Wesley Chapel was organized more than one hundred years ago (no record of exact date available). It is situated near the line of Pulaski and Dooly Counties. The first building was of logs, cut and hewn out by those and others who organized and constituted the first church. A number of years ago the old log building had served its day and generation and had to be torn down to make room for a new building. It also was built of logs. Later it, too, gave place to a new frame building which the congregation now occupies. This historic church has had as pastors some of the pioneer preachers of the South Georgia Methodist Conference, outstanding in the realm of religion. “Uncle Jimmie” Anthony, as his followers. and friends lovingly called him, also known as the “Bishop of the Wiregrass,” was a former pastor. He was the father of Rev. Bascom Anthony, a preacher and philosopher whose writings are read by hundreds of admirers. He was also a relative of Miss Bessie Anthony, one of the most beloved residents of the city of Hawkinsville.
Other ministers of Wesley Chapel were: Rev. E. A. Burch, minister for several years, and father of Mrs. R. F. DeLamar of Hawkinsville; Rev. Jackson, son of Charles Jackson; Albert Segars; John Lowe, who rode horseback from Abbeville a distance of thirty miles to fill his appointment; A. C. Outler, at present assistant pastor at Mulberry Street Methodist Church, Macon, Georgia; John and Howard McGehee; Miles Jordan of Dooly County, a man of great courage and great faith.
Some of the most substantial citizens of Pulaski County have been enrolled as members of this old historic church, which has stood for more than a hundred years, guarding the ideals, traditions and faith of Methodism.
At the present time the Chalkers, Pooles, Williams, Martins, Fosters, Halls, Hornes, Stokes, Blacks, and Croziers are descendants of those who organized and constituted Wesley Chapel. The church has a membership of fifty, with Rev. C. B. Ware as pastor.