Biographical Sketch of Murray J. Bement

(II) Murray J., son of William E. and Laura A. (Newell) Bement, was born in Manchester, Ontario county, New York, May 20, 1844: died in Clifton Springs, in the same county, May 23,-1910. He received his education in the public schools of Manchester, and then taught school himself for a number of years. In 1875 he began the manufacture of cigars, a business he continued to be engaged in until his death. In May, 1888, he settled in Clifton Springs, and took his son, Louie M. Bement, into partnership with him. He was a Democrat in politics and served for … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Louie M. Bement

(III) Louie M., only child of Murray J. and Jennie V. (Cooper) Bement, was born in Manchester, Ontario county, New York, May 3, 1865, and is now (1910) living in Clifton Springs, in the same county. He received his education in the schools of Manchester, and after his father had removed to Clifton Springs, he was taken into partnership with him in the cigar manufacturing business. He is a Democrat in politics and served as village clerk of Clifton Springs for twelve years. He was a member of the Democratic county committee for five years and of the town committee … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Matthew Bennett

(I) Matthew Bennett, the grandfather of Horace D. Bennett, was a native of Orange county, New York, and removed to Geneva, Ontario county, New York, in 1805, there founding the homestead of the Bennett family. He was a farmer and spent his life on the farm which he purchased in that section. During the revolutionary war he was an active participant in many of the most important engagements.

Biographical Sketch of George Bennett

(II) George, son of Matthew Bennett, was born in Goshen, Orange county, New York, in 1794, and died in Geneva, New York, in 1876. At the age of eighteen years he enlisted as a soldier and served in the war of 1812 as a private. His business occupation was that of farming, in which he was reasonably successful. He married Sally, daughter of Matthew Lum, of Geneva. Among their children were : Horace D., see forward; Henry, served with honor in the civil war.

Biography of Horace D. Bennett

(III) Horace D., son of George and Sally dum) Bennett, was born’ in the town of Geneva, Ontario county, New York, June 29, 1828. His education was acquired in the Geneva district school, and under private tuition in a select school during two winters. Early in life he commenced to assist his father in the cultivation and management of the homestead farm, and in this manner has acquired a thorough mastery of all the details connected with an agricultural life. With the exception of the years spent at school, and the time spent in the service of his country, Mr. … Read more

Biography of Henry C. Beeman

Henry C. Beeman, who has for many years been connected with the detective and police departments, and is at present chief of police for the village of Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York, is a son of Reuben Beeman, who was a farmer throughout the active years of his life in the town of Canandaigua, on the east shore of the lake. Henry C. Beeman was born in Canandaigua, October 8, 1847. His school education was received in Canandaigua Academy. For many years of his life he took a personal interest in farming, and for a few years was engaged in … Read more

Biography of Dr. Albert L. Beahan

Dr. Albert L. Beahan, an eminent physician of Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York, has attained his present distinguished position by many years of patient and unremitting toil, united with inflexible and unfaltering courage in the face of apparently insurmountable difficulties. His noble efforts to relieve human suffering have earned for him the high esteem of his fellow citizens, and the universal good opinion of his professional brethren, this forming the best standard of judgment in such cases. His father was James Beahan, of Watkins, who died in 1907, and who had been engaged in the occupation of farming during all … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Barnes

(I) James Barnes, grandfather of D. Eddy Barnes, was a farmer in Pennsylvania, from which state he came to Geneva, Ontario county, New York, in the earliest days of the settlement of that section of the country. He acquired a considerable tract of land, which by means of diligent and intelligent cultivation he converted from a wilderness to fine farm land and in this condition left it to his heirs.

Biographical Sketch of David Barnes

(II) David, son of James Barnes, was an infant in his mother’s arms when he came with his parents to Geneva in 1798, he being’ the youngest son of a large family of children. His early life was spent on the old homestead farm, and later on a farm now (1910) owned by his son, D. Eddy Barnes, engaged in its cultivation, and he died there, in 1871. He served for a time as a colonel in the New York State Militia.

Biographical Sketch of D. Eddy Barnes

(III) D. Eddy, son of David Barnes, was born August 10, 1856, in the house in which he is residing at the present time, and which was erected in 1838, by David Barnes. He was educated in the public schools of Canandaigua and Geneva, New York, and during his earlier years assisted his father in the cultivation of the homestead farm, which later passed into his own possession. It is in a fine state of cultivation and consists of one hundred and fifty acres of land. The house, is built of stone. Mr. Barnes is very progressive and up-to-date in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benajah Andruss

(VI) Benajah, third son of Miles Andruss, was born at Newington, Connecticut, November 13, 1769; died at Bluff Point, New York, July 24, 1838. He married Abigail Nash, born February 20, 1776, and had a family of seven sons and four daughters.

