overland, a team transporting his family in an ox cart. He was surveyor of highways at Bristol in 1683, selectman in 1689, grand-juryman in 1690, and representative of the town in 1691. He married, in Barnstable, May 4, 1666, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Daniel Throope

Daniel. son of William and Mary (Chapman) Throope, was born about 1670. He married (first) at Bristol, Rhode Island, August 23, 1689, Dorcas, daughter of Jacob and Ann (Witt) Barney, and granddaughter of John Witt, of Lynn, Massachusetts, who was born at Salem, Massachusetts, April 22, 1671, died at Bristol, Rhode Island, September 19, 1697. He married (second) at Bristol, January 5, 1698, Deborah Marne. He married (third) between March 23, 1712-13, and June 3, 1713, Deborah, daughter of Samuel and Deborah (Tucker) Church, of Little Compton, Rhode Island, and widow of Samuel Gray, who died March 23, 1712-13, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Daniel Throope

Daniel (2), son of Daniel (1) and Deborah (Church-Gray) Throope, was born in Bristol, Rhode Island, July 31, 1715, died in Lebanon, Connecticut, December 27, 1771. He was quartermaster at Lebanon in 1741, selectman from 1750 to 1766, and captain of the train band in 1751. He and his first wife owned covenant in the Lebanon church, February 18, 1739, and their gravestones are in the oldest cemetery in the town. He married (first) at Bristol, Rhode Island, October 27, 1737, Susanna Cary. who died November 20, 1754, in her thirtyeighth year. The Cart’s of Bristol, Bridgewater and Charlestown came … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Throop

Benjamin Throop, son of Daniel (2) and Susanna (Cary) Throope. was born in Lebanon. Connecticut, October 8. 1754, died at Palmyra (Port Gibson), Wayne county, New York. January 17. 1842. He was named after his maternal grandfather, Deacon Benjamin Cary. He was one of the first settlers of Palmyra, and an account of his life was published in the Shortsville Enterprise in 1903. In 1801, he purchased, for four dollars an acre. five hundred and twelve acres of land from Ichabod Ward and Samuel Dorrance, mortgagees of Phelps and Gorham to whom large tracts of land were deeded in settlement … Read more

Biography of Azel Throop

Azel, son of Benjamin and Rachel (Brown) Throop, was born in Lebanon, Connecticut, January z8, 1792, died in Ontario county, New York. He was educated in the Lebanon school, and at home, and later taught school himself for several winters and was afterwards inspector and superintendent of schools for a number of years. He married. May 20, 1819, Fanny, sister to the Hon. A. L. Van Dusen, of Hillsdale. New York, who was born in 1798. Children. 1. Lucy Ann. born February 19, 1820, died July 21, 1849: married, December 22, 1846, D. D. Sprague. 2. Ruth. born July 18, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Adoniram Judson Throop

Adoniram Judson, son of Azel and Fanny (Van Dusen) Throop, was born in the town of Manchester, Ontario county, New York, November 28. 1844, and is now (1910) living at Port Gibson. in the same county. He was educated in the township public schools and the East Bloomfield Academy, and then began working on a farm. After doing this for several years, he was appointed, February 1, 1871, United States postal clerk, and given the run between Syracuse and New York City. In 1901 he was promoted head postal clerk and has held this position ever since. Since his appointment … Read more

Biography of Charles E. Williams

Charles E. Williams, secretary, treasurer and general manager of the New York Central Iron Works Company, at Geneva. Ontario county, New York, belongs to that class of citizens who. although undemonstrative and unassuming in their natures, nevertheless form the character and mold the society of the communities in which they live. This is the class that develops our great manufacturing interests, spreads our conn merce and replaces the rude hamlets of our forefathers with magnificent business palaces, and they, above all others, build our cities, our steamboats and railways, and they alone deserve the credit of these enterprises. Mr. Williams, … Read more

Biography of Alfred George Lewis

It is a fact, and one which cannot but be regretted by every deepthinking mail, that the majority of historiographers of the present age are in the habit of overlooking, whether by accident or design, the class of citizens who devote their lives to agricultural and commercial enterprises, while they give prominence to lawyers, doctors, statesmen, and others whose paths in life he in the learned professions. This is a grievous oversight, and one that should be rectified at the earliest moment. There is surely no class of citizens more worthy of the respect and esteem of their fellows than … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Henry Fairfax

George Henry Fairfax, born in 1796, in England, was a direct descendant of Sir Thomas Fairfax, the first Lord. He resided in London, England, later came to America, settling first in Canada, and later in Geneva, New York, where he died.

Biographical Sketch of George Henry Fairfax

George Henry (2) Fairfax, youngest son of George Henry (1) Fairfax, was born in London, England. He settled in Geneva, New York. He became a successful merchant in the course of time, having a wall paper store in the old Dunn property at the corner of Castle and Geneva streets. In politics he was a Whig and later a Republican. In religion he was a Methodist. He married Elizabeth Dunn, of Geneva, daughter of Thomas Dunn. Children: Thomas H., Willis T., George S., Charles W., Franklyn.

