1835 Henderson Roll

1830 Map of Cherokee Territory in Georgia

The following is the 1835 Cherokee East of the Mississippi Census or otherwise known as the Henderson Roll. This is only an index of the names. Researchers should consult the full roll in order to get more specific information on each family listed. In 1835, the Cherokee Nation contained almost 22,000 Cherokees and almost 300 Whites connected by marriage. This roll enumerates 16,000 of those people under 5,000 different families.

1835 Cherokee East Census – Alabama

The following is the 1835 Cherokee East of the Mississippi Census or otherwise known as the Henderson Roll. This is only an index of the names. Researchers should consult the full roll in order to get more specific information on each family listed. This list is specific to Alabama. Surname A Ah cho nah Ah neck ah yah te hee Ah no kee Ah tah Looney Ah tah woh noh les Kee Ailcy Alkenny Allstring Dick An-Auger-Hole Aney Anne ie kay yah Antisee An toh hee Antooyes skie Ashtola Nancy Auger Hole Surname B Baldridge George Baldridge Captain Barry Hugh … Read more

1835 Cherokee East Census – North Carolina

The following is the 1835 Cherokee East of the Mississippi Census or otherwise known as the Henderson Roll. This is only an index of the names. Researchers should consult the full roll in order to get more specific information on each family listed. This list is specific to North Carolina. Surname A Alikah Ahnahia Ahseena Ahtowee Ailsey Akecha Alakah Allbones Allbones Allikee Alolah Annechan Anseenah Antowie Antowie Samuel Arch Arch Archa Astucatoga Aticesty Aunechah Auneleha Aunitgeeskey Augetakey Auquitakey Auquitakey Ausena Ausenah Autoheesky Surname C Cahoost Betsey Cah u killer Calbert Andrew Candle Catageeska Catey Catey Catiguskey Caty Caty Causehelah Causulatah … Read more

1835 Cherokee East Census – Tennessee

The following is the 1835 Cherokee East of the Mississippi Census or otherwise known as the Henderson Roll. This is only an index of the names. Researchers should consult the full roll in order to get more specific information on each family listed. This list is specific to Tennessee. Surname A Aaron Achilla Path Killer Acorn Archy Acorn John Adair Franklin Ah conis kah Akemy An ne un by Ark a lu-ka Surname B Back Water Baley Levi Barnes Thomas Beaver Toatet Bellows Bend-A-Bout Big Bear Nancy Bigby James Bigby James Sr. Bigby Thomas Bigby Willey Big Field Big Hoe … Read more

1832 Creek Census

By a treaty of March 24, 1832, the Creek Indians ceded to the United States all of their land east of the Mississippi River. Heads of families were entitled to tracts of land, which, if possible, were to include their improvements. In 1833 Benjamin S. Parsons and Thomas J. Abbott prepared a census of Creek Indian heads of families, which gave their names and the number of males, females, and slaves in each family. The entries were arranged by town and numbered; these numbers were used for identification in later records. – Database coming back soon. This 1832 Creek Census … Read more

1835 Cherokee East Census – Georgia

The following is the 1835 Cherokee East of the Mississippi Census or otherwise known as the Henderson Roll. This is only an index of the names. Researchers should consult the full roll in order to get more specific information on each family listed. This list is specific to Georgia. Surname A Acquetakey Adair Andrew Adair Benjamin F Adair Calvin S. Adair Edward Adair George W. Adair Rachel Adair Samuel Adair Walter T. Adam Adam Agga Agga Agga Agga Aggy Ahkechkechy Ahneushee Ahsutter Ailsey Ailsey Alberts Johnson Alexander William B. Mc, Allbones Allgone John Allhollow through Alunahaka Anchogeeskee Annahteeskee Annawaka Anna … Read more

1884 Hester Roll Index

Há-tchoo-túc-knee, Snapping Turtle, a Half-breed, George Catlin, 1834

An index to the 1884 Hester Roll, compiled by Joseph G. Hester as a record of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians in 1882-1883. This roll lists Cherokees residing east of the Mississippi River. Joseph G. Hester, a Special Agent, conducted the enumeration in 1882-1883, and the roll was approved by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs on January 24, 1884. The roll itself provides both the Chapman roll number and the English and Indian names of the individuals.