Biographical Sketch of Zebina C. Andruss

(VII) Zebina C., third son of Benajah and Abigail (Nash) Andruss, was born at Butternuts, now (1910) Gilbertsville, New York, August 12, 1794. His occupation was that of farming. He took an active interest in political affairs, was at first a member of the Whig party, later of the Republican; served as magistrate for many years and also as judge of Yates county court. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. He married, September 20, 1818, Almira Garlick, born at Norwich, New York, February 10, 1799. Children: John Pellett, Miles Benajah, George, see forward, and Charles York.

Biography of Dr. W. C. McKay

DR. W.C. McKAY. – One by one the pioneers who braved the wilderness and its dangers, in order that their posterity might enjoy the fruits of their hazardous conquests of the domain of the savage are passing away. As the poet sang of the valorous knights of the days of chivalry, “Their souls are with the saints, we trust,” so, at no distant day, will the same be sung o’er the graves of the last of the pioneers. So, while yet alive, let us honor them as they deserve to be honored; and when dead let their deeds be recorded … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Andruss

(VIII) George, third son of Zebina C. and Almira (Garlick) Andruss, was born at Bluff’ Point, Jerusalem, New York, January 4, 1824; died at Canadice, New York, April 2, 1870. He was a farmer. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. As a member of the Republican party, he served as justice of the peace for a period of sixteen years, and was supervisor of the town of Canadice for several years. He married, at Canadice, New York, July r1, 1844, Sarah, born in Barrington, New York, March 12, 1827, daughter of Cornelius and Esther (Angel) Ter Bush, … Read more

Biography of Cornelius Jay Andruss

(IX) Cornelius Jay, eldest child of George and Sarah (Ter Bush) Andruss, was born in Canadice, Ontario county, New York, October 7, 1845. His preparatory education was acquired at the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, and he then attended Cornell University, subsequently studying dentistry at the Philadelphia Dental College, from which he was graduated in 1877. Commencing in 1861 he taught for the larger portion of seven years in the district schools of Ontario and Livingston counties, New York, and for two years was deputy county surveyor of Lee county, Illinois. He commenced the practice of dentistry in association with Dr. A. … Read more

Biography of John H. Stephens

John H. Stephens, postmaster of Clifton Springs, New York, was for many years prominently identified with educational matters in various capacities. The family originally came from Germany. His father, William L., who was the son of Abraham Stephens, a native of Germany, was born in Rockland county, New York. He removed to the city of New York, where, for many years he conducted the Westchester Pie Bakery, in West Nineteenth street, which was the foundation of the present American Pie Baking Company. He married Elizabeth Wood. Children: William W.; James 0., deceased; John H., see forward; Margaret; Ella, and Elizabeth. … Read more

Biography of Deacon William Locke

Deacon William Locke, the immigrant ancestor, was born at Stepney parish, London, England, December 13, 1628, and came to this country in the ship “Planter,” which sailed for New. England, March 22, 163435. At that time, he was only six years old, and it is supposed came over in the care of Nicholas Davies and his family. His father was probably William Locke, mariner, and his mother Elizabeth , who died June 27, 1631. Where William Locke lived during his minority is unknown. He married, December 25, 1655, Mary, daughter of William and Margery Clarke, of Woburn, Massachusetts. She was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ebenezer Locke

(II) Ebenezer, son of William Locke, was born January 8, 1674, in Woburn, and married (first), October i8, 1697, Susannah, born March 1, 1674, died June 13, 1699, daughter of Israel Walker.. He married (second), October 14, 1701, Hannah Meads, born September 17, 1676, daughter of David and Hannah Meads, of Cambridge. She survived him, and died July 24, 1739. He lived with his father on the homestead, of which he had become owner by gift and purchase. He owned also other land and a house, previous to his father’s death, and later became the possessor of several lots in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joshua Locke

(III) Joshua, son of Ebenezer Locke, was born August 21, 1709, and married (first) at Woburn, March, 1732, Hannah, born January 2, 1712, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Reed. He married (second) Tabitha, daughter of Dr. Isaac Bellows, of Southboro, buried at Boston, April, 1744. He lived in Woburn, Westboro, Boston ( ?) and Southboro, and was probably a carpenter by occupation. He sold land in the latter town to Isaac Amidon in 1753. and was on the alarm list of that town in 1757, and died there, in 1767. His second wife survived him. Children: Joshua, mentioned elsewhere; Josiah, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lieutenant Joshua Locke

(IV) Lieutenant Joshua Locke, son of Joshua Locke, was born at Woburn. July 22. 1733, and married Abigail Maynard, probably of Westboro. He lived first in Westboro, where most of his children were born. Later he removed to Sudbury, where his son Fortunatus was born. May, 1795, he was an ensign in the army under General Winslow, at Nova Scotia, and was doubtless the Lieutenant Locke who was in the army with General Braddock and was wounded at the time of Braddock’s Defeat. He was also with Colonel Rogers, the famous ranger in New York, and was at one period … Read more