Pulaski County, Georgia Treasurers 1866 – 1929

Treasurers of Pulaski County Georgia for the years of 1866-1929. S. W. Taylor, Jan. 22, 1866 E. B. Gilbert, Sept, 14, 1868 Edward B. Gilbert, Feb. 7, 1871 John M. Stokes, Jan. 10, 1973 John W. Lancaster, Jan. 13, 1875 Office abolished by vote, Jan. 27, 1877 D. G. Fleming, Jan. 13, 1881 W. A. Ferguson, Jan. 9, 1883 C. M. Davis, Jan. 10, 1885 C. M. Davis, Jan. 8, 1887 C. M. Davis, Jan. 8, 1889 C. M. Davis, Jan. 10, 1891 C. M. Davis, Jan. 6, 1893 W. L. Turner, Jan. 9, 1895 W. A. Ferguson, Oct. 19, … Read more

Pulaski County, Georgia Sheriffs 1809 – 1930

Sheriffs from Pulaski County, Georgia for the years of 1809-1930. Lewis Holland, May 4, 1809 Elisha Higgs, Nov. 30, 1809 Allen Took, Oct. 29, 1811 Archibald Lassiter, Sept. 7, 1813 Elijah Wallace, Jan. 10, 1814-Jan. 9, 1816 Bartley Barker, Jan. 9, 1816 Daniel Rhodes, Jan. 13, 1818 Bartley Barker, Jan. 11, 1820 Uriah Yarbrough, Jan. 29, 1822 Bartlett Barker, Jan. 14, 1824 Willis B. Reeves, Jan. 17, 1826 Alexander Dennard, Jan. 12, 1830-Jan. 11, 1832 John Lee Junr, Jan. 11, 1832-Jan. 14, 1834 William L. Tooke, Jan. 14, 1834-Jan. 16, 1836 Wiley Holder, Jan. 16, 1836-Jan. 15, 1838 Jas. Dykes, … Read more

Pulaski County, Georgia Clerks of the Superior Court – 1809 – 1936

Clerks of Superior Court from Pulaski County, Georgia for the years of 1809-1936. Richard H. Thomas, May 4, 1809 Richard H. Thomas, Nov. 2, 1809 Richard Thomas, Oct. 29, 1811 Turner Everett, Feb. 1814 Edward Smith, Jan. 9, 1816 Gray B. Gardner, Jan. 13, 1818 Gray B. Gardner, Jan. 11, 1820 Gray B. Gardner, Jan. 29, 1822 G. B. Gardner, Jan.14, 1824 (Deceased) Westly Yarbrough, Feb. 9, 1825 Westly Yarbrough, Jan. 17, 1826 Joseph Carruthers, Feb. 29, 1829 Joseph Carruthers, Jan. 12, 1830-Jan. 11, 1832 Joseph Carruthers, Jan. 11, 1832-Jan. 14, 1834 Joseph Carruthers, Jan. 14, 1834-Jan. 16, 1836 Joseph … Read more

Pulaski County, Georgia Tax Collectors 1851 – 1936

Tax Collectors from Pulaski County, Georgia for the years of 1851-1936 Daniel M. McCabe, Jan. 12, 1850-Jan. 16, 1851 Charles Love, Jan. 16, 1851-Jan. 14, 1852 John Buchan, Jan. 14, 1852-Jan. 17, 1853 Henry Anderson, Jan. 17, 1853-Jan. 11, 1854 Sylvester Walden, Jan. 11, 1854-Jan. 9, 1855 B. B. Johnson, Jan. 9, 1855-Jan. 11, 1856 Nicholas Rawlins, Jan. 11, 1856-Jan. 12, 1857 Bassel B. Johnson, Jan. 12, 1857-Jan. 12, 1858 Nicholas Rawlins, Jan. 12, 1858-Jan. 7, 1859 Duncan C. Daniel, Jan. 7, 1859-Jan. 10, 1860 David S. Dykes, Jan. 10, 1860-Jan. 10, 1861 William Sapp, Jan. 10, 1861 David Sapp, … Read more

Pulaski County, Georgia Ordinaries 1854 – 1923

Ordinaries from Pulaski County, Georgia for the years of 1854-1923 John V. Mitchell, Jan. 27, 1852-Dec. 20, 1854 Thomas L. Taylor, Dec. 20, 1854-Jan. 11, 1856 Josephus Carruthers, Jan. 11, 1856-June 12, 1857 John H. Brantley, June 12, 1857-Jan. 10, 1860 F. J. B. Brown, Jan. 10, 1860 John J. Sparrow, Aug. 16, 1862-Feb. 16, 1864 John J. Sparrow, Feb. 16, 1864 John J. Sparrow, Sept. 14, 1868 Patrick T. McGriff, Jan. 10, 1873 Patrick T. McGriff, Jan. 27, 1877 Patrick T. McGriff, Jan. 13, 1881 Patrick T. McGriff, Jan. 15, 1885 Patrick T. McGriff, Jan. 5, 1889 Patrick T. … Read more

