Biographical Sketch of David Warren

DAVID WARREN, the head of one of the three families that came to town in 1766, was born in Grafton, Mass., in 1742. He married Prudence Whipple, sister of Capt. Moses Whipple, and also to the mother of Rev. Jacob Haven. Not long after their arrival, a most trying incident occurred: Mr. W. went away to work, the wife leaving her infant on the bed and two little ones running about the house, took her pail and went out a little way to the spring for water; in attempting to return, she lost her way, and the more she sought to regain it the more she became bewildered. Fearing she might wander away and be lost, she sat down upon a log and there remained until her husband’s return at nightfall, when his loud outcry soon restored the lost, anxious, aching-hearted mother to her sacred little charge.

PRUDENCE WARREN, daughter of David, married Dea. Abel Wheeler, of Newport, and has several noted descendants.

DANIEL WARREN, Son of David Warren, Jr., a Congregational clergyman, was settled at Waterbury, Vt.; died at Lowell, Vt.



Partridge, Dennis N. Croydon New Hampshire Genealogy.

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