Wasco Indian Tribe Photo Descriptions

Last Updated on February 9, 2013 by Dennis

The Wasco, like the Warm Springs Indians, are related to the Walla Walla, and through them to the Sahaptin family. The name signifies “basin,” and the tribe derives its name, traditionally, from the fact that formerly one of their chiefs, his wife having died, spent much of his time in making cavities or basins in the soft rock for his children to fill with water and pebbles, and thereby amuse themselves.” They came originally from around the Dalles. Are associated with the Warm Springs and Tenino on a reservation in Oregon just south of the Columbia. Now number 263, profess the Christian religion, and are more advanced in civilization than any tribe in the State. All the tribes of this reservation are self-supporting, deriving about half their subsistence by agriculture and the rest by fishing and hunting.

List of illustrations.

1062. Kle-Mat-Chosny. Agate Arrow-Point.
Is a chief and a member of the Presbyterian Church, and a zealous worker for the spiritual welfare of his people. Height, 5.6¾; circumference of head, 21¾.

1060. Stat-Tla-Ka. Pole Cat.
Height, 5.4; circumference of head, 20 5/8.

1055. Oscar Mark, or Little Vessel.
Height, 5.5; circumference of head, 23¼.


Source: Descriptive Catalogue, Photographs Of North American Indians . United States Geological Survey of the Territories, 1877 by W. H. Jackson, Photographer of the Survey, F. V. Hayden, U. S. Geologist.

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