H Massachusetts Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Hadley Indians. A small body or band, possibly Nipmuc, which, at the time of King Philip’s war in 1675, occupied a small fort about a mile above Hatfield, on the w. side of Connecticut r., in Hampshire co., Mass. They abandoned their village to join Philip’s forces and thereafter ceased to be known under the name above given. (J. M. ) Hassanamesit (‘at the place of small stones’. Gookin). A village of Christian Indians established in 1654 at Grafton, Worcester … Read more

H Kentucky Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Honniasontkeronon (Iroquois: ‘people of the place of crook-necked squashes’, or ‘people of the place where they wear crosses’). An unidentified people of whom Galinée was informed by the Iroquois as living on Ohio r., above the falls at Louisville, Ky. On a map of De l’Isle, dated 1722, a small lake called L. Oniasont, around which are the words les Oniasontke, is placed on the s. side, apparently, of the “Ouabache, otherwise called Ohio or Beautiful river,” and the outlet … Read more

H Louisiana Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Hipinimtch (hipi ‘prairie’, nimtch ‘road, portage’) .A former Chitimacha village on the w. side of Grand lake, at Fausse Pointe, near Bayou Gosselin, La. Houaneiha. An unidentified village or tribe mentioned to Joutel (Margry, Dec., in, 409, 1878) in 1687, while he was staying with the Kadohadacho on Red r. of Louisiana, by the chief of that tribe as being among his enemies. Houjets. An unidentified tribe containing 40 men described as of fine stature, living on a branch of … Read more

H Georgia Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Hatcheuxhau. A former Upper Creek village near the site of La Grange, Troup co., Ga. Royce in 18th Rep. B. A. E., Ga. map, 1899. Hemptown (translation of the native name, Gatûn′lti′yĭ). A former Cherokee settlement on a creek of the same name, near the present Morganton, Fannin co., Ga. Mooney in 19th Rep. B. A. E., 519, 1900. Hickory Log. A former Cherokee settlement on Etowah r., a short distance above Canton, Cherokee co., Ga. Mooney in 19th Rep. … Read more

H Connecticut Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Hammonasset. A small band, headed by a chief named Sebequanash (the man who weeps) , formerly living about Hammonasset r., near Guilford, Middle sex co., Conn. They were probably a part of the Quinnipiac. De Forest, Hist. Inds. Conn., 52, 1853. Hassimanisco. A former Indian village in Connecticut, probably near Connecticut r. In 1764 there were only 5 Indians left. Stiles (1764) in Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1 st s., x, 105, 1809. Cf. Hassanamesit. Hoccanum. Mentioned as a band … Read more

H Florida Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Hanocoucouaij. A village on the E. coast of Florida, N. of C. Canaveral, in the 16th century. De Bry, Brev. Nar. n, map,1591. Hapaluya. A former large village in upper Florida, visited by De Soto in 1539. Gentl. of Elvas (1557) in French, Hist. Coll. La., n, 133, 1850. Hatchcalamocha. A former Seminole village near Drum swamp, 18 m. w. of New Mickasuky town; probably in the present Lafayette co., Fla. H. R. Ex. Doc. 74 (1823), 19th Cong., 1st … Read more

H Canadian Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Hachaath. An extinct Nootka tribe which formerly lived on or N. of Barclay id, Vancouver id. Haena. A former Haida town on the E. end of Maude id., Skidegate inlet, Queen Charlotte ids. , Brit. Col. It is said to have been occupied in very early times by the Djahui-skwahladagai, and in recent years it was reoccupied by the west coast Haida, who desired to be nearer the traders, but after a comparatively short occupancy the people moved to Skidegate … Read more

H California Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Hahamogna. A former Gabrieleno rancheria in Los Angeles co., Cal., at a locality later called Rancho Verdugos. Ried (1852) quoted by Taylor in Cal. Farmer, June 8, 1860. Hahas. A former Chumashan village at the principal port of Santa Cruz id., Cal., probably at Prisoners harbor. Henshaw, Buenaventura MS. vocab., B. A. E., 1884. Halchis. A former village, presumably Costanoan, connected with Dolores mission, San Francisco, Cal. Taylor in Cal. Farmer, Oct. 18, 1861. Hamechuwa. A former Luiseno village in … Read more

H Alaska Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Hachimuk. A former Aleut village on Agattu id., Alaska, one of the Near id. group of the Aleutians, now uninhabited. Hamnulik. A former Aleut village on Agattu id., Alaska, one of the Near id. group of the Aleutians, now uninhabited. Hanilik. A former Aleut village on Agattu id, Alaska, one of the Near id. group of the Aleutians, now uninhabited. Hankutchin (river people). A Kutchin tribe on upper Yukon r. below Klondike r., Alaska. They make baskets of tama rack … Read more

H Arizona Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Harsanykuk (Hársanykük, ‘saguaro cactus standing’). A Pima village at Sacaton Flats, s. Ariz. Russell, Pima MS., B. A. E., 18, 1902. Hermho (Herm′-ho, ‘once’). A Pima village on the N. side of Salt r., 3 m. from Mesa, Maricopa co., s. Ariz. Russell, Pima MS., B. A. E., 1902. Hiatam (Hi′-a-tam, ‘sea-sand place’, from Híakatcĭk). A Pima village N. of Maricopa station on the S. P. K. R., s. Ariz. Russell, Pima MS., B. A. E., 18, 1902. Hinama (Hi′nǎmâ, … Read more


Gangasco (from shingascui, ‘level, wet, and grassy ground’. Heckewelder). A village of the Powhatan confederacy formerly near the present Eastville, Northampton County, Virginia. It was the most important village on the lowest part of the East shore in 1722. The inhabitants, who were of the Accomac or the Accohanoc tribe, were known as Gingaskins and remained there until they were driven off in 1833, being then much mixed with negroes. (J. M.) Alternate Spellings: Gangascoe, Beverly, Virginia, 199, 1722. Gingaskins, Wise in Schoolcