Biography of Henry C. Beeman

Henry C. Beeman, who has for many years been connected with the detective and police departments, and is at present chief of police for the village of Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York, is a son of Reuben Beeman, who was a farmer throughout the active years of his life in the town of Canandaigua, on the east shore of the lake.

Henry C. Beeman was born in Canandaigua, October 8, 1847. His school education was received in Canandaigua Academy. For many years of his life he took a personal interest in farming, and for a few years was engaged in the brokerage business. He entered upon his career as a detective in 1872, when he filled the office of deputy sheriff and a few months later went to New York, where he was in the employ of the Pinkerton agency until 1874. He then returned to Canandaigua and for some years was engaged in special detective work, again becoming deputy sheriff in 1877, an office he held until 1884. He became manager of the Canandaigua Steam Boat Company in 1889, retaining this position for a period of six years. In 1896 he was appointed chief of police for the village of Canandaigua, an office he has filled since that time to the satisfaction of all concerned. His political affiliations have always been with the Republican party. June 23, 1863, Mr. Beeman enlisted in Company C, Fifteenth New York Cavalry, and was honorably discharged, August 23, 1865. He was in the Custer division of Sheridan’s army for the greater part of this time, participating in all the notable engagements in the Shenandoah valley, and was the youngest enlisted man who served in the ranks from Ontario county. He is a member of Canandaigua Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons; the K. O. T. M.; and the Herendeen Post, Grand Army of the Republic, of Shortsville.

Mr. Beeman married, December 24, 1874, Lucia, daughter of George Crane, a farmer of South Bristol, New York. Children : Seth T., born December 25, 1875; Roscoe, born August 7, 1877; Grace 0., born May 29, 1883.



Milliken, Charles F. The History of Ontario County, New York, and Its People Lewis Historical Publishing Co., New York. 1911.

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