Biography of Charles A. Jefts

Last Updated on May 21, 2013 by

Charles A. Jefts, a prosperous business man of Langdon, was born in Putney, Vt., January 27, 1853, son of Alphonso M. and Almira (Clough) Jefts. He comes of a family whose founder emigrated from England some time in the seventeenth century, settling in Billerica, Mass., and whose descendants made their home in that State for many years. Jonathan, the great-grandfather of Charles A., born in Townsend, Mass., was the first to seek a home in the Granite State. The last years of his life were spent in the town of Mason. Hosley Jefts, the father of Alphonso M., and a native of Mason, removed to Langdon, where he was engaged in farming, and afterward died. He married Abigail Green; and they had eight children, respectively named: Harriet, Indiana, Caroline, Roxanna, Albert, Alphonso M., Eli, and Pamelia.

Alphonso M. Jefts, a native of Antrim, N.H., was born in March, 1815, and died June 18, 1891. He settled on a farm in Putney, Vt., but afterward came to Langdon, which was subsequently his home for forty years. He had no political ambition, and he was an attendant of the Episcopal church Almira, his wife, who was born in Westmoreland, N.H., December 25, 1815, daughter of John Clough, of Stamford, Vt., had nine children-Mason, Maria, Abigail, Harriet, Mary P., Mira A., Fred F., John W., and Charles A. Mason, now deceased, was born in Putney, followed the occupation of farmer, and spent his life in Alstead. He married Calista Clark. Maria is the wife of Benjamin Wales, a broker in Taunton, Mass., and has two children. Abigail and Harriet died in girlhood. Mary P., who is a graduate of Mount Holyoke College, has been engaged in teaching for fifteen years, and is now the French teacher of the Worcester High School. Mira A., who was educated at Mount Holyoke College, is the wife of Lester Sprague, a hardware dealer of Hartford, Conn., and has one child, Mary A., now Mrs. Chauncey Brainard, of Putney, Vt. Fred F., who was educated at Chester Academy, and is in the paper manufacturing business in Carthage, N.Y., married Carrie Adams, of Bellows Falls, Vt., and has one son, Clyde A. John W. Jefts, who was educated at Ashburnham (Mass.) Academy, and is a farmer of Langdon, married Hattie Simpson, of this place.

Charles A. Jefts received his education in the schools of Langdon and Fort Edward College, New York State, graduating therefrom in the class of 1874. Upon his return from college, he took up farming with his father on the homestead, of which he is the present owner. Besides attending to his farm duties, he does a limited business as a broker. While he has always made Langdon his home, he has taken a number of pleasure trips to various parts of the country. The esteem in which he is held is evidenced by the fact that his townsmen have elected him to serve them in many of the principal town offices. In religious



Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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