Croydon New Hampshire Miscellany

Last Updated on April 4, 2013 by Dennis

Casualties in Croydon New Hampshire

  • In 1770 Caleb, son of Seth Chase, the first settler in town, wandered into the forest, and was lost, and public opinion was divided as to the probable fate of the child; some believed that he was captured and carried away by some straggling band of Indians, while others thought that he met his death at the hands of a villainous white man.
  • Isaac Sanger, another early settler, perished in attempting to cross Croydon Mountain.
  • Alexander Metcalf, Jr., was killed by the falling of a tree.
  • Abijah Hall was drowned at Glidden Bridge in 1812.
  • Two boys, sons of Thomas Whipple and Giles Stockwell, Sr., were drowned in Spectace Pond.
  • On the 19th of April, 1828, the dwelling-house of Mr. Charles Carroll was burned, and two children perished in the flames.
  • Dr. Reuben Carroll was thrown from a carriage in 1840, while going down the hill near where Caleb K. Loverin now lives, and was killed.
  • A son of Nathaniel W. Brown was killed near the bridge at the East village, by the horse stumbling and falling upon him.
  • In 1846 the wife of the Hon. Paul J. Wheeler was burned to death, by her clothes taking fire while warming herself by the stove.
  • Mr. Cummings, an old gentleman, was found dead between the Flat and Coit Mountain.
  • A son of Simeon Ames fell from a load of hay unto the handle of a pitchfork, which caused his death in a short time.
  • A son of Ira Bragg fell from a cart-tongue while riding, the wheel passing over him, killing him instantly. Another son was supposed to have been murdered out West.
  • Ziba, son of John Cooper, was killed by a kick from a horse.
  • A daughter of Carlton F. Hall fell into the river at the East village, and was drowned.
  • A child of Rev. Jacob Haven was scalded to death by falling backwards into a pail of hot water.
  • Asa Kelsey fell from a building and was killed.
  • A son of Leonard N. Kempton fell into the mill-pond at the Flat and was drowned.
  • A son of John Melendy was killed by the falling of his father’s chimney.
  • A daughter of Robert Osburn fell into a brook, was carried under the causeway and drowned.
  • A son of James Perkins was drowned in a brook near the Flat.
  • A son of Ezekiel Powers was caught between two logs and crushed to death.
  • Willard, son of Urias Powers, fell from the Glidden Bridge, while on his way from school, and was drowned.
  • A son of Jotham Ryder was killed by a cartbody falling upon him.
  • The wife of David Rowell was killed by lightning; her infant was sleeping on her arm and escaped unhurt.
  • Joseph Smart went out to catch his horse one Sunday morning, and soon after was found dead.
  • Griswold, son of Aaron Whipple, was killed by running under an axe that was thrown from the frame of a building.

In 1861 Edwin, son of Moses Whipple, while returning from the post-office at the Flat, one dark, rainy night, walked off from the bridge and met a horrible death amidst the rocks and angry waters below.

EPIDEMICS – The ” canker rash ” prevailed to an alarming extent amongst the children in 1795. Of twenty-four deaths that year, twenty were under fourteen years of age. In 1813 the “spotted fever” made its appearance in a most malignant form, defying all medical skill, and cutting down the old and the young, the weak and the strong alike. Of thirty deaths in town that year, eighteen were from that disease.

SECESSION – In 1778 several towns on the east side of Connecticut River (Croydon included) renounced their allegiance to New Hampshire, and formed a connection with the new State of Vermont, which continued four years. Moses Whipple, Esq., was appointed a delegate to a convention held at Cornish, and also chosen to represent the town in the Vermont Legislature, but before his arrival at the seat of government the Vermont Assembly had resolved that the western bank of the Connecticut River should be the dividing line between Vermont and New Hampshire, and the disaffected towns returned to their allegiance and domestic quiet prevailed.

POPULATION – In 1775, 143; 1790, 537; 1800, 984; 1810, 862; 1820, 1060; 1830, 1057; 1840, 956; 1850, 861; 1560, 755; 1870, 652; 1880, 608.

