E- North Carolina Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico.

Echota (corruption of Itsǎ´tĭ, meaning unknown). The name of several Cherokee towns.

(1) the most important often distinguished as Great Echota was on the s. side of Little Tennessee r., a short distance below Citico cr., in Monroe co., Tenn. It was the ancient capital and sacred “peace town” of the nation. At that place there is a large mound.

(2) Little Echota was on Sautee (Itsâ′tĭ) cr., a head-stream of the Chattahoochee, w. of Clarkesville, Ga.

(3) New Echota, the capital of the nation for some years before the removal, was established at a spot, originally known as Gǎnsági, at the junction of Oostanaula and Conasauga rs., in Gordon co., Ga. It was sometimes called Newtown.

(4) The old Macedonian mission on Soco cr., of the North Carolina res., is also known to the Cherokee as Itsâ´tĭ, as was also

(5) the great Nacoochee mound. See Mooney in 19th Rep. B. A. E., 523, 1900.

Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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