Letter from Department of War, October 11, 1833

DEPARTMENT OF WAR, October 11, 1833. SIR: I have received your letter of the 15th and 22d ultimo, together with a printed notice enclosed in the former. I perceive the embarrassments under which you labor, and am satisfied you will proceed in the execution of your duty in the best manner the means of information in your power will permit. You doubtless, ere this, have received a copy of the register prepared by Major Armstrong. This will furnish you with an authentic list of all the claims to which any of the Choctaws are entitled, and you will be guided … Read more

Letter from Department of War, November 1, 1833

DEPARTMENT OF WAR, November 1, 1833 SIR: I have received your letter of the 10th ultimo, and, in answer, have to inform you that it has already been decided that, in locating the reservations granted by the Choctaw treaty, when a section is granted, an entire surveyed section must be taken. When a hall’ section is granted, the surveyed half of an entire section roust be taken, and so with a quarter section. It is not, conceived that ally well-founded doubt can exist upon this subject, and the locating agent has been directed to execute his duties accordingly. A copy … Read more

Letter from Department of War April 8, 1834

23 Congress No. 1230 1stSession In Relation To The Location Of Reservations Under The Choctaw Treaty Of The 27th Of September, 1830. Communicated To The Senate April 11, 1834. DEPARTMENT OF WAR April 8, 1834. SIR: I have the honor to communicate a report from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, with accompanying documents, containing the information called for by the resolutions of the Senate of the 3d of March, in relation to the location of reservations under the treaty with the Choctaws of September 27th, 1830.      I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,   LEWIS CASS Hon. MARTIN VAN … Read more

Captains entitled to the additional half section, Nitachacha District

No. Names. Number of acres cultivated. Entitled as Captains Number of acres. 1. Big Ax, (Six Town) 5 320 400 2 Toshpabe 3 320 400 3 Tikbarnchabubbee 8 320 400 4 Onabi 1½ 320 820 5 Nakishtabi 1¼ 320 320 6 Pashishtikabi 7 320 400 7 Otikuihacho 9 320 400 8 Kawalichabi 6 320 400 9 Hoshisbimataha 3 320 400 10 Hopaiahoma 12 320 480 11 Captain Lakto 8 320 400 12 Ittotahoma 4 320 400 13 Ittotechahabi 3 320 400 14 Ibakahabi 2 320 400 15 Kaniyohikabi, or Hitch Charly 4 320 400 16 Hopaiishtonaki 8 320 400 17 … Read more

Choctaw orphan children, and their parents, in Nitachacha’s district.

Register of the names of Choctaw orphan children, and their parents, as far as can be ascertained, which are to be provided for by a provision in the Choctaw treaty of 1830, in Nittachachi’s district. No. Name of Orphans Sex Name of Parents Gen. Remarks 1 Wascomme male Ponchemastubbee . 2 Achecautubbee male Pochehokete . 3 Tahonah female Apehache – Tewakayo . 4 Elieshabbee male Shaphahhomah Mother’s name unknown. 5 Iatohah female Imistonabbee – Pootahoka Mother no father 6 Uahakah male Eliimme . 7 Maasontimah female Ponchahomah  – Istantonah . 8 Maleshabbee male Onahhopiah – Istonah . 9 Muckonah female … Read more

Choctaw orphan children, and their parents, in Leflore’s district.

Register of the names of Choctaw orphan children, and their parents, as far as can be ascertained, which are to be provided for by a provision in the Choctaw treaty of 1830, in Leflore’s district.* No. Names of orphans. Sex. Names of parents Remarks. 1 Phelemoontubbee Male Cannautubbee . 2 Timohoka Female Yenonlahonah . 3 Illayamomo Male Nockestiah -Imahatimah . 4 Longsnake Male Alichhomah Wife or mother not known. 5 Emusheah Female . . 6 Marco Male Estocha . 7 Baley Male – Mentoney . 8 Ayofatah Male . Yenontubbee . 9 Lapatomah Female Armentoklee . 10 Preston Male Abapesah … Read more

