Biography of Hon. Rufus Mallory

HON. RUFUS MALLORY. – Mr. Rufus Mallory, one of the most prominent members of the legal fraternity in the State of Oregon, is of New England stock, his parents having been born and raised in Connecticut. Our subject himself was born on the 10th of June, 1831, at Coventry, Chenango county, New York, from where he moved with his parents in the fall of that year to Alleghany county, and six years later to Steuben county in the same state. In the latter place he resided until 1855, when he went to New London, Iowa, where he remained until 1858. … Read more

Biography of Hon. F. M. Benefiel

Hon. F. M. Benefiel. The State of Kansas can justly lay claim to many advantages, among these being a general citizenship that is enlightened and discriminating. It knows well how to choose its representative men, those to whom it entrusts its public responsibilities. Occasionally a mistake may be made but when public favor is shown to the same individual year after year and under many changing political conditions, it is made plain that merit and not mere popularity is at the root of such action. Among the favorite sons of Montgomery County is F. M. Benefiel, at present city collector … Read more

Biography of R. W. Cates

R. W. Cates is a director and assistant cashier in the First National Bank of Independence. By profession he is a lawyer and practiced for a number of years with his father, Joseph B. F. Cates, who is one of the oldest members of the legal profession in Kansas. Joseph B. F. Cates, who is now general attorney for the Prairie Pipe Line Company, with residence at Independence, was born in Grainger County, Tennessee, April 19, 1840. His parents were Charles and Elizabeth (Lloyd) Cates. Charles Cates was a native of North Carolina, where he was reared and educated, and … Read more

Biography of Prof. Robert Allyn Reed

Prof. Robert Allyn Reed. It is not given to every individual to find a business career that is entirely congenial. The musical genius too frequently finds that circumstances produce for him an environment in the necessary pursuits of every day life that is not satisfying and that bars him from progress and happiness. Happily, however, this has not been the experience of Prof. Robert Allyn Reed, of Coffeyville, who has achieved great success through a broad and comprehensive training and the possession of exceptional inherent talent, and who, as proprietor of the New York School of Music, occupies a very … Read more

Biographical Sketch of C. M. Mallory

C.M. MALLORY. – Mr. Mallory, a leading merchant of Heppner, Oregon, is recognized as also a representative man of his section. He was born October 18, 1851, in Steuben county, New York, receiving in his native district a substantial, practical education. In 1868 he acted upon an enterprising impulse, and sought the newest side of the new world, coming via the Isthmus to Oregon, and selecting first a location near Salem. In 1870 he sought a still newer and fresher field in the Inland Empire, laying a claim near the present site of Heppner. While waiting for a city to … Read more

Biography of A. B. Rabbeson

A.B. RABBESON. – Mr. Rabbeson, who observes that “he was born of rich but honest parents” at New York in 1824, was devoted from his youth to the most interesting and desperate adventures. Nevertheless, he was always delivered from his perils just at the right time, and lives to-day in hale age at Olympia. His boyish adventures began not many years after the death of his father in 1833. His step-father he did not like, and consequently left home. We find him out in Canada, soon at New York City with his grandparents and attending school, but within a few … Read more

Biography of Romeyn W. Brace

(VI) Romeyn W., son of Thomas Beach Brace, was born in Victor at the old homestead on Brace street, two miles south of the village, November 30, 1846. He was educated in the public schools of his native town, and as a boy and young man worked on his father’s farms, consisting of eighty and sixty-six acres respectively. In 1875 his father and he engaged in the hardware, stove and machinery business in the village of Victor and continued for two years, under the firm name of T. B. Brace & Son. In 1877 the hardware store was sold, but … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Hathaway

Nicholas Hathaway, the immigrant ancestor, came to this country in 1639. He settled in Braintree, where he had a grant of land February 24. 1639-40, and the records show that he had a wife and two children at that time. (II) John Hathaway, son of Nicholas, born in 1617, came to this country at the age of eighteen, in the ship “Blessing,” sailing in July, 1635. He was before the general court in July, 1637. He settled in Barnstable, Plymouth county, and was living in Taunton in 1649. He was reported able to bear arms in the list dated 1643. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Hathaway

(III) John (2), son of John (1) Hathaway, was born at Taunton or Barnstable, August 16, 1658; married Hannah Burt, daughter of James. He settled in Freetown, and inherited the homestead, where he died in 1730. Children: John; Jacob, mentioned elsewhere; Isaac; Ephraim; Thomas; Hannah; Sarah; Abigail; Martha and Experience.

Biographical Sketch of Perez Hathaway

(VII) Perez, son of Isaac (2) Hathaway, was born on the old homestead in Farmington, New York, July 12, 1805. He was educated in the district schools and followed farming all his active years. He died January 25, 1854. In politics he was a Whig and in religion a Presbyterian. He married, March 7, 1827, Hannah Lapham, born February 20, 1799, died 1884. Children : Elizabeth C., born July 14, 1829. died 1831; Joseph P., mentioned elsewhere; Ann Maria Victoria, married George Collins (see Collins) ; Rebecca J., born August 13, 1843, died 1873.

