F- Pennsylvania Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Frankstown. A village, probably of the Delawares, which seems to have been near the site of the present Frankstown, Blair co., Pa., in 1756. (J. M.) Friedenshuetten (German: huts of peace). A village formerly on Susquehanna r. a few miles below Wyalusing, and probably in Wyoming co. Pa. It was established in 1765 by Mahican and Delaware converts under direction of the Moravian missionaries, and seems to have been on the site of an older town. In 1770 the Indians … Read more

F- Minnesota Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Farmers Band. A Dakota division, probably of the Mdewakanton, whose habitat was below L. Traverse, Minn.

F- New Mexico Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Fejiu. A prehistoric pueblo of the Tewa at the site of the present town of Abiquiu, on the Rio Chama, Rio Arriba co., N. Mex. Fesere. A prehistoric pueblo of the Tewa on a mesa w. or s. of the Rio Chama, near Abiquiu, Rio Arriba co., N. Mex.

F- California Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Fax. A former Chumashan village near Purisima mission, Santa Barbara co., Cal. Taylor in Cal. Farmer, Oct. 18, 1861. Flunmuda. A former village, presumably Costanoan, connected with Dolores mission, San Francisco, Cal. Taylor in Cal. Farmer, Oct. 18, 1861. Focomae. A Diegueño rancheria represented in the treaty of 1852 at Santa Isabel, s. Cal. H. R. Ex. Doc. 76, 34th Cong., 3d sess., 132, 1857. Four Creek Tribes. A collective name for the Yokuts tribes or bands that re sided … Read more

F- Canadian Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Flowpahhoultin. As small body of Salish of Fraser superintendency, Brit. Col., in 1878. Can. Ind. Aff., 79, 1878. Fountain. A band of Upper Lillooet, inhabiting, with the Shuswap, the village of Huhilp, on the E. bank of Fraser r., above Lillooet, Brit. Col.; pop. 205 in 1904. Can. Ind. Aff. 1904, pt. n, 73, 1905. Friendly Village. The name given by Mackenzie (Voy., 351, 1802) to an Athapascan village, probably of the Takulli, on upper Salmon r., Brit. Col., on … Read more

F- Florida Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Fish-eating Creek. A Seminole settlement with 32 inhabitants in 1880, situated 5 m. from the mouth of a creek that empties into L. Okeechobee, Manatee co., Fla. MacCauley in 5th Rep. B. A. E., 478, 1887. Florida Indians. A term almost as vague as the ancient geographic conception of Florida itself, used (Doc. Col. Hist. N. Y., vi, 243, 1855) to designate Indians who robbed a vessel stranded on the Florida keys in 1741-42. Schoolcraft (Ind. Tribes, vi, 47, 1857) … Read more

F- Alaska Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Fetkina. A Chnagmiut village on the n. arm of the Yukon delta, Alaska; pop. 30 in 1880. Petroff in 10th Census, Alaska, 111, 1884. Fetutlin. A Hankutchin village of 106 people on upper Yukon r., Alaska, near the mouth of Forty-mile cr. Petroff, 10th Census, Alaska, map, 1884. Fort Yukon. A Kutchakutchin village and trading post of 107 inhabitants at the junction of Yukon and Porcupine rs., Alaska. Petroff in 10th Census, Alaska, 62, 1884. Fotshou’s Village. A summer camp … Read more

F- Arizona Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Four Mile Ruin. A prehistoric ruin on a branch of the Little Colorado, 4 m. from Snowflake, Navajo co., Ariz. The ruin was excavated in 1897 by the Bureau of American Ethnology, the mortuary deposit 1904. Fresnal (Span.: ash grove). A Papago village, probably in Pima co., s. Ariz.; pop. about 250 in 1863. Poston in Ind. Aff. Rep. 1863, 385, 1864.