Choctaw orphan Children and their parents, in the Mingo Mushulatubbe’s District

Register of the names of Choctaw orphan Children and their parents, as far as can be ascertained, which are to be provided for by a provision of the Choctaw treaty of 1830 in the Mushulatubbee’s District No. Orphans Mame Sex Parents Name Remarks 1 Tishu male Sashtubbee  . 2 Shahoye female Ahoye (wife)  . 3 Kawabbee male  —-  . 4 Shoshconchubbee male Nockahomah – Ishtaiye (wife)  . 5 Ishihoyo female Tolabbee  . 6 Tishliotabbee male Itowallee (wife)  . 7 Pesanohotubbee male  —–  . 8 Olohoshtubbee male Imnabbee  . 9 John Pope male Chillechi  . 10 Nooaka female Taninchubbee – Hoyoke … Read more

Captains entitled to the additional half section, Mushulatubbe’s district

MUSHULATUBBE A list of the Captains entitled to the additional half section, under the nineteenth article of the treaty, in Mushulatubbe’s district Names. Number of acres cultivated Entitled as Captains Total number of Acres Holabe 14 320 480 Adam Fulsom 20 320 640 Joseph Kincade 22 320 640 Suba, or Horse 9 320 320 Talking Warrior 12 320 480 Pistabe 10 320 320 Koehoma 14 320 490 Tanahacho 6 320 320 Isaac James 20 320 640 Sockatubbee 15 320 480 Hoshehoma 12 320 480 Immeleche 14 320 480 Atamemastubbe 12 320 480 Holba 15 320 480 Nashbanawa 12 320 480 … Read more

Captains entitled to the additional half section, Leflore District

English names listed on the 1831 “list of claims allowed under the treaty in Greenwood Leflore district”. These are “persons that have relinquished their land. Laflore District A list of the Captains entitled to the additional half section under the nineteenth article of treaty. No    Names Number of Acres Cultivated Entitled as Captains Total number of acres 1 Thomas Leflore 12 320 480 2 James Shields 21 320 640 3 Okchia 2 320 400 4 Anthony Turnbull 40 320 800 5 Lewis Durant 8 320 400 6 Cullashubbee 14 320 480 7 Minta 4 320 400 8 Mihiachubbee 2 320 … Read more

Pitchlynn Choctaw Family – List of Mixed Bloods

Peter Perkins Pitchlynn was the Choctaw Principal Chief from 1864-1866

The Pitchlynn Choctaw family, although represented by one of the smallest name lists in this study, has a long and noted history in the literature of the Old Southwest and Indian Territory (see Chart 18). The eldest Pitchlynn, Isaac, was still alive in 1804 although in ill health. His son, John Pitchlynn, Jr., is recorded as the Choctaw interpreter at the Treaty of Hopewell in 1786 and for nearly half a century was a respected and honored countryman in Choctaw country. John lived a long while on Old Woman’s Creek, a tributary of the Oknoxabee (or Noxobee) River which itself … Read more

Nail Choctaw Family – List of Mixed Bloods

[92]Another ubiquitous family, the Nails (see Chart 17), was intermarried into several full-blood and mixed-blood families. Cushman, while visiting the gravesites of some noted Choctaws in Indian Territory, discussed the Nail family: “Close by that of Colonel David Folsom’s was the grave of Joel H. Nail, a brother-in-law to Colonel Key to Chart Probable = P,  Countryman = C,  Yes = Y,  Trader = T, Married = md,  Mixed Blood = mb Chart 17[92a] [93]Folsom, and grandfather of Joel H. Nail, now living in Caddo, Indian Territory. He was another true and noble specimen of a Choctaw Christian man. A … Read more

