Biographical Sketch of Ezekiel Powers

Last Updated on August 27, 2012 by

EZEKIEL POWERS, son of Lemuel and Thankful Leland
Powers-a lady of uncommon intellect-was born in Grafton, Mass., March 27,1745; was one of the party who came to Croydon in the spring of 1766, for the purpose of surveying land and making other preparations for a settlement, and settled here the following year. He was conspicuous principally on account of his great physical strength and his inventive genius. Among his many other inventions, he first introduced the practice of “ridging” green-sward for the purpose of raising Indian corn,-and the “looped” sled so generally used since by the lumbermen of Croydon, and the sheet-iron pans of our sugar-makers of today are of his invention. He purchased some six hundred acres, covering the land of the East Villa, and the meadows above.

DAVID POWERS and SAMUEL POWERS, brothers of Ezekiel, were also among the earliest settlers. They were worthy citizens, and among the most popular and influential men in town, and both died of the “Spotted fever” in 1813.

cousins of Ezekiel, were also among the first settlers. From the foregoing have descended most of those in town who bear the name of Powers. The Powerses were the most numerous family among the first settlers, and were distinguished for giant frames, great physical strength and vigorous intellects.



Partridge, Dennis N. Croydon New Hampshire Genealogy.

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