Nebraska Indian Reservations

Last Updated on August 27, 2013 by Dennis

A list of Nebraska Indian reservations showing the Indian tribes the land was set aside for, the amount of acres if known, and the acts, treaties, and executive orders used to establish the reservation.

Reservation: Niobrara
Tribes: Santee Sioux
Established by: Act of Mar. 3, 1863 (XII, 819); treaty of Apr. 29, 1868 (XV, 637); Executive orders, Feb. 27, July 20, 1866, Nov. 16, 1867, Aug. 31, 1869, Dee. 31, 1873, and Feb. 9, 1885. 32,875.75 acres were selected as homesteads, 38,908.01 acres as allotments, find 1,130.70 acres for agency, school, and mission purposes; unratified agreement of Oct. 17, 1882. (For modification see sundry civil appropriation act approved Mar. 3, 1883, XXII, 624. For text, see misc. Indian doc., vol. 14, p. 305.) Act of Apr. 30. 1888 (xxv, 94), not accepted.

Reservation: Omaha
Tribes: Omaha
Acres: 12,421
Established by: Treaty of Mar. 16, 1854 (X, 1043); selection by Indians with the President’s approval, May 11, 1855; treaty of Mar. 6, 1865 (XIV, 667); act of June 10, 1872 (XVII, 391); act of June 22, 1874 (XVIII, 170); deed to Winnebago Indians, dated July 31, 1874: act of Aug. 7, 1882 (XXII, 341): act of Mar. 3. 1893 (XXVII, 612); 129,470 acres allotted to 1,577 Indians; the residue, 12,421 acres, unallotted.

Reservation: Ponca
Tribes: Ponca
Established by: Treaty of Mar. 12, 1858 (XII, 997), and supplemental treaty Mar. 10, 1865 (XIV, 675); act of Mar. 2, 1899 (XXV, 892). 27,202.08 acres were allotted to 167 Indians, and 160 acres reserved and occupied by agency and school buildings. (See President’s proclamation, Oct. 23, 1890, XXVI, 1559)

Reservation: Sioux (additional)
Tribes: Oglala Sioux
Acres: 640
Established by: Executive order, Jan. 24, 1882.

Reservation: Winnebago
Tribes: Winnebago
Acres: 1,711
Established by: Act of Feb. 21, 1863(XII,658): treaty of Mar. 8, 1865 (XIV, 671): act of June 22, 1874 (XVIII, 170); deed from Omaha Indians, dated July 31, 1874 (Indian Deeds, VI, 215). 106,040.82 acres were allotted to 1,200 Indians; 480 acres reserved for agency, etc.; the residue, 1,710.80 acres, unallotted.


Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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