Biographical Sketch of William Carpenter

(IX) William (3), son of William (2) Carpenter, was born in England in 1576. He was a carpenter by trade, and lived in London. He came to America in 1638, in the ship “Bevis,” with his son William, son’s wife Abigail and their children. He returned to England on the return voyage. It appears that all the family were Dissenters, and obliged to leave London. Child, William, mentioned elsewhere.

Biographical Sketch of William Carpenter

(X) William (4), son of William (3) Carpenter, was born 1605, in England, and came to America in 1638, in the ship “Bevis” with his family. He settled first at Weymouth, Massachusetts, where he was admitted a freeman, May 13, 1640. He was representative of the town in 1641-43; constable in 1641. March 28, 1645, he was admitted as an inhabitant of Rehoboth, Massachusetts, and June of the same year, he was made freeman. From 1643 to 1649 he served as proprietors’ and town clerk. The original division of lands in Rehoboth took place, June 30, 1644, and in that … Read more

Biography of Rev. Gustavus Hines

REV. GUSTAVUS HINES. – Gustavus Hines was born in Herkimer county, New York, in 1809. On his mother’s side he was descended from the Carvets and Wilkensons of the old Massachusetts colony, and on his father’s from the Hopkinns of Rhode Island, all names of the highest respectability and even celebrity in the early history of New England. Governor Carvet of Massachusetts colony, and Stephen Hopkinns, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, were of the same families. he grew to his majority in the county of his birth, and in 1832 removed to Cattaraugus county, in the … Read more

Biography of Alanson Hinman

ALANSON HINMAN. – The career of this well-known pioneer, whose portrait appears herein, has been unique and interesting; and in one respect, at least, he occupies at the present time a peculiar place among the early settlers of our country. That is, he is almost the only man yet living, of the earliest pioneers, who still remains in the full vigor of mind and body. There are, indeed, a few yet living whose immigration dates further back than Mr. Hinman’s; but they are almost all now in extreme old age. He, on the other hand, though he has now been … Read more

Biography of William M. Rounds

William M. Rounds. Among the men who have won places of responsibility in the gas and oil business in Kansas, one of the best known is William M. Rounds, district superintendent for this part of Kansas and local manager at Caney of the Prairie Pipe Line Company. From the time of his graduation from high school, twenty-three years ago, Mr. Rounds has been identified with his present line of business, and few men are better informed in its various branches. He has been a resident of Caney since 1915 and has already established himself in the confidence of the people … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Andrus

(I) John Andrus, immigrant ancestor, came from Essex county, England, and settled at Tunxis, later named Farmington, Connecticut, in 1640. A complete history of the family will be found in “Andrews Memorial,” compiled by Alfred Andrews, of New Britain, Connecticut, and published by A. H. Andrews & Company, of Chicago, Illinois, in 1872. John Andrus married Mary.

Biographical Sketch of Rev. Timothy Collins

(IV) Rev. Timothy Collins, son of John (3) Collins, was born in Guilford, April 13, 1699, died at Litchfield, Connecticut, in 1776. He graduated from Yale College in 1718. He became minister of the town of Litchfield and owner of one-sixtieth of the town rights. He probably was called through the influence of Deacon John Buell, who came from Lebanon. He was ordained June, 1723, and dismissed in 1752, after which he practiced medicine in Litchfield the remainder of his life. He studied medicine during the ministry. He was chosen justice of the peace in 1753. He married Elizabeth Hyde, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Cyprian Collins

(V) Cyprian, son of Rev. Timothy Collins, was born at Litchfield, March 4, 1733. In July, 1759, his father deeded to him fifty acres of land that he bought, March 4, 1745, on the west side of East street. Cyprian built his house on a lot of four acres on the west side of East street, bought of Benoni Hills. The house was begun by Hills, occupied later by Cypriot’s son Timothy and with some additions, is still standing, and at last accounts was owned and occupied by Franklin Burton, and was the oldest in the town, still in use … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Cyprian Collins

(VI) Cyprian (2), son of Cyprian (1) Collins, was born at Litchfield, Connecticut, November 8, 1770. He was an early settler in Bloomfield, Ontario county, New York, and died there. He was a farmer and contractor in the building of the Erie canal. He married, May 7, 1795, Huldah Norton.

