Oliver Uel Todd of Somers NY

Last Updated on January 7, 2013 by

Oliver Uel Todd7, (Uel6, Oliver5, Abraham4, Jonah3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Oct. 5, 1805, in South Salem, N. Y., died Oct. 5, 1880, married Dec. 10, 1832, Hester Jane Green, who was born Sept. 12, 1809, died Feb. 18, 1896.

At the age of seven, he moved to Somers, N. Y., with the other members of the family, and settled upon the farm which afterwards became his own and home for life. Educational advantages at the time were extremely limited, and the youthful Oliver made the most of the few winter months of tuition available at the district school, and acquired a fair education, but his life work was to be more manual than mental, and his education was most thoroughly practical, installed by the hardy experiences of the old days of farming.

Close application and untiring industry, naturally resulted in developing a model farm, comprising about two hundred and fifty acres, with a good house and other farm buildings. At the age of twenty-seven he married Miss Hester Jane, daughter of Isaac Green of Somers, N. Y., who brought to the home he had prepared, an experience in the duties pertaining to a farmers life, and a genial and happy disposition, well calculated to enhance prosperity.

Conveniently situated upon the direct turnpike road, the immense droves of cattle and sheep, slowly wended their way toward the city markets, found on the Todd farm ample accommodation, and for many years it became a noted hostelry.

The following items taken from his account-book for the year of 1849, show something of the character of his business in those days.

To 11,000 head of cattle ??@ 8› per head per night, $880.

To 16,000 head of sheep ??@ 1› per head per night, $160.

Drivers board and lodging, (Cattle), $110.

Drivers board and lodging, (sheep), $80.

Besides, he wintered forty head of cattle of his own. A full half century of activity resulted in the accumulation of an ample competence. The last decade of his life was rendered inactive by an insidious nerve disease, which though incapacitating him for any physical exertion, left his mind unclouded to the end. He died on his seventy-fifth birthday, and was buried in the family cemetery, located but a few rods north of his house.

1507. Mary Ophelia, b. Nov. 19, 1833, d. Oct. 8, 1887, m. Oct. 21, 1857, James T. Green, who was b. April 27, 1833, she was the only child of Oliver Uel Todd, and after her fathers death, she went to live in the old home where she resided until her death. Having d. without issue, her estate was divided between her many cousins, descendants of her thirteen uncles and aunts. She, too, was buried in the Todd Cemetery near the farm.

Green, Todd,


Todd, George Iru. Todd Family in America. Gazette Printing Company. 1920.

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