Biography of William Arthur Judd

William Arthur, only son of Calvin L. and Mary N. (White) Judd, was born in Geneva, New York, October 12, 1858. His education was acquired in the public schools of his native city, and he came with his parents to Clifton Springs in 1866. For two years he was engaged in the drug business in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and upon his return to Clifton Springs established himself in the same line of business in association with E. W. Briggs, the firm name being Briggs & Judd. After a time he purchased the interest of his partner and continued the business alone … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Rowley

John (2), son of Ensign John (1) Rowley, was born at Colchester, July 7, 1727. He married, September 4, 1752, Rebecca Brainerd, of Middle Haddam parish, widow of James Brainerd, and daughter of Jacob and Rebecca Hurd. He was living in Colchester in 1763 and in Richmond. Berkshire county, Massachusetts, in 1772. He was a soldier in the revolution in the company of Captain Aaron Rowley, a relative, Colonel David Rosseter’s regiment of Berkshire county, and was at Bennington in 1797; also in Captain Rathbun’s company, Colonel John Brown’s regiment, in 1777, and in Captain Enoch Noble’s company, Colonel Ezra … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jirah Rowley

Jirah, son of John (2) Rowley, was born at Richmond, Massachusetts, June 15, 1753. He was also a soldier in the revolution, a private in Captain Joseph Bacon’s company in 1782 and in Captain Amos Rathbun’s company with his father John, in 1777, under Major Caleb Hyde. He came with his father to Ontario county and in later years used to drill the militia there. He died December 23, 1835, at Victor, New York.

Biographical Sketch of Andrew Rowley

Andrew, son of Jirah Rowley, was born in Victor, Ontario county, New York, August 27, 1800, died there November 12, 1877. He was a carpenter by trade and a builder and contractor as well as farmer by occupation. He took several contracts in the construction of the Erie canal and built several miles of the Auburn branch of the New York Central & Hudson River railroad. He had the contracts for building many of the houses and large buildings in Victor and vicinity. He married Sarah Bigelow, of Waterloo, born September 2, 1803, died November 1, 185,9. Children: Franklin, mentioned … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Franklin Rowley

Franklin, son of Andrew Rowley, was born in Victor, October 14, 1822, died December 24, 1899. He had a common school education, and has always followed the life of a farmer except for short periods. In 1852 and again in 1855 he made trips to Pike’s Peak to engage in mining and was successful in both his ventures. For a time he owned a ferry across the Platte river and carried freight as well as passengers. He was a Methodist in religion and a Republican in politics. He married, December 23, 1858, Jeanette Wilder, born January 15, 1830, died December … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Charles Andrew Rowley

Dr. Charles Andrew Rowley, son of Franklin Rowley, was born in Victor. January 13. 1863. He attended the public schools and the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary at Lima, New York. He entered the Cleveland Medical College in Ohio, and was graduated in due course, March 10, 1888. Since then he has practiced at Victor and has been very successful, especially in the diseases of women and children, of which he has made a specialty, and in surgery. His practice is extensive a, d his calls are numerous at a distance from his home, as well as in Victor. His office practice … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rev. John Raines

Rev. John Raines, the first member of the family to make his home in this country, emigrated to America in 1817, with his fortunes badly shattered by the Napoleonic wars, and for some years resided in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. About the year 1830 he settled with his family on a farm near Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York. He was a Methodist minister.

Biographical Sketch of Rev. John Raines

Rev. John, son of Rev. John Raines, was also a prominent clergyman in the Methodist denomination, holding important charges in the western part of New York state. He married Mary, a daughter of Colonel Thaddeus Remington, of Canandaigua. Children: 1. John, see elsewhere. 2. Thomas, who served as state treasurer, 1871-74, and is now (1910) a resident of the city of Rochester. 3. George, represented the Monroe district in the state senate, 1878-79, gained a widespread reputation as a criminal lawyer, and died in Rochester, November, 1908. 4. William G., was a prominent lawyer in Washington, District of Columbia, and … Read more

Biography of J. W. Towner

J. W. Towner the subject of this sketch, now Judge of the Superior Court of Orange County, is a native of Essex County, New York, born in 1823, in the town of Willsboro. When he was fifteen years old his father moved to St. Lawrence County, same State. His education was only that of the common school except one term, in 1841, at the Malone Academy, Franklin County. In 1844, he and an older brother went to Cleveland, Ohio, where he remained until 1854, when he went to West Union, Fayette County, Iowa, remaining there until August, 1861, when he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Hough

George Hough a prominent citizen of Garden Grove, Orange County, was born February 5, 1815, in Lewis County, New York. His parents were Burage and Mary (Alexander) Hough, natives respectively of Connecticut and New York. The father removed with his family to De Kalb County, Illinois, in 1837, and died there, at the age of sixty-five years. Mr. George Hough, our subject, was the second in a family of twelve children. He returned to New York State in 1838, and was there married, in Lewis County, to Miss Hester A., daughter of David and Polly (Puffer) Tiffany. In 1842 Mr. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Sawyer

