Biography of George S. Bond

George S. Bond, a manufacturer of Charlestown, was born in that town, March 2, 1837, son of Silas and Alice (Abbot) Bond. His grandfather, William Bond, who was born in Watertown, Mass., at the age of twenty years came to Charlestown, and thereafter carried on general farming during the remainder of his active life. One of his six children was Silas Bond, who married Alice Abbot, and also was the father of six children, including the subject of this sketch. George S. Bond was educated in the district schools of the town. At the age of seven years his father … Read more

Biography of Myron James Farr

MYRON JAMES FARR – The surname of Farr is believed by many to be identical with Farrar, and there is considerable reason for the supposition as persons of both names appear simultaneously in the different localities of New England. It is derived from a Latin word meaning iron and was probably used as a place name before it came into use as a family name. It was first known in England from Gualkeline (or Walkeline) de Ferraris, a Norman of distinction attached to William, Duke of Normandy, before the conquest of England in 1066. From him all of the name … Read more

Biography of Malcolm Crawford

MALCOLM CRAWFORD, well known in Hatfield, Massachusetts, as a farmer and skilled mechanic, comes of a family that has been in New England for many generations, its records tracing back to 1730, almost two hundred years ago. (I) James Crawford, immigrant ancestor of the family, came to America in 1730 from Londonderry, Ireland, in 1730, and settled in Newtown, Massachusetts. He later went to Union, Connecticut, where he bought land and was a large land owner. Although he came from Ireland, James Crawford was of Scotch extraction, and he married Elizabeth Campbell, also of Scotch origin. Their children, all born … Read more

Biography of Gen. John H. Stevens

GEN. JOHN H. STEVENS. – This hero of a hundred Western adventures, and a pioneer of the great Inland Empire, was born on a town line in Windham County, Vermont. The son of Asa Stevens, a miller and farmer, he learned to use his hands and brain in practical affairs, and at the village school obtained a good working education. In his youth he followed business in Boston, and was engaged in lumbering in Pennsylvania. In 1832 he came west to Michigan, and at Coldwater, Branch County, kept a hotel, advancing his business also by taking mail contracts, and in … Read more

Biography of Charles A. Jefts

Charles A. Jefts, a prosperous business man of Langdon, was born in Putney, Vt., January 27, 1853, son of Alphonso M. and Almira (Clough) Jefts. He comes of a family whose founder emigrated from England some time in the seventeenth century, settling in Billerica, Mass., and whose descendants made their home in that State for many years. Jonathan, the great-grandfather of Charles A., born in Townsend, Mass., was the first to seek a home in the Granite State. The last years of his life were spent in the town of Mason. Hosley Jefts, the father of Alphonso M., and a … Read more

Darius Alanson Wood Genealogy

1. Darius Alanson2 Wood, son of Israel1 and Betsey (Pullen) Wood, b. Brattleboro, Vt., Oct. 9, 1830; m. Sept. 13, 1854, Sarah Adeline Moody, b. Landaff, N. H., Oct. 9, 1835, dau. of Moses and Betsey W. (Howe) Moody. He was employed in the U. S. Arsenal at Springfield, Mass. Divorced. After her divorce, Mrs. Wood res. in Sullivan on the Dauphin Spaulding 2nd place. A dau.: Gertrude Lenora3, b. Springfield, Aug. 18, 1855, d. at East Sullivan, Oct. 10, 1904; m. (1), June 27, 1876, Frank Myrick, b. Boston, Mass., Jan. 26, 1851, son of Oren Darius and Mary … Read more

Biography of Martin M. Brown, M.D.

MARTIN M. BROWN, M. D. – The life work of Dr. Martin M.Brown has carried his name to wide significance, and in his present success he holds a leading position in medical and surgical practice in Western Massachusetts. Active in his profession for many years, and for thirty-three years a leading physician of North Adams, Dr. Brown has specialized within recent years in surgery, and is widely sought in this part of the State. A native of Vermont, and educated in a western institution, Dr. Brown is thoroughly representative of the best thought and achievement in his chosen profession. He … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. Chamberlin

E. Chamberlin was born in Windham county, Vermont, November 18, 1821. His father, Nathaniel Chamberlin, was a native of Worcester, Massachusetts. When he was eleven years old his parents moved to Bureau county, Illinois, where he was reared upon a farm and educated in the common schools. In 1852 he engaged in the grocery business, together with butchering and shipping stock. He was among the first settlers of Northern Illinois, and was in Chicago when there were but six houses in the town. In 1867 he came to Daviess county, and is now one of the leading farmers of this … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Levi Wiswell

Levi Wiswell came to this town, from Townsend, Vt., in 1817, and located upon the farm now owned by Volney Gilmore. He subsequently removed to Westminster, where he died, in 1865. He has two sons living here, Orra, born in 1805, and Samuel, born in 1809.

Biographical Sketch of Simeon Burke

Simeon Burke, from Westminster, Vt., came to Stowe in March, 1800, and located upon the farm now owned by his son, Abisha, on road 8, where he resided until his death, at the age of eighty-two years. He married Miss Lucy Petty and reared a family of six children, only two of whom, Abisha and Alanson C., are living.