LONGEVITY – An incomplete list of those who have attained to ninety years of age or over: Widow Marsh, 90; Mrs. Benjamin Cutting, 90; Widow Clement, 93; Mrs. Jotham Ryder, 94; Samuel Metcalf, 93; Widow Giles, 94; Samuel Marsh, 94; Widow A. Stockwell, 95; Capt. Nathan Clark, 90; Thomas Blanchard, 98; Widow Rumble, 100; Samuel Goldthwait, 93; Lydia Leland Powers, 92; Mrs. Timothy Fletcher, 95; Mrs. Luke Paul, 92; Achsah Barton, 96.

DAIRIES – Croydon is an agricultural town and furnishes annually its proportionate share of farm products. It is distinguished mainly for the amount and excellence of its dairies. Among the earlier inhabitants most extensively engaged in the dairy business were Capt. Zina Goldthwait and John Barton, who had some fifty cows each, and Col. Nathaniel Wheeler, Paul Jacobs, Esq., and Gen. Nathan Emery, who had but a few less. In later years, Lemuel P. Cooper, Ruel Durkee, Caleb K. and Ruel D. Loverin, Oliver C. and Charles H. Forehand, Francis Dodge, Andrew J. Sawyer, William W. Ryder, James W. Davis and Frederick Barton were among the prominent dairymen.

In 1849 some fifteen men from this town, lured by the prospect of a golden harvest, embarked for California, where they engaged in mining. Their hopes were not fully realized.

The Croydon turnpike was chartered June 25, 1804, and built in 1806. It extended from Lebanon to Washington. It was a fine road and a great convenience to travel, but not the pecuniary success anticipated.
Music.-The Croydon Band, led by Baldwin Humphrey, composed of a large number of fine players, ranked among the first in the old Thirtyfirst Regiment.

Among those eminent as singers are Moses Haven, H. E. W. Barton, E. Darwin Cummings, Charles Partridge, Mary Powers and Carrie N. Barton.

The inhabitants of the town are unusually social, hospitable, neighborly and fond of entertainments, and hence the dances, huskings, apple-parings, quiltings and other neighborhood gatherings are frequent, fully attended and enjoyed.

CENTENNIAL – The Centennial celebration, which occurred June 13, 1866, was by far the largest and most notable gathering ever in town. All natives and former residents were invited. A salute was fired at dawn. At ten o’clock a procession was formed, under the direction of Captain Nathan Hall, chief marshal, assisted by William W. Ryder, Martin A. Barton and Major Dexter G. Reed. and escorted by the Croydon Band, led by Baldwin Humphrey, marched to the stand. Colonel Otis Cooper, chairman of the committee of arrangements, made the welcome speech, and introduced William P. Wheeler, of Keene, as president of the day, who, after an appropriate address, announced, successively, the following programme : Prayer by the Rev. Luther J. Fletcher; “Welcome Ode,” by Lizzie P. Harding; a poem, by Augusta Cooper, Bristol; oration, by Baron Stow, D.D., of Boston; dinner, a sumptuous repast. After which other addresses, full of reminiscences, humor and eloquence, were made by Hon. Levi W. Barton, of Newport; William F. Cooper, of Kellogsville, NY; Thomas Whipple, Esq., of Charlestown; Lemuel P. Cooper, of Croydon; Moses Humphrey, of Concord; Luther J. Fletcher, of Maine; Alexander Barton, of Boston; Moses Haven, of Plainfield; Solomon M. Whipple, of New London; and Edmund Wheeler, of Newport. The following were the vice-presidents Moses Humphry, Alexander Barton, L. W. Barton, Adolphus Hall, Calvin Hall, Ariel Hall, Ora Crosby, Freeman Cutting, Orlando Powers, Elom Marsh, Ruel Durkee, Samuel Blanchard, William E. Melendy, Elijah Ryder, Moses Haven, William F. Cooper, Hiram Smart, Jonas C. Kempton, Warren M. Kempton. Committee of arrangements: Otis Cooper, Reuben Cooper, Daniel R. Hall, Daniel Ryder, Worthen Hall, Barnabas C. Whipple, Cyrus K. Fletcher, John Cooper, Nathan Hall.

AccessGenealogy. History of Sullivan County New Hampshire: A collection of material from a variety of sources. Web. 2013

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