Eskimo Tribal Histories

Eskimo American aborigines, forming part of the Eskimauan linguistic stock, which formerly occupied nearly all the coasts and islands of Arctic America from E. Greenland and the N. end of Newfoundland to the westernmost Aleutian ids., even extending to the E. coast of Siberia a distance of more than 5,000 m . From remains found in Smith sd. it is evident that bands formerly wintered as far n. as lat. 79° and had summer camps up to 82°. At the present time they have re ceded from this extreme range and in the S. have abandoned the N. shore of … Read more

E- Tennessee Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Echota (corruption of Itsǎ´tĭ, meaning unknown). The name of several Cherokee towns. (1) the most important often distinguished as Great Echota was on the s. side of Little Tennessee r., a short distance below Citico cr., in Monroe co., Tenn. It was the ancient capital and sacred “peace town” of the nation. At that place there is a large mound. (2) Little Echota was on Sautee (Itsâ′tĭ) cr., a head-stream of the Chattahoochee, w. of Clarkesville, Ga. (3) New Echota, … Read more

E- Texas Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Ebahamo. An extinct tribe formerly dwelling on Matagorda bay, Tex. La Salle constructed his Ft St Louis within the territory of this tribe and of the Quelanhubeches, or Karankawa, who probably were a cognate people. Joutel (1687) states in his narrative (French, Hist. Coll. La., i, 134, 1846) that La Salle recorded a vocabulary of their language, which is very different from that of the Cenis (Caddo) and more difficult; that they were neighbors and allies of the latter people … Read more

E- Unknown Location Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Eastern Indians. A collective term a plied by the early New England writers to all the tribes N. E. of Merrimac r. It is used by Hubbard as early as 1680. These tribes, including the Pennacook, Abnaki, Malecite, and Micmac, were generally in the French interest and hostile to the English. (J. M.) Ehouae (one battered it. Hewitt). A village of the Tionontati existing in 1640. Ehressaronon. The Huron name of a tribe mentioned by Ragueneau in 1640 as living … Read more

E- Oregon Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Enitunne (‘people’ at the base of a plateau’). A village of the Tututni near the mouth of a southern affluent of Rogue r., Oreg. Enitunne. A part of the Mishikwutmetunne in a village on upper Coquille r., Oreg. Etaatthatunne (people at the cove). A village of the Tututni of Oregon. Eushtat (E’-ushtat). The principal settlement of the Klamath on lower William son r., near lower Klamath lake, Klamath co., Oreg. Gatschet in Cont. N. A. Ethnol., ii, pt. 2, 32, … Read more

E- New York Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Esopus (sip ‘river’-us ‘small’). A division of the Munsee that lived along the w. bank of Hudson r. in Greene and Ulster cos., N. Y., above the Minisink, who formed the main division. Esopus is the old name of Kingston, which was their principal rendezvous. Under this name were included the Catskill, Mamekoting, Waoranec, Warranawonkong, and Wawarsink, sometimes called the five tribes of the Esopus country. They continued to reside about Kingston until some joined the Moravian Munsee and Mahican … Read more

E- North Carolina Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Echota (corruption of Itsǎ´tĭ, meaning unknown). The name of several Cherokee towns. (1) the most important often distinguished as Great Echota was on the s. side of Little Tennessee r., a short distance below Citico cr., in Monroe co., Tenn. It was the ancient capital and sacred “peace town” of the nation. At that place there is a large mound. (2) Little Echota was on Sautee (Itsâ′tĭ) cr., a head-stream of the Chattahoochee, w. of Clarkesville, Ga. (3) New Echota, … Read more

E- Mexican Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Ecatacari. A rancheria of either the Eudeve or the Nevome of Sonora, Mexico, in the early part of the 18th century. It was probably situated near Matape. Writer of 1702(?) in Doc. Hist. Mex., 4th s., v, 126, 1857. Echojoa. A Mayo settlement on the Rio Mayo, above Santa Cruz, s. w. Sonora, Mexico; pop. 444 in 1900. Entubur. A former rancheria, probably of the Papago, visited by Kino and Mange in 1694; situated between Tubutama and Busanic, lat. 31, … Read more

E- Mississippi Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. East Abeika. (Aiabeka, ‘unhealthful place’). A former Choctaw town at the mouth of Straight cr., an affluent of the Sukenatcha, in Kemper co., Miss. Called East Abeika to distinguish it from another town of the same name. Halbert in Miss. Hist. Soc. Publ., vi, 425, 1902. See Abihka. Ebita Poocola Chitto (I betap okla chitto, ‘fountain-head big people’). A former Choctaw town, noted by Romans, believed to have been situated on the head of Straight cr., in Kemper co., Miss., … Read more