Biography of William H. Williams

William H., son of Enos D. Williams, was born at Amherst, Massachusetts, October 31, 1853. His early education was received in the public schools of his native town and he was graduated from Amherst College in the class of 1876 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. At once. after completing his course, he entered the employ of a large lumber company in Chicago, Illinois, and a year later embarked in the lumber business on his own account at Springfield, Missouri. After continuing in business in Missouri for thirteen years, he came to Nelsonville, Ohio, and continued in the lumber business for another period of nine years. From 1899 to 1909 he was associated with the 1. J. Rogers Lumber Company, at Geneva, New York, as assistant treasurer and later treasurer. Since 1909 he has been in business on his own account, again as the Williams Lumber Company, in the city of Geneva, New York, and within a year his concern was doing the largest business of any in that line in that section of the state. His wide knowledge of the business and high reputation for integrity have served him in good stead in his career and the confidence in which he is held by his customers is a guarantee of the future prosperity of the concern.

In politics he is a Republican, and for two years he held the office of park commissioner of Geneva. He was made a mason in Nelsonville, Ohio, and is now (1910) a member of Ark Lodge of Geneva. He was junior warden of the Ohio lodge. He is also a member of the Nelsonville Lodge of Odd Fellows in which he is past noble grand. In religion he is a Presbyterian.

He married, October 19, 1882, Katharine Ida Roberts, born at Amherst, August 2, 1855, daughter of Reuben F. and Lydia T. (Endicott) Roberts. Her father was born at Hartford, Connecticut, in 1804, and died in 1899; her mother was born in Newport, New Hampshire, in 1821, died in 1878, a lineal descendant of Governor John Endicott, of Massachusetts Bay Colony. Reuben Roberts, father of Reuben E. Roberts, was born in Hartford, in 1794, died in 1864; married Esther Grisley (‘), who was also a native of Hartford, and who died in 1834. Thomas Endicott. father of Lydia T. (Endicott) Roberts, was born in Salem, Massachusetts, and married Mary Trask. Children of Mr. and Mrs. Williams: Elijah Roberts, born in Springfield, Missouri, December 23, 1883, graduated from Amherst College in 1906, and is now (1910) secretary of the Williams Lumber Company of Geneva; Frederick Bailey, born at Springfield, Missouri, October 20, 1886, died aged eighteen months; Caroline Ruth, born at Springfield, Missouri, May 27, 1891. now (1910) a student in Vassar College.



Ontario County NY,

Milliken, Charles F. The History of Ontario County, New York, and Its People Lewis Historical Publishing Co., New York. 1911.

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