Bounty Declaration of OCTI-AH-CHEE-HARJO

Office Of Creek Agent, Creek Agency, Indian Territory, August 4, 1870. Some time since an application was made to Judge Wright by one POK-HEE for the back pay and bounty of her brother, whose name was OCTI-AH-CHEE-HARJO, and a private in Company G, First Indian Regiment, who died near Fort Scott, Kansas, about two years after his enlistment. Some Regiment, after the application the money arrived at Gibson, but in the mean time the girl Pok-kee had died, since which time a brother of the deceased soldier has applied repeatedly for the money, but he has been unable to get … Read more

Double Applications for Certain Soldiers

Office Of Indian Affairs, August 9, 1870. Sir: I have the honor herewith to submit for your information and consideration, copy of a letter received the 5th instant, from Captain J. N. Craig, United States agent for the Cherokees at Fort Gibson, Indian Territory, explaining the cause of the double applications for pension in certain mentioned cases, and directing the attention of the Department to the manner of taking evidence, and making suggestions concerning the same. Especial attention is respectfully called to that portion of Agent Craig’s letter wherein he reports the manner in which, and by whom, a seal, … Read more

Pension Peggy Wilson, Widow of Lacy Wilson

Fort Gibson, Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory, December 21, 1870. SIR: In the case of Peggy Wilson, widow of Lacy Wilson, certificate No. 104,631, we have this day suspended further payment on account of discrepancies between the allegations of her original declaration and those of her deposition of this date. The appearance of the pensioner, her advanced age, quiet deportment, and the promptness with which she responded to our interrogations, indicate her honesty and enlist our sympathies. We are inclined to believe her entitled to pension, though not upon the declaration and testimony on which her certificate was issued. It is … Read more

Pension for William Thomas

Pension Agency, Fort Gibson, Indian Territory, December 24, 1870. SIR: There has been this day presented to me, for payment thereupon, pension certificate No. 105,261, invalid, dated September 1, 1870, in favor of William Thomas, late sergeant Company C, Eighth Missouri Volunteers, for $4 per month from 2d January, 1864, signed, “W. T. Otto, Acting Secretary,” and yourself as Commissioner. As at the time of issue of certificate Mr. Clapperton had been suspended, and his effects already seized, the notification is not found, and pensioner’s name is not recorded on the roll. Please have duplicate notification transmitted. Very respectfully, yours, … Read more

Pension Katy Timberleg, widow of Charles Timberleg

Fort Gibson, Indian Territory, January 9, 1871. Sir: Herewith please find claim for pension, application No. 138478, of Katy Timberleg, widow of Charles Timberleg, formerly private of Company F, Third Indian. Home Guards, comprising the papers therein filed by John W. Wright, and the new declaration and additional evidence taken by us, with a duplicate copy of deposition made by said claimant, (prior to “declaration,”) which shows the manner in which her claim was prepared by the agents here of John W. Wright. Said deposition is intended for the Second Auditor’s information in investigating the bounty and back pay claims … Read more

Pension Nakey, widow of C. Georges

Fort Gibson, Indian Territory, January 9, 1871. SIR: Herewith please find claim of Nakey, widow of C. Georges, Ap. No. 138,405, with papers, including declaration and additional evidence as to service and death of soldier, and marriage and widowhood of claimant, sworn to and attested this day, and the papers previously filed by J. W. Wright, with a memorandum indorsed upon the ticket of said claim, which was transcribed from the report of the Adjutant General under date of November, 1865, now on file in your office, upon rolls of the said Adjutant General furnished at said time, comprising record … Read more

