Treaty of October 4, 1842

Articles of a treaty made and concluded at La Pointe of Lake Superior, in the Territory of Wisconsin, between Robert Stuart commissioner on the part of the United States, and the Chippewa Indians of the Mississippi, and Lake Superior, by their chiefs and headmen.

Article 1. The Chippewa Indians of the Mississippi and Lake Superior, cede to the United States all the country within the following boundaries; viz: beginning at the mouth of Chocolate river of Lake Superior; thence northwardly across said lake to intersect the boundary line between the United States and the Province of Canada; thence up said Lake Superior, to the mouth of the St. Louis, or Fond du Lac river (including all the islands in said lake); thence up said river to the American Fur Company’s trading post, at the southwardly bend thereof, about 22 miles from its mouth; thence south to intersect the line of the treaty of 29th July 1837, with the Chippewas of the Mississippi; thence along said line to its southeastwardly extremity, near the Plover portage on the Wisconsin river; thence northeastwardly, along the boundary line, between the Chippewas and Menomonees, to its eastern termination, (established by the treaty held with the Chippewas, Menomonees, and Winnebagoes, at Butte des Morts, August 11th 1827) on the Skonawby river of Green Bay; thence northwardly to the source of Chocolate river; thence down said river to its mouth, the place of beginning; it being the intention of the parties to this treaty, to include in this cession, all the Chippewa lands eastwardly of the aforesaid line running from the American Fur Company’s trading post on the Fond du Lac river to the intersection of the line of the treaty made with the Chippewas of the Mississippi July 29th 1837.

Article 2. The Indians stipulate for the right of hunting on the ceded territory, with the other usual privileges of occupancy, until required to remove by the President of the United States, and that the laws of the United States shall be continued in force, in respect to their trade and inter course with the whites, until otherwise ordered by Congress.

Article 3. It is agreed by the parties to this treaty, that whenever the Indians shall be required to remove from the ceded district, all the unceded lands belonging to the Indians of Fond du Lac, Sandy Lake, and Mississippi bands, shall be the common property and home of all the Indians, party to this treaty.

Article 4. In consideration of the foregoing cession, the United States, engage to pay to the Chippewa Indians of the Mississippi, and Lake Superior, annually, for twenty-five years, twelve thousand five hundred (12,500) dollars, in specie, ten thousand five hundred (10,500) dollars in goods, two thousand (2,000) dollars in provisions and tobacco, two thousand (2,000) dollars for the support of two blacksmiths shops, (including pay of smiths and assistants, and iron steel &c.) one thousand (1,000) dollars for pay of two farmers, twelve hundred (1,200) for pay of two carpenters, and two thousand (2,000) dollars for the support of schools for the Indians party to this treaty; and further the United States engage to pay the sum of five thousand (5,000) dollars as an agricultural fund, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War. And also the sum of seventy-five thousand (75,000) dollars, shall be allowed for the full satisfaction of their debts within the ceded district, which shall be examined by the commissioner to this treaty, and the amount to be allowed decided upon by him, which shall appear in a schedule hereunto annexed. The United States shall pay the amount so allowed within three years.

Whereas the Indians have expressed a strong desire to have some provision made for their half breed relatives, therefore it is agreed, that fifteen thousand (15,000) dollars shall be paid to said Indians, next year, as a present, to be disposed of, as they, together with their agent, shall determine in council.

Article 5. Whereas the whole country between Lake Superior and the Mississippi, has always been understood as belonging in common to the Chippewas, party to this treaty; and whereas the bands bordering on Lake Superior, have not been allowed to participate in the annuity payments of the treaty made with the Chippewas of the Mississippi, at St. Peters July 29th 1837, and whereas all the unceded lands belonging to the aforesaid Indians, are hereafter to be held in common, therefore, to remove all occasion for jealousy and discontent, it is agreed that all the annuity due by the said treaty, as also the annuity due by the present treaty, shall henceforth be equally divided among the Chippewas of the Mississippi and Lake Superior, party to this treaty, so that every person shall receive an equal share.

Article 6. The Indians residing on the Mineral district, shall be subject to removal there from at the pleasure of the President of the United States.

Article 7. This treaty shall be obligatory upon the contracting parties when ratified by the President and Senate of the United States.

In testimony whereof the said Robert Stuart commissioner, on the part of the United States, and the chiefs and headmen of the Chippewa Indians of the Mississippi and Lake Superior, have hereunto set their hands, at La Pointe of Lake Superior, Wisconsin Territory this fourth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-two.

