Biographical Sketch of Frederick Locke

(V) Frederick, son of Lieutenant Joshua Locke, was born at Westboro, June 6. 1757, and married (first) in 1793, at Charlestown, New Hampshire, Anna Farwell, who died in 1804. He married (second), July 15, 1805, Lucy Graves, of Washington, New Hampshire. He prepared for college at Leicester Academy, but instead of going to college enlisted in the American army shortly after the revolution began, anti remained in the army during most of the war. After the war was ended he is said to have often remarked that “he did not regret the decision he made, though he lost his pay … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William G. Locke

(VI) William G., son of Frederick Locke, was born at Charlestown, New Hampshire, October 26, 1808, and married Lovisa Williams, in 1831, at West Mendon, New York. She was born in 1812, and died in Rochester in 1896. He was a shoemaker by trade and a contractor, and lived in West Mendon. He died in 1883. Children, born in West Mendon: William M., mentioned elsewhere; Manly F., February 23, 1836; Marion L., August 21, 1838.

Biographical Sketch of William Morton Locke

(VIII) William Morton, son of William G. Locke, was born at West Mendon, New York, July 9, 1833, and died in July, 1880, at Wabash, Illinois. He had a common school education and was a telegraph operator. He married Amy Moore, who died in 1907. Children, born at West Mendon: Frances, 1858, married Frank Whiting; Nellie, 1860, died in 1863; Fred M., mentioned elsewhere; Henry, 1863, died unmarried, in 1904; Dolly, 1865, died in 1875.

Biography of Fred M. Locke

(VIII) Fred M., son of William Morton Locke, was born at West Mendon, in the village of Honeoye Falls, April 24, 1861. He attended the common schools. He learned the art of telegraphing and followed it from 1880 to 1887. In 1887 he was station agent and telegraph operator for the New York Central railroad. He was a skillful mechanic. with a tendency to invention, even in his youth. He was something of an artist and spent much time in painting. To eke out his income he used to make flies for the fishermen and was himself an expert angler. … Read more

Biography of Gilbert T. Aldridge

(II) Gilbert T., son of Gilbert Aldridge, was born at Victor, New York, March 4, 1819. He learned the trade of blacksmith and followed it many years. He had an iron foundry and manufactured wagons in the town of Victor. He cast the first iron beam plows used in Victor, manufacturing being his principal business for a short time. He and his wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal church, of which he was a steward, trustee, and superintendent of the Sunday school for thirty years. He was always an active worker in the church and a man of exemplary … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert C. Aldridge

(III) Albert C., son of Gilbert T. Aldridge, was born in Victor. March 13, 1849. He attended the public schools of his native town and Brockport, the Collegiate Institute at Brockport, the Rochester Business University, taking special courses in law and laboratory work. For ten years he was engaged in teaching school, two years in the public schools, one year in Canandaigua Academy, and six years in the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary at Lima, New York. In 1884 he was elected school commissioner of the second district of Ontario county, and was reelected from term to term until he had served … Read more

Biography of Arthur Gilbert Aldridge

(III) Arthur Gilbert, son of Gilbert T. Aldridge, was born November 24, 1861. He received his early education in the public schools of Victor and Lima, New York. During his boyhood he worked on his father’s farm, and at the age of nineteen took charge of the homestead. When his father. died he bought the shares of the other heirs and became the owner of the homestead. He now (1910) owns one hundred and twenty acres of land in Victor. In 1891 he made a specialty of raising seedpotatoes in a small way, and from year to year has increased … Read more

Biography of William Tuttle

The word Tuthill, meaning a conical hill, is a common place name in England, of remote antiquity. From one or more places named Tuthill the surname Tuthill or Tuttle is derived, after a prevalent custom in the twelfth century and later when surnames came into use in England. The family had been especially prominent in Devonshire, England. There came to America in 1635, in the ship “Planter,” three families of this name from the parish of St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England. John, William, and Richard Tuttle, the heads of these families, were doubtless brothers. John Tuttle, mercer, aged thirty-nine, according to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Tuttle

(II) Joseph, son of William Tuttle, was baptized in New Haven, November 22, 1640, and died in September, 1690. In 1685 he was excused from watching on account of lameness, and the same year declined to serve as constable for the same reason. He married, May 2, 1667. Hannah Munson, born June 11, 1648, died November 30, 1695, daughter of Captain Thomas Manson. She married (second), August 21, 1694, Nathan Bradley, of Guilford, Connecticut. Children: Joseph, mentioned elsewhere; Samuel, born July 15, 1670-71; Stephen, May 20, 1673; Joanna, December 30, 1676; Timothy, September 30, 1678; Susanna, February 20, 1679; Elizabeth, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Tuttle

(III) Joseph (2), son of Joseph (1) Tuttle, was born March 18, 1668, and was a cordwainer by trade. He married, in Milford, Connecticut, November 10, 1691. Elizabeth Sanford. born 1671, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Paine) Sanford. He lived in East Haven and was prominent in town affairs. Children: Joseph, mentioned elsewhere; Noah, born December 12, 1694; Katharine, November 25, 1699; Elizabeth, July 27, 1705; Thankful, September 3, 1709; child.