Pension Lieutenant Alexander F. Barnes

Fort Gibson, Indian Territory, January 10, 1871. Sir: Albert Barnes, clerk of the Illinois district court, Cherokee Nation, as representative of the heirs of Lieutenant Alexander F. Barnes, deceased, late of Company M, Fourteenth Kansas Cavalry, desires us to inquire relative to the claim for back pay of said officer, and to ascertain the testimony required to establish the same. Among the papers put in our possession as relating to said claim appears the enclosed blank declaration, which, as the judge’s signature appears to be genuine, is transmitted as a further illustration of the manner in which the judiciary of … Read more

Judges of Districts in the Cherokee Nation, July 1865, to July 1870

Executive Department Of The Cherokee Nation, Tahlequah, January 26, 1871. Gentlemen: Enclosed you will please find a list of the names of the districts, and also a list of the judges of the several districts up to present time. Also copies of the act in relation to marriage and estate, and the act in relation to a seal. There is no law legalizing marriages contracted according to the customs of the country, or annulling such marriages. The copy enclosed is all the information I can give you in relation to marriages, as regards the seal. There is no law authorizing … Read more

Pension of Oker-kee-wer-you, widow of Toney

Fort Gibson, Indian Territory, January 30, 1871. SIR: We submit herewith declaration for reissue and increase in the case of Oker-kee-wer-you, (Oocker-we-you,) widow of “Toney,” (Toney.) The discrepancies between this and the original declaration are glaring and illustrate the utter recklessness with which applications were made in this locality; but the ignorance of the pensioner, and her frankness under a rigid cross-examination, relieve her of all blame. Her marriage to the soldier is established to our satisfaction by the testimony of Morter Vaun, who has been designated by the Indian agent as our interpreter. Mr. Vaun was a soldier in … Read more

Pension Minerva Davis, widow of Jesse Davis

Fort Gibson, Indian Territory, February 2, 1871. SIR: Enclosed herewith please find original papers in the case of Minerva Davis, widow of Jesse Davis, (certificate No. 104,659,) with application for increase on account of minor children, &c. The pensioner is totally blind. Morter Vann, one of the identifying witnesses, is acting as our interpreter, is reliable, and has been questioned outside the facts included in his affidavit. These declarations embody the facts elicited by laborious cross-examination, and care is taken to exclude every allegation, which the deponents cannot make intelligently and without reserve. As in the cases heretofore sent, the … Read more

Bounty and Back Pay. widow of Wolf-Track

Fort Gibson, Indian Territory, February 3, 1871. Sir: We are requested to ascertain what amount was paid on the claims for back pay and bounty of the widow of Wolf-Track, late of Company L, Third Regiment Indian Home Guards. The records of J. W. Wright, seized by the Government, show the amount due on said claim to have been $173.14, less $9.19. The widow complains that she received only $85. Will you please inform us what amount was allowed, whether paid by draft or current money, at one or different times? “Rope,” of Company G, Third Regiment Indian Home Guards, … Read more

Bounty of James Taylor

Fort Gibson, Indian Territory, February 7, 1871. SIR: Enclosed herewith please find application for bounties, original and additional, of James Taylor, late a private in Company C, of the Second Regiment Indian Home Guards. If, as we believe, these claims have been already paid, it will be advisable to trace the money to its destination. Claimant insists that he has never received any penny of it, and the fact that he has for some time been in Arkansas furnishes some assurance of his veracity. As he speaks English fluently and is resolute in his determination to recover his dues, his … Read more

Declaration for Increase of Pension, Elizabeth Walking Stick

Fort Gibson, Indian Territory, February 7, 1871. SIR: Enclosed please find declaration for increase of pension in the case of Elizabeth Walking Stick, including pensioner’s affidavit relative to discrepancies between the documents of today and those of her original application. We also transmit herewith the original papers, and also the pensioner’s certificate. The identity of the pensioner was established by her witnesses, one of whom is known to us, and by Morter Vann, our interpreter. She speaks English freely. It would appear useless to hold claimants in this country responsible for any statements that may appear in their original declarations. … Read more