Biographical Sketch of Isaac Gibson

Last Updated on August 3, 2012 by

Isaac Gibson, live stock and farming, was born in Clark County, Ind., December 8, 1814; came to Fairfield, Jefferson Co., Iowa, in 1851; kept a hotel, known as the Gibson House; also engaged in farming; in the spring of 1857, came to Tekamah; bought out a grocery, the only one in Tekamah. He had also bought a farm, which was managed by his sons, consisting of 540 acres. He closed out his store in about 1869 and engaged in real estate, live stock, and superintending his farm. His business now is principally livestock. Has been Justice of the Peace; was elected Probate Judge in 1863; served two years; was County Commissioner four years. His sons, J. S. and G. W., served about one year in the late war. He now owns two farms, one in Section 18, and one in Section 26; also property in town.



Burt County NE,

Compendium of History Reminiscence and Biography Of Nebraska. Chicago: Alden Publishing Company. 1912.

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