Biography of David Nims

Last Updated on August 19, 2012 by

It has been ascertained by the old records of the proprietors of the town of Keene, that David Nims, the subject of this sketch-was chosen their scribe as early as July 25, 1737. The town of Keene having received a charter, he was elected first town clerk and town treasurer, at the first legal town meeting, held Wednesday, May 2, 1753, and continued to hold office as clerk, treasurer, selectman or moderator, almost every year till 1776. He was honest, courageous, firm and discreet, and consequently a man of great influence in the town, his simple word possessing almost the authority of law. In 1740 he was granted, with others, ten acres of upland, for hazarding his life and estate by living in Keene to bring forward the settling of the place. Later, the proprietors records show-page 166, 1763-a plan and description of a grant to him of 104 acres, which lot is the farm formerly occupied by Matthew, now by Brigham Nims, in Roxbury, that town having been set off from Keene in 1812. He was a farmer and carried on the place now known as the Lucian B. Page farm. The old house in which he lived has been removed this year from Washington street, to make room for a residence, to be erected and occupied by John A- Wright, of the Impervious Package Co. Mrs. Abigail, wife of David Nims, died July 13, 1749, aged eighty years. Her descendants were eighty-one in number.-children. ten, grandchildren, fifty, great-grandchildren, twenty-one. David Nims died July 21. 1303. He had lived highly respected, his death was deeply regretted. His descendants. together with those whom they have married, number more than z,000, and there are more tax-payers in Keene, to-day, of the Nims than of any other family name. The present city clerk, Samuel Nims. is a descendant of the first town clerk. David Nims stands for a class of men, few in number, to which we are indebted for our town organization, our wide and beautiful main streets, and their attractive surroundings.



Hurd, Duane Hamilton. History of Cheshire and Sullivan counties, New Hampshire. Philadelphia: J. W. Lewis. 1886.

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