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Tuttle

(IV) Joseph (3), son of Joseph (2) Tuttle, was born November 10, 1692. He was captain of the train band at East Haven. In 1742 he was confirmed by the general assembly as quartermaster of the Second Regiment. In 1745-46 he was moderator, and served several years on the school committee. He married Mercy, daughter of John and Mercy (Mansfield) Thompson. She was born February 21, 1696, and died September 6, 1743. He married (second) Sarah Washburn, widow. He was of Derby in 1751. In 1743-53 he bought lands in Litchfield county, Connecticut. He died January 16, 1761. He left … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Tuttle

(V) Benjamin, son of Joseph (3) Tuttle, was born at East Haven, Connecticut, or vicinity. He settled in Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York. In 1790 he was the only head of family of this name in Ontario county, and he had two males over sixteen, one under that age, and four females in his family. He was overseer of highways at Seneca, Ontario county, in 1793

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Tuttle

(VI) Joseph (4), son of Benjamin Tuttle, came with his father to Seneca, Ontario county, before 1793. He helped to clear the land and build a home for the family. He was one of the sturdy pioneers who laid the foundations of civilization in this section. He married and had children : Richard T., Elizabeth, Catherine, Reed and Anson S.

Biographical Sketch of Anson S. Tuttle

(VII) Anson S., son of Joseph (4) Tuttle, was born in Seneca, August 9, 1822, and died in 1902. He was educated in the district schools, and after his father sold his farm he followed the trade of carpenter and woodworker. He was pattern maker and woodworker for some years in the railroad shops at Canandaigua, New York. He married, October 7, 1856, Amanda M. Smith, who was born on the Smith homestead, now (1910) owned by Richard A. Tuttle, mentioned elsewhere. Her father, Wilmarth Smith, was born on the same farm, April 13, 1792. Wilmarth Smith married, in 1812, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph W. Tuttle

(VIII) Joseph W., son of Anson S. Tuttle, was born in the town of Farmington, New York, January 9, 1860. He was educated in the public schools of his native town and at the Canandaigua Academy, and supplemented his schooling by constant reading and study. He was from early youth active on his father’s farm, gifted with energy, and strong purposes and a capacity for hard work. As a man he has followed farming with uniform success. His farm consists of sixty-eight acres of land, thoroughly underdrained and very productive. In politics he is a Republican, and he has taken … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Richard A. Tuttle

(VIII) Richard A., son of Anson S. Tuttle, was born at Farmington, November 28, 1864. He was educated in the public schools of his native town. During his boyhood he worked on his father’s farm, and at the age of nineteen he succeeded to the farm. In 1897 he sold it to his brother, Joseph W. Tuttle, and bought out the other heirs of his mother’s farm, the Smith homestead, consisting of ninety-three acres, and since then has followed farming on this place. In politics he is a Republican. He is a member of the Orthodox Friends Society, and active … Read more

Biography of Martin Rigney

Martin Rigney was born in county Kings, Ireland, and came in 1851, when a young man, to this country, landing at New York City. He followed his trade as a baker in that city for three years and in 1855 came to Bloomfield, New York, where he was employed at first as a farm laborer. He bought a farm there in 1870 and conducted it the remainder of his life. He died there in 1880. His widow continued on the homestead and carried it on until her death in 1887. He married Mary McGory, also a native of county Kings, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Leslie George Loomis

Leslie George, second son and fifth child of George (3) and Hannah Maria (Ketcham) Loomis, was born in Farmington, Ontario county, New York, April 9, 1857, His school education was a thorough one and he was graduated from the Canandaigua Academy. He commenced his business career as a bookkeeper in October, 1876, and in 1878 became a member of the firm of E. S. Norton, wholesale produce dealers. Four years later he formed a partnership with W. C. Woodworth, in the same line of business, the firm being Loomis & Woodworth, with offices at Victor, New York. The business was … Read more

Biography of Robert Houston

Robert Houston, son of Robert and — (Melvin) Houston, was born in 1821, in Glasgow, Scotland, and died in 1856, in Farmington, New York. His father and mother lived and died in Scotland. His brother James was a merchant in England, and afterward in California. Robert Houston was educated in the common schools of his native land and learned the trade of shoemaker, which he followed until 1845, when he came to this country. He stayed for a short time in New York City, and then made his home in Canandaigua, New York. where he was employed first by See … Read more

Biographcial Sketch of John Carpenter

John (2), son of Richard Carpenter, was a brother of John Carpenter, Jr., the famous town clerk of London, whose bequest to the city of certain funds was the foundation of the City of London school. It was a common practice to have two sons in the same family of the same name, even when both were living. The younger was called junior, sometimes Jenkin. John Sr. was one of the executors of John Jr.’s will and was mentioned in his will as well as another brother, Robert, who was given “one of those two silver cups with a lid … Read more