Biography of George Edward Adams

GEORGE EDWARD ADAMS, president, treasurer, and general manager of the H. K Smith Company, of Springfield, engaged in selling the Ford automobiles and tractors and the Lincoln car, also a Ford product, is the head of one of the most successful concerns with regard to sales and equipment, for his offices, show rooms and service station are among the most completely equipped in Western Massachusetts. Mr. Adams was born in Brattleboro, Vermont, December 8, 1880. His father was Le Roy Franklin Adams, and his mother Ella (Crosby) Adams. The branch of the Adams family to which he belongs is one … Read more

Windham County, Vermont Census

  1790 Windham County, Vermont Census Free 1790 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial 1790 Windham County, Census (images and index) $ Hosted at Census Guide 1790 U.S. Census Guide 1800 Windham County, Vermont Census Free 1800 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial 1800 Windham County, Census (images and index) $ Hosted at Census Guide 1800 U.S. Census Guide 1810 Windham County, Vermont Census Free 1810 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial 1810 Windham County, Census (images and index) $ 1810-1890 Accelerated … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Moody Shattuck

Moody Shattuck settled in the northeastern part of the town in 1807, coming from Athens, Vt. He filled several of the first offices of the town, represented his townsmen in the legislature several times, and served in the battle of Plattsburgh, ranking as captain. His brother, Jeremiah, came to Waterville soon after he located here, and subsequently removed to this town, locating on road 14, where he followed the occupation of a farmer and shoemaker. Chauncey, a grandson of Moody, now resides in Waterville, on road 7, and Thomas W., the eighth child of Jeremiah, born in Belvidere, in 1812, … Read more

John Winchester Genealogy

I. John1 Winchester, at the age of 19, embarked in the ship Elizabeth from England, in 1635, and settled in Hingham, Mass.; admitted freeman in 1637. He m. Oct. 15, 1638, Hannah Sealis, dau. of Dea. Richard Sealis of Scituate. In 1650 he removed to Muddy River (now Brookline, Mass.), where he d. Apr. 25, 1694. His widow d. Sept. 18, 1697. II. John2 Winchester, son of John1, I, was bapt. at Hingham, June 2, 1644. He lived at Muddy River, and the records name a wife Hannah, and subsequently a wife, Joanna. He d. Feb. 1, 1717-8. III. Henry3 … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nathan Robinson

Nathan Robinson, from Westminster, Vt., came to Stowe in 1798, and purchased a farm of Amasa Marshall, where a log house was erected, 20×40 feet, one story in height. In this house Mr. Robinson kept a hotel for many years, then built a more commodius hotel, where he died at the advanced age of eighty-seven years, having lived a useful and exemplary life. He was the first representative of the town, holding the office fourteen years, and also was a justice of the peace many years, in which capacity he conducted himself so judiciously as to obtain the name of … Read more

David Todd of Charlemont MA

David Todd6, (Titus5, Titus4, Benjamin3, Michael2, Christopher1) born March 17, 1807, died in 1880, married Dec. 1, 1831, Clarissa Bradford of Williamsburg, Mass., who was born Sept. 15, 1808, died in 1884. She was in the sixth generation in direct line from Governor Bradford of the Mayflower and Plymouth Colony. He was a Methodist Clergyman and as to his pastorates, his son, Stephen Olin Todd says: “soon after he began preaching he was located at Winchendon, Mass.; thence to Haddam or Haddam Neck, Conn., about 1834, he went next to Hebron, Conn., in 1836, later he was at Londenderry and … Read more

Biography of Richard Church

Richard Church came in from Brattleboro, Vt., in the fall of 1788, and settled on the east side of the river, one-half mile below Afton, on the place now owned by the heirs of Levi Church and Andrew Johnston and Joseph Angell, the latter a son-in-law of Billings Church. He was a son of Col. Timothy Church, a Vermont sufferer, who did not settle here, but acquired land as such, on 300 acres of which Richard settled, and which, after the latter’s death, in the spring of 1813, was divided between two of his sons, Billings and Levi, Billings’ portion … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Simeon Burke

Simeon Burke, from Westminster, Vt., came to Stowe in March, 1800, and located upon the farm now owned by his son, Abisha, on road 8, where he resided until his death, at the age of eighty-two years. He married Miss Lucy Petty and reared a family of six children, only two of whom, Abisha and Alanson C., are living.

Biography of Albert S. Wait

Albert S. Wait, of Newport, the oldest lawyer in active practice in Sullivan County, was born in Chester, Windsor County, Vt., April 14, 1821, son of Daniel and Cynthia (Reed) Wait. His grandfather, John Wait, was among the early settlers of Mason, N.H. John moved to Weston, Vt., and was a sturdy farmer of that Green Mountain town and a highly respected member of the community. He died in Weston at a good old age. His children were: James, John Sumner, Daniel Amos, Lucinda, and Mrs. Davis. Daniel Wait, who followed the trade of blacksmith, was a Brigadier-general in the … Read more

Biography of William Edward Benson

WILLIAM EDWARD BENSON, who is at the head of a flourishing real estate and insurance business in Greenfield, is the descendant of a family originally settled in Vermont. His grandfather, John Ellis Benson, was born in 1809, in Brookline, Vermont, and died in 1892 in Brattleboro, Vermont. He lived in different places in Vermont and for a time lived in Quebec. He was engaged in the milling trade and before his death had settled in Brattleboro, Vermont, where he lived with his son George. William A. Benson, son of John E. Benson, was born May 14, 1842, in Windham, Vermont, … Read more