Biography of Charles Washington Fairfax

Charles Washington Fairfax, son of George Henry (2) Fairfax, was born in Geneva, December 2, 1862. His education was received in the public schools of his native place, graduating from the Geneva Union and Classical School. While in school he worked mornings and evenings in his father’s store, and like many other Geneva boys worked in the nurseries in the spring and autumn. After leaving school he worked as clerk in his father’s store. In 1880 he formed a partnership with his brother, George S. Fairfax, who at that time returned from the west, and the firm took over the … Read more

Biography of Mack S. Smith

Mack S. Smith, of Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York, a citizen whose integrity is widely recognized and whose capacity and executive ability have been shown in positions of public and private trust, is the son of Lindley W. and Caroline E. (Spalding) Smith, the former of whom was a well known resident of Ontario county, New York, who died at Chapinville, March 8, 1878, and the latter died at Canandaigua, New York, March 19, 1887. Mack S. Smith was born in the town of Farmington, Ontario county, New York, August 14, 1854. He was educated in the Canandaigua Academy, and … Read more

Biography of Nodiah E. Hutchens

Nodiah E., eldest child of Charles H. and Alice Mary (Corner) Hutchens, was born in Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York, April 12, 1874. He was a student at Canandaigua Academy, after which he took up the study of law, and was admitted to practice, November, 1896. In March of that year he became the confidential secretary of the Hon. Justice William H. Adams, an office he filled until the death of Mr. Adams. While he was a member of the fourth appellate division of the supreme court, he served as consultation clerk in the same court from the creation of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Wheeler

Benjamin Wheeler, progenitor of the branch of the family now (1910) under consideration, was a native of Massachusetts, his birth occurring February 7. 1764. In early manhood, in 1800, accompanied by his wife and children, he removed to New York state, settling on the farm now (1910) owned by his grandson, Simeon R. Wheeler, in East Bloomfield, Ontario county, and he also erected the first grist mill in South Bloomfield. He was active and public-spirited, served in the revolutionary war, and in all ways performed his part faithfully and conscientiously. He married, July 28, 1782, Celia Buffington, born in Massachusetts, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin D. Wheeler

Benjamin D., son of Benjamin and Celia (Buffington) Wheeler, was born in Massachusetts, April 10, 1789, died September 30, 1818. He removed from his native state to New York state, settling in East Bloomfield, where he was a prominent citizen, advancing the interests of the community in which he resided. He married Deborah Reed, and they were the parents of five children, two sons and three daughters, among whom was Simeon R., see elsewhere.

Biographical Sketch of Simeon R. Wheeler

Simeon R., son of Benjamin D. and Deborah (Reed) Wheeler, was born in East Bloomfield, Ontario county, New York, December 28, 1817, he died in April, 1898. He acquired his education in the Genessee Wesleyan Seminary, and has always been one of the leading agriculturists of the town, being the possessor of two hundred and fifty-three acres of land, which is under a high state of cultivation, yielding good returns for labor expended. He was a Whig in politics until the formation of the Republican party, when he transferred his allegiance to that organization, with which he has since been … Read more

Biography of Hiram L. Brown

Hiram L. Brown, father of Charles W. Brown, late of Shortsville, New York, was one of the original founders of the Empire Drill Company of Shortsville, founded by Calvin P. and Hiram L. Brown, brothers, one of the leading industries of the town. Hiram L. Brown was considered one of the foremost citizens of the village, taking an active interest in all that concerned its welfare and advancement. He married Hester A. Bonker, and among their children was Charles W., see elsewhere. Charles W., son of Hiram L. and Hester A. (Bonker) Brown, was born at Newark, Wayne county, New … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Hutchens

Henry Hutchens, grandfather of Nodiah F. Hutchens, was born in Canandaigua, where he was engaged in farming throughout his life. He was a staunch supporter of the Republican party and a member of the Baptist church. He married Polly U. Livermore. Children: Hiram L., deceased; Floyd, deceased; Nodiah; John; Sarah, deceased; Charles H., see elsewhere; Amanda, died in childhood.

Biographical Sketch of Charles H. Hutchens

Charles H., fifth son and sixth child of Henry and Polly U. divermore) Hutchens, was born in Canandaigua. He was a carriage builder and carpenter, and during the last twelve years of his residence in Canandaigua he was also engaged in the piano business. In 1905 he removed to Bradford, Pennsylvania, and one year later to Olean, New York, where he associated himself in business with his son, Henry W., under the firm name of C. H. Hutchens & Son. He affiliates with the Republican party and for years served as town committeeman. He is a member of the Baptist … Read more

Biography of Sir Thomas Fairfax

Sir Thomas (2) Fairfax, son of Sir Ferdinando Fairfax, was the third Lord Fairfax. He married Ann Vere, daughter of Lord Vere, and died in 1671 without male issue. He was succeeded by Henry Fairfax, of Oglethorpe, who married Frances Barwick, of Tolston, Yorkshire. He was the son of Henry Fairfax, the second son of Sir Thomas (1). and he left children : 1. Thomas, fifth Lord Fairfax, whose eldest son Thomas, sixth Lord Fairfax, died in Virginia without issue in 1781 ; whose second son Henry, fifth Lord Fairfax, died without issue in 1734; whose third son Robert, seventh … Read more