Pulaski County, Georgia Surveyors 1809 – 1930

Surveyors of Pulaski County, Georgia from 1809-1930 John Bush, May 4, 1809 Thomas Johnson, Nov. 2, 1809 Daniel Cornwell, Oct. 29, 1811 Josiah Everett, Jan. 9, 1816 Josiah Everett, Jan. 13, 1818 Josiah Everett, Jan. 11, 1820 Josiah Everett, Jan. 29, 1822 John W. Wynn, Jan. 15, 1823 Joel Walker, Jan. 14, 1824 Edward Banker, Jan. 17, 1826 Benjamin H. Sturges, Jan. 11, 1832-Jan. 14, 1834 William Haskins, Jan. 14, 1834-Jan. 16, 1835 John S. Wilson, Jan. 16, 1835-Jan. 16, 1836 John J. Hamilton, Jan. 20, 1842 Daniel Mathews, Jan. 8, 1844 John Turnbull, Jan. 25, 1845 John W. Barkwell, … Read more

History of The Houston Circuit

Until 1821 the Ocmulgee River had been the western boundary of the State of Georgia as well as the boundary of Pulaski County. There were no white settlements west of the Ocmulgee prior to this date, because the territory between the Ocmulgee and Flint Rivers belonged to the Lower Creek Indians and was used by them as hunting grounds. On January 8, 1821, a treaty was made between the whites and Indians at Indian Springs which opened this section to white settlers. The new territory attracted home seekers and enterprising planters. At once the South Carolina Conference took cognizance of … Read more

History of Wesley Chapel, Pulaski County, Georgia

Wesley Chapel was organized more than one hundred years ago (no record of exact date available). It is situated near the line of Pulaski and Dooly Counties. The first building was of logs, cut and hewn out by those and others who organized and constituted the first church. A number of years ago the old log building had served its day and generation and had to be torn down to make room for a new building. It also was built of logs. Later it, too, gave place to a new frame building which the congregation now occupies. This historic church … Read more

History of Baptist Church at Corinth, Pulaski County, Georgia

In 1866, soon after the close of the “War Between the States,” John Godwin and Daniel Fann, two consecrated Baptist ministers, were appointed to act as a presbytery to draw up articles of faith for a Baptist Church at Corinth, an Old Field School, about three miles east of Hawkinsville. The following brethren and sisters assented to the articles drawn up and were duly constituted into a regular Baptist Church, October 12. 1866: M. B. Fann, Miles Bembry, W. G. Fleming, Jacob Fausky, J. E. Holmes, J. W. Lancaster, J. W. Sapp, Martha Fann, Sarah A. Bembry, Sarah L. Bembry, … Read more

History of Finleyson Methodist Church, Pulaski County, Georgia

While a young and small church, having been organized September 29, 1917, it has made history in its growth along all departments of its various activities. It has a membership of thirty-seven, maintains a Sunday School and Woman’s Missionary Society, each organization functioning in a fine way. The following have served as pastors since its organization : Rev. Charlie Wall, M. M. Pearce, W. B. Cheshire, W. E. Hightower, J. G. Harden, J. A. Sconyers, S. W. Sisk, C. B. G. Johnson, S. K. Chandler, T. E. Pickens, A. C. Outler, James F. Jackson, and C. B. Ware, the present … Read more

History of First Methodist Episcopal Church South, Pulaski County, Georgia

The Methodist Church is, likewise, identified with the earliest history of Pulaski County. It was in November of 1805 that Henry Dearborn, Secretary of War, negotiated a treaty between the Indians and the Federal Government for lands between the Oconee and Ocmulgee Rivers. On December 15, 1808, the Georgia legislature passed an act creating Pulaski County from a part of this territory. And in January of 1809 the South Carolina Annual Conference, which embraced all of Georgia at that time, created the “Oakmulgie Circuit.” This circuit embraced Pulaski County. Within one month after the county was created and two years … Read more

History of First Methodist Church, Pulaski County, Georgia

Nineteen twenty-five marked the hundredth anniversary of the Methodist Church’s work in Hawkinsville. The people called Methodists are connected with the very beginning of our city. It was in 1821 that the Georgia legislature authorized two Methodist laymen to erect a ferry line across the Ocmulgee River from land they owned in Hartford to the present site of Hawkinsville. It was a Methodist merchant that opened the first store inside the present city’s incorporate limits. It was a Methodist minister that first came as a regular preacher to Hawkinsville. The First Methodist Church congregation was the first Christian church to … Read more