Biographical Sketch of Joseph P. Hathaway

(VIII) Joseph P., son of Perez Hathaway, was born at Farmington, New York, August 31, 1833, and died June 14, 1897. He was educated in the public schools and at the Canandaigua Academy. He also followed farming and raised high-grade cattle and sheep. In politics he was a Republican, and for a number of years was a justice of the peace of the town. He was a member of the Hicksite church. He married, February 20, 1860, Ellen A. Bristol, born in 1835, died June 12, 1874, second daughter of Arnold A. and Maria (Aldrich) Bristol, of Macedon, Wayne county. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Arnold Bristol Hathaway

(IX) Arnold Bristol, son of Joseph P. Hathaway, was born at Farmington, October 4, 1866. He attended the district schools and Canandaigua Academy. He worked on the homestead in youth with his father. Since 1890, when his father died, he has conducted a farm of ninety acres at Farmington. In 1906 he added to his holdings by the purchase of ninety acres, and in 1910 he bought sixty-eight acres more. He raises high-grade cattle and deals in fancy stock in Buffalo and elsewhere. He has made the raising of Oxford Down sheep a specialty and scored a success in this … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Richmond

(I) John Richmond, the immigrant, said to have been bore in Wiltshire, at Ashton, Keynes, where the old Richmond manor house is still standing, was baptized there in 1597. He came to America about 1635, and was one of the purchasers of Taunton, Massachusetts, in 1637. George Richmond, possibly a cousin, was engaged in business in Saco, Maine, in 1635 and John may have been there also before coming to Taunton. John is mentioned in court records March 7, 1636, showing that at that time he was engaged in trade, and it is thought he may have returned to England. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Captain Edward Richmond

(II) Captain Edward Richmond, son of John Richmond, was born about 1632. He married (first) Abigail, daughter of James Davis, and (second) Amy, daughter of Governor Henry and Elizabeth Bull. He died in November, 1696. He had a share in Westerly, Rhode Island, 1661. He was general solicitor in 1667-69-70-72; was lieutenant in 1676, and he and his men captured seven Indians in King Philip’s war; clerk of a court martial that condemned to death some Indians; was one of the grantees of East Greenwich in 1677; attorney-general 1677-78-79-80; deputy 1678-79; selectman, 1683-85-89-90; captain in 1690. He was a member … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Beach Brace

(V) Thomas Beach, son of Major Williams Brace, was born in Victor, January 17, 1812. He followed farming and had charge of three farms left to him and his brother Williams, jointly, and lived on the homestead until 1895, when he came to the village of Victor to engage in business with his son, Romeyn W. Brace, in a hardware store. From 1897 to 1887, when he retired from active life, he was in the hardware and machinery business. He was a Whig in politics, but afterward joined the American party and voted for Bell in 1860. For a period … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Colonel Silvester Richmond

(III) Colonel Silvester Richmond, son of Captain Edward Richmond, was born at Little Compton, formerly Dartmouth, Massachusetts, now (1910) Rhode Island, in 1672. He married, in 1693, Elizabeth, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Pabodie or Peabody) Rogers, granddaughter of John Rogers, of Duxbury, Massachusetts, great-granddaughter of John and Priscilla (Molines or Mullins) Alden, who came in the “Mayflower.” She was born in 1672, and died October 23, 1724. He married (second), February 18, 1728, Deborah, widow of Thomas Loring, and daughter of John and Sarah (Hawks) Cushing. She was born in September, 1674. He died November 20, 17$4, and his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Judge William Richmond

(IV) Judge William Richmond, son of Colonel Silvester Richmond, was born in Little Compton, October 10, 1694; married, July 8, 1720, Anna Gray, born January 29, 1702, died at Bristol, Rhode Island, October 9, 1762. He died February 22, 1770. She was a daughter of Thomas and Anna Gray. He was one of the assistants of the governor, 1753-55; judge; town clerk, 1731. Children, born at Little Compton: Barzillai, April 13, 1721; Ephraim, May 5, 1723; Elizabeth, February 26, 1725; William, August 20, 1727; Perez, mentioned elsewhere; Ichabod, October 18, 1731; Thomas, December 13, 1733; Mary, December 26, 1735; Sarah, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Judge Perez Richmond

(V) Judge Perez Richmond, son of judge William Richmond, was born at Little Compton, October 13, 1728-29, and died November 23, 1800-01. He married, February 3, 1754, Mercy Church, born September 18, 1734, died October 24, 1813, daughter of Thomas and Edith (Woodman) Church. He was appointed to enlist minutemen in Little Compton, June, 1775. He held various town offices, and was a leading and influential citizen; auditor of town accounts; moderator of town meetings six years; judge of probate court, and president of the town council. He was a mild old gentleman, fond of children and popular. He lived … Read more

Biography of Martin Smith

Martin Smith, son of Asa Smith, was born in Ormstown, Canada, March 23, ,808, and came with his parents when he was a small boy to Manchester, Ontario county, New York. He was the eldest of fourteen children, of whom Edmund, Frederick, Rufus and Elvira, of Manchester, and Franklin D. Smith, of Phelps, are living. Martin Smith was a farmer at Manchester. He married Welthea Wells, born at Penfield, Monroe county, New York, July 15, 18,0, and came with her parents to Manchester when she was about four years old. Her sister Jane married Jonathan Fisk; and Delia married Alanson … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Carl D. Smith

Carl D. Smith, although still a young man, has been prominently identified with the establishment of a number of newspapers in the state of New York. He was born in Chateaugay, Franklin county, New York, June 19, 1876, and was educated at the Franklin Academy, Malone, New York. While employed in the office of the Malone Farmer, in 1892, he took up the trade of printing and was thus engaged for a period of three years. He then organized the Adirondack Enterprise, at Saranac Lake, this paper being one of the pioneers in this field of publication in that section … Read more