Biographical Sketch of Guy Collins

(VII) Guy, son of Cyprian (2) Collins, was born in Bloomfield, in 1804. He was a prominent citizen in East Bloomfield, owning a farm of two hundred and twenty-five acres, and was for many years an extensive dealer in cattle and in wool. He was also an auctioneer. In politics he was a Whig and in later years a Democrat, and for two years was supervisor of the town and for several years an assessor. He spent his last days in the home of his son, and died at East Bloomfield at an advanced age, August 3, 1894. He married, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Collins

George, son of Guy Collins, was born at East Bloomfield, June 20. 1833. He attended the district schools and the academy at Bloomfield. He devoted his attention chiefly to farming. but was also an auctioneer. and traveling salesman for the Walter A. Wood Company of Hoosick Falls, and in 1862-63-64 was in England for the purpose of introducing and selling the agricultural machinery of this concern. In politics he was a Democrat and he served two terms as supervisor of the town of Farmington and for several years was postmaster. He was a member of Victor Lodge, No. 29, Free … Read more

Biograhical Sketch of Thaddeus Collins

(I) Thaddeus, grandfather of Louis D. Collins, served during the revolutionary war, entering the army at the age of sixteen years and enlisting a number of times. He also served during the war of 1812. He went to Ontario county, New York, in 1998, took tip a tract of land and engaged in farming.

Biographical Sketch of Chauncey Brooks Collins

(II) Chauncey Brooks, son of Thaddeus Collins, was born in Phelps, Ontario county, New York, 1809, and was a farmer. He was a member of the New York State Militia in 1831, and served as quartermaster of the regiment commissioned by Enos T. Throop, John A. Dix adjutant general.

Biographical Sketch of Louis D. Collins

(III) Louis D., son of Chauncey Brooks Collins, was born in Rose Valley, Wayne county, New York, 1852. His education was acquired at the high school. He established himself in the wholesale drug business in the city of New York, continuing this for seventeen years, and then removed to Ontario county, New York, and for a time lived retired from business responsibilities. In 1897 he took charge of the New York Central Iron Works in Geneva, and ten years later erected an entirely new plant for the manufacture of steam boilers and hot water tanks. This war, incorporated under the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Lauder

(I) James Lauder, immigrant ancestor in this country, located with his wife Jane at Florida, Montgomery county, New York, coming thither from their home in Scotland. Among their children was John A., mentioned elsewhere.

Biographical Sketch of John A. Lauder

(II) John A., son of James Lauder, was born in Florida, Montgomery county, New York, August 21, 1821, died December 3, 1883. He was a farmer all his active life. He came to Victor, Ontario county. about 1855, and located on a farm which his son now (1910) owns. He married, in September, 1855, Ann Bowerman, of Schenectady, New York, and they had one son, John W., mentioned elsewhere. The mother was born in 1815 in Montgomery county and died in 1901.

Biography of John W. Lauder

(III) John W., son of John A. Lauder, was born on the old homestead at Victor, November 24, 1858. He attended the public schools of his native town, and the Lima Seminary, in which he took a commercial course. Beginning life as a farmer he has followed it with uniform success to the present time, succeeding to the homestead, which comprises one hundred and fifty acres of land. The farm is valuable and is cherished by its owner, not only for its present value and productiveness, but for its associations. About twenty-five acres of his farm are devoted to raising … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Roberts Stilts

John Robert Stilts, a native of Canada, settled in Steuben county, New York, where he became a successful farmer, and was highly respected for his excellent character. He married Flizabeth Hennion, and their children were : Rhoda, Mary, Ann, Rebecca, Sophronia, Jacob and Thomas Henry. The family records were accidentally burned many years ago, and information is meagre.

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Henry Stilts

(II) Thomas Henry, son of John Robert and Elizabeth (Hennion) Stilts, was born at Bradford, Steuben county, New York, in 1835, died May 16, 1898. He was a farmer. He married, December 14, 18J5, Sarah Parks, born December 13, 1838. Children: John R., mentioned elsewhere; Robert C., born April 28, 1861; Carrie, March 16, 1863

Biographical Sketch of John Robert Stilts

(III) John Robert (2), son of Thomas Henry and Sarah (Parks) Stilts, was born February 8, 1858. He was educated in the common schools and at Union Academy, Canandaigua, New York. He engaged in farming in the town of Hopewell for a time, and for two years was a salesman for S. G. Lewis, who had an extensive grocery business in Bath, New York. Subsequently he was clerk in the store of M. J. King, a prominent merchant of Hartland, Niagara county, New York. In 1896 Mr. Stilts purchased of Charles Moore his general store at Chapin, New York, and … Read more