Biographical Sketch of Dr. Griswold Whipple Wheeler

Last Updated on August 26, 2012 by

DR. GRISWOLD WHIPPLE WHEELER, eldest son of Col. Nathaniel Wheeler, was born at Croydon, Feb. 22,1808, and died at St. Louis, Mo., June 7, 1865. He pursued his studies at Kimball Union Academy; studied medicine with Willard P. Gibson, M. D., of Newport, and graduated at the Medical Department of Dartmouth College. After spending about one year at Hopkinton and one at Covington, Ky., he settled at Perryville, the county seat of Perry County, Mo., where for twenty-five years he was extensively engaged in the practice of his profession, and was the leading physician and surgeon for a large section of country. While attending to his professional duties he found time to master the German and French languages, and gave much attention to the natural sciences, especially Chemistry, Geology and Botany, to which be was passionately devoted. His clear and logical mind, and love of study and observation, combined with his great industry, justly gave him a high position as a professional and scientific man. His attachment to country life was so strong that no solicitations could induce him to remove to the city, and he declined a professorship proffered him in the St. Louis Medical College.

He was never married. A large share of his time and earnings were devoted to deeds of benevolence. He was a patriarch in town, beloved and respected by all, and died firm in the Christian faith.



Partridge, Dennis N. Croydon New Hampshire Genealogy.

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