History of Adriel Primitive Baptist Church, Pulaski County, Georgia

Before writing anything concerning Adriel Church we will first tell the reason it came into existence. Mount Horeb Church was established October 15, 1809, by some of the earliest Baptist settlers of Pulaski County. It was on February 14, 1844, that Brother Joe Burkhalter nailed and locked up the doors of historic old Mount Horeb Church to prevent the entrance of the members of that church who adopted missionary sentiments. Mount Horeb was then located near the present site of Centenary Methodist Church. Mr. Burkhalter was perhaps a deacon of Mount Horeb. He feared the religious innovations of the times … Read more

History of Midway Baptist Church, Pulaski County, Georgia

For many years Old Adam Meeting House was the only religious structure on the old River Road or in the Lampkin settlement. In fact, after leaving Hawkinsville, prior to the year 1800, and for nearly three-score years in the nineteenth century, Old Adam Meeting House was the only place of worship situated on the east side of the Ocmulgee River, south. This church was located about eleven miles from Hawkinsville on the lower River Road just below Mosquito Creek. At this time James L. Lampkin owned all the land in that vicinity, and the church site was donated by him. … Read more

History of Antioch Baptist Church, Pulaski County, Georgia

Antioch Baptist Church was organized August 10, 1893. Rev. R. Bullington preached the organization sermon. The group entered into a conference and elected A. C. Fulghum clerk. The charter members were: Sarah Foster, W. J. Pirkle and wife, J. T. Stephens, Catherine Stephens, J. L. Stephens and wife, B. F. Bracewell, H. D. Vaughn, A. C. Fulghum and wife. Fellowship was the name given the church. After a few years some became dissatisfied with the name and it was changed to Antioch. The services were held under an arbor for three or four years before a house was erected. In … Read more

History of Friendship Baptist Church, Pulaski County, Georgia

Friendship Baptist Church, of Pulaski County, Georgia, was organized May 6, 1843. This church was constituted at the home of Mr. Reubin E. Reynolds I who was born in 1795 and died in 1872) and wife, Winnie Cutts Reynolds, and his daughter, Cynthia Reynolds (who later became the wife of John Wesley Turner). The ministers constituting the presbytery were: Berry Hobbs and Joseph Ross. The charter members were: Benjamin Franklin Adams, William Ridley, Jesse Grantham, Reubin E. Reynolds, Martha Adams, Nancy Ridley, and Winnie Cutts Reynolds. Services were held in the Reynolds home until the first Friendship Church was built, … Read more

Nehemiah Posey – Certificate of Marriage, 1777

Posey, Nehemiah, to Anna Posey, Decm. 15, 1777. By John Brantley, J. P. (Certificate) North Carolina Whereas Anna Posey hath this day applied to me for a Chatham County Certificate of Marriage contracted between her that S. Anna Posey and Nehemiah Posey of the same County of said State on the 7th day of June in the year of our Lord 1777. I do hereby Certify that on the day and date above mentioned Nehemiah Posey and Anna Trountham was lawfully Joined together in the Holy Estate of Matrimony. Certified before me this 15th day of Decm 1777. John Brantly, … Read more

Trustees Of Pulaski Academy

In the early days, each county had an academy to which the State would furnish small annual appropriations. The first commissioners of Pulaski Academy were: Furney F. Gatlin Nelson Clayton Hardy Vickers William Hathorn Robert Thompson. These were named as such in Act of the Legislature, approved December 25, 1822. In 1830, by another Act of the Legislature, the following were “added to the commissioners of the Pulaski County Academy.” Robert N. Taylor Jacob Watson John Rawls William L. Tooke

Pulaski County Academy’s Records

Pulaski County Academy’s Records Mt. Horeb Grand Valley Academy was organized 1808. The date of 1st record is 1840 (Acts 1840, p. 13; Cobb p. 1194, 12/19/1840). 1821 Pulaski County Academy. 1832 Pulaski Walnut Branch Academy. 1840 Pulaski Mt. Horeb Grand Valley Academy. Number chartered 3 (Secondary Education in Georgia 1732-1858) Boogher. Pulaski County Academy-Higher Branches of Education taught. The number of Students taught, according to report of Commission from Academy Returns 1833, is 91 total. 35 male and 56 female. (Second Ed. in Georgia 1732-1858) Boogher. Academies Pulaski County That Robert N. Taylor, Jacob Watson, John Rawls, William L. … Read more

Pulaski County Georgia Superintendents, 1926 to 1935

Those who have served as superintendents from 1926 to 1935 are as follows: T. A. Clower, 1926-28 M. E. Thompson, 1928-33 J. P. Millican, 1933 Principals have been as follows: M. E. Thompson, 1927-28 J. P. Millican, 1928-33 F. M. Greene, Jr., 1933-34 G. T. Simpson, 1934