Thomas (3), son of Joseph Sawyer, was born in Lancaster, 1710, died at Bolton where he settled when a young man, March 31, 1797, aged eighty-seven. The date of his death was found on his gravestone. He built a mill on Jackson pond in Winchendon in 1765, and one in Otto river for his son Thomas in 1762-63. He also built mills in Baldwinsville in T767-68. He deeded land in Templeton to his son Abner. September 3. 1763, lots 5. 6. 36, 50, and others. He deeded land to his son Hooker, July 7, 1766. He married Elizabeth –, who … Read more

Biography of Thomas Sawyer

Thomas (4), son of Thomas (3) Sawyer, was born in Bolton, February 6, 1739-40. He followed the trade of his father, that of a millwright, and settled in Templeton soon after his marriage. He removed from there to Winchendon in 1771, where he was a constable in 1772-74. He served in the revolutionary war, the first service being at the Lexington alarm. April 19, 1775, when he appeared as sergeant on the roll of Captain Abel Wilder’s company, Colonel Ephraim Doolittle’s regiment. They marched from Winchendon to Cambridge, April 20, 1775, and served sixteen days. He was a private on … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Sawyer

Joseph (2), son of Captain Thomas (4) Sawyer, was born on “Saber-day,” March 30, 1777, at Winchendon. He married (first) Desire Root in 1802. She died in 1807. He married (second) December 25, 1807, Anna Coats. Children by first wife: Henry, born April 25, 1803; Thusebe, April 25. 1805. Children by second wife : Desire, October 23, 1809; Abelina. December 15. 1811; Joseph Norris. April 4, 1814, mentioned elsewhere; Eliza A., October 19, 1816; Lorenzo Wesley, June 29, 1819; James Paddock, April 7, 1821, died June 26, 1822; James Mosely, June 16. 1823: Louisa M.. August 21, 1825; Schuyler Seager, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Norris Sawyer

Joseph Norris, son of Joseph (2) Sawyer. was born at Manchester. New York, April 4, 1814, died at Farmington. New York, March 16, 1883. He was educated in the public schools of Manchester and followed farming. He had a place of two hundred acres in Farmington and added largely to it during his life. He was a Methodist in religion. a Republican in politics. He married, October 26, 1843, Caroline Johnston, born 1822, in Dutchess county, died April 1, 1908. Children: 1. Caroline Elizabeth. born June 17, 1844, married, June 23. 1866, J. Jordan Snook, and had Agnes R., born … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Howard Sawyer

Henry Howard, son of Joseph Norris Sawyer, was born at Farmington, New York; March 31, 1853. He attended the district school and the Palmyra high school. During his boyhood he worked on his father’s farm and afterward cultivated a farm of one hundred and forty-three acres of his own. Afterward he moved to the Rushmore farm consisting of one hundred and forty-five acres, owned by his wife’s father. From 1876 to 1903 he lived at Farmington and since then has lived at Victor, where he has charge of two large farms. In politics he is a Republican and he is … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Robson

John Robson, grandfather of Edward B. Robson, owned a farm at Seneca, Ontario county, New York, with the cultivation of which the was occupied during the active years of his life.

Biographical Sketch of William N. Robson

William N., son of John Robson, was born in the town of Seneca. New York, in 1822, on the homestead farm. This later passed into his possession and he was engaged in its cultivation until his death. He married Katherine J. Smith, who is still (1910) living on the old homestead.

Biography of Edward B. Robson

Edward B., son of William N. and Katherine J. (Smith) Robson, was born in the town of Seneca, Ontario county, New York, November 19, 1867. He received the advantages of an excellent business and classical education. At first he was a pupil in the district school. then at the Canandaigua Academy and the Geneva High School, and finally received his business training at Eastman’s Business College, from which institution he was graduated in 1891. During his early years, while he was still a student, his spare time was employed in assisting his father in the cultivation of the homestead farm, … Read more

Biography of Dr. John D. Cooke

Dr. John D. Cooke, a well known medical practitioner of Shortsville, Ontario county, New York. although a native of Canada, traces his descent to an American family, many generations of which lived at Hadley, Massachusetts, where they were among the early settlers, and bravely bore their share of the hardships and trials with which the early colonists were obliged to contend. Dr. Cooke has inherited many of the admirable traits which characterized these early hardy settlers, and he has followed his career with the sturdy determination to achieve the success which distinguished his forbears in their efforts to establish, in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Smith Ellis

Smith Ellis, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born in the Mohawk Valley, New York, and removed to the town of Gainesville, Wyoming county. New York, early in the nineteenth century. He was one of the early settlers in that town and, some years later, removed to Pike in the same county. He was an active participant in the war of 1812 and saw service at Sacketts Harbor. He married Christine Helmer, who was also a native of Mohawk Valley.