Robert Stuart, Commissioner
Jno. Hulbert, Secretary

Crow wing River

Po go ne gi shik, 1st Chief
Son go com ick, 2nd Chief

Sandy Lake

Ka non do ur uin zo, 1st Chief
Na tum e gaw bon, 2nd Chief

Gull Lake

Ua bo jig 1st Chief
Pay pe si gon de bay 2nd Chief

Red Ceder Lake

Kui ui sen shis 1st Chief
Ott taw wance 2nd Chief

Po ke gom maw

Bai ie jig 1st Chief
Show ne aw 2nd Chief

Wisconsin River

Ki uen zi 1st Chief
Wi aw bis ke kut te way 2nd Chief

Lac de Flambeau

A pish ka go gi 1st Chief
May tock cus e quay 2nd Chief
She maw gon e 2nd Chief

Lake Bands

Ki ji ua be she shi 1st Chief
Ke kon o tum

Fon du Lac

Shin goob 1st Chief
Na gan nab 2nd Chief
Mong o zet 2nd Chief

La Pointe

Gitchi waisky 1st Chief
Mi zi 2nd Chief
Ta qua gone e 2nd Chief


O kon di kan 1st Chief
Kis ke taw wac 2nd Chief


Pe na shi 1st Chief
Guck we san sish 2nd Chief

Vieux Desert

Ka she osh e 1st Chief
Medge waw gwaw wot 2nd Chief

Mille Lac

Ne qua ne be 1st Chief
Ua shash ko kum 2nd Chief
No din 2nd Chief

St. Croix

Be zhi ki 1st Chief
Ka bi na be 2nd Chief
Ai aw bens 2nd Chief

Snake River

Sha go bi 1st Chief

Chippewa River

Ua be she shi 1st Chief
Que way zhan sis 2nd Chief

Lac Courtulle

Ne na nang eb 1st Chief
Be bo kon uen 2nd Chief
Ki uen zi 2nd Chief

In presence of:

Henry Blanchford, Interpreter
Samuel Ashmun, Interpreter
Justin Rice
Charles H. Oakes
William A. Aitkin
William Brewster
Charles M. Borup
Z. Platt
C. H. Beaulieau
L. T. Jamison
James P. Scott
Cyrus Mendenhall
L. M. Warren

Schedule of claims examined and allowed by Robert Stuart, commissioner, under the treaty with the Chippewa Indians of the Mississippi and Lake Superior, concluded at La Pointe, October 4th 1842, setting forth the names of claimants, and their proportion of allowance of the seventy-five thousand dollars provided in the fourth article of the aforesaid treaty, for the full satisfaction of their debts, as follows:

No. of claim.

Name of claimant.

Proportion of $75,000. set apart in 4th article of treaty.
1 Edward F. Ely $50 80
2 Z. Platt, esq., attorney for George Berkett 484 67
3 Cleveland North Lake Co 1,485 67
4 Abraham W. Williams 75 03
5 William Brewster 2,052 67
This claim to be paid as follows, viz:

$2,052 67

William Brewster, or order

$1,929 77

Charles W. Borup, or order

122 90

$2,052 67

6 George Copway 61 67
7 John Kahbege 57 55
8 Alixes Carpantier 28 58
9 John W. Bell 186 16
10 Antoine Picard 6 46
11 Michael Brisette 182 42
12 Francois Dejaddon 301 48
13 Pierre C. Duvernay 1,101 00
14 Jean Bts. Bazinet 325 46
15 John Hotley 69 00
16 Francois Charette 234 92
17 Clement H. Beaulieu, agent for the estate of Bazil Beaulieu, dec’d 596 84
18 Francois St. Jean and George Bonga 366 84
19 Louis Ladebauche 322 52
20 Peter Crebassa 499 27
21 B. T. Kavanaugh 516 82
22 Augustin Goslin 169 05
23 American Fur Company
This claim to be paid as follows, viz: 13,365 30
American Fur Company

12,565 10

Charles W. Borup

800 20

$13,365 30

24 William A. Aitken 935 67
25 James P. Scott 73 41
26 Augustin Bellanger 192 35
27 Louis Corbin 12 57
28 Alexes Corbin 596 03
29 George Johnston 35 24
30 Z. Platt, esq., attorney for Sam’l Ashman 1,771 63
31 Z. Platt, esq., attorney for Wm. Johnson 390 27
32 Z. Platt, esq., attorney for estate of Dan’l Dingley 1,991 62
33 Lyman M. Warren 1,566 65
34 Estate of Michael Cadotte, disallowed.
35 Z. Platt. esq., attorney for estate of E. Roussain 959 13
36 Joseph Dufault 144 32
37 Z. Platt, esq., attorney for Antoine Mace 170 35
38 Michael Cadotte 205 60
39 Z. Platt, esq., att’y for Francois Gauthier 167 05
40 Z. Platt, esq., att’y for Joseph Gauthier 614 30
41 Z. Platt, esq., attorney for J. B. Uoulle 64 78
42 Jean Bts. Corbin 531 50
43 John Hulbert 209 18
44 Jean Bts. Couvellion 18 80
45 Nicholas Da Couteau, withdrawn.
46 Pierre Cotte
47 W. H. Brockway and Henry Holt, executors to the estate of John Holliday, dec’d. 732 50
48 John Jacob Astor 3,157 10
This claim to be paid as follows, viz: 37,994 98*
Charles W. Borup

1,676 90

Z. Platt, esq

2,621 80

John Jacob Astor

23,696 28

$27,994 98

49 Z. Platt. esq., attorney for Thos. Connor 1,118 60
50 Charles H. Oakes 4,309 21
51 Z. Platt, esq., attorney for Wm. Morrison 1,074 70
52 Z. Platt, esq., att’y for Isaac Butterfield 1,275 56
53 J. B. Van Rensselaer 62 00
54 William Brewster and James W. Abbot
The parties to this claim request no payment be made to either without their joint consent, or until a decision of the case be had, in a court of justice.
2,067 10
55 William Bell 17 62
$75,000 00

Robert Stuart, Commissioner
Jno. Hulbert, Secretary


Collection: Indian Treaties Acts and Agreements. Web. © 2016.

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