LeFlore Choctaw Family – List of Mixed Bloods

When prominent mixed-blood families began to emerge from the Choctaw people in the early 1800s they usually did so where one or both parents were mixed bloods themselves. A case in point is the Leflore family. According to Cushman,  the brothers Michael and Louis were living in[90] Choctaw country as early as the late eighteenth century.  Cushman has the LeFlores in Mobile not long after the end of the French and Indian War and identifies them as French Canadians who entered Choctaw country as traders, Louis marrying into the mixed-blood Cravat family already in residence there (see Chart 16). J.F.H. … Read more

Juzan Choctaw Family – List of Mixed Bloods

Juzan Genealogy Chart

One of the earliest and most colorful of the mixed-blood lines is the Juzan family (see Charts 14 and 15). The noted Choctaw historian Muriel Wright discussed the history and genealogy of the family in a little-known, private letter to a Juzan descendent in 1931, writing: “A young Frenchman by the name of De Juzan, acting as military aide to Chevalier De Noyan, fell in a battle [Ackia] between the French and the Chickasaws, in May 1736….Whether De Juzan was connected in any way with the Juzan family among the Choctaws is uncertain at this time, although it has been … Read more

Jones Choctaw Family – List of Mixed Blood

[80]The Jones family represents one of the longest lists of this study with sixty-one family members being listed in records (see Chart 13). Despite the probable duplication of Key to Chart Probable = P,  Countryman = C,  Yes = Y,  Trader = T,Married = md,  Mixed Blood = mb Chart 13[81a] [82]names there are by conservative estimate more than fifty valid individuals represented. Of the twenty-five on the Armstrong roll a family total of one hundred nineteen yields a family average size of just below five. At least four mixed bloods are named: William, Soloman, Polly, and Siney, with William … Read more

Indian Removal and the Legacy

[177]The articles of removal of the 1830 Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek were set into motion immediately. By 1831 and 1832 when Removal was in full force mixed bloods still maintained their positions of trust and authority within the tribe. During Removal the percentage of mixed-blood captains — the headmen and leaders of the organized emigrant bands bound for the new Indian nation -was greater than their percentage within the overall population of the tribe (see Chart 22). Their understanding of the English language and the ways of Americans became even more valuable as the bands of emigrants made their way … Read more

From Alliance to Removal

[138]Throughout the Jeffersonian period and later, the white countrymen and mixed bloods expanded their influence over the full-blood tribal members. One aspect of this can be seen by analyzing the ratio of full-blood to mixed-blood Choctaw signers of treaties with the United States. CHART 19 Breakdown of Choctaw treaty Signers Year Treaty Full Bloods Mixed Blood 1786 Hopewell 29  0 1801 Ft. Adams 15 1 (6%) 1802  Ft. Confederation 10  0 1803 Hoe Buckintoopa 10 0 1805 Mt. Dexter 14  9 (39%) 1816 Trading House 11 2 (15%) 1820 Doaks Stand 78 25 (24%) 1825 Washington 4* 4 (50%) 1830 … Read more

Jefferson, Mixed Bloods and Frontier Defense

[102]By the beginning of the nineteenth century at least two major changes had altered the political environment affecting the Choctaw Indians. Within the Choctaw tribe several countrymen were beginning to exert influence in tribal decisions. Although not yet accepted as equals to the chiefs, white men such as Nathaniel Folsom and John Pitchlynn were respected and utilized as counselors in negotiations between the tribe and American officials. External to the tribe, the United States had negotiated the Treaty of San Lorenzo in 1795 with Spain and assumed economic hegemony over the tribes which mainly resided on lands north of the … Read more

Choctaw Indian Treaty Signers, 1830

There exists several thousand names from government claims records and commission hearings, as well as genealogical evidence, which indicate a broad occurrence of mixed bloods in the Choctaw tribe. This study lists the names and families of the known mixed bloods and examines their role in tribal history, especially regarding land treaties during the Jeffersonian years preceding Removal. This study includes a database of over three thousand names of known and probable mixed bloods drawn from a wide range of sources and therefore has genealogical as well as historical value. Readers interested in more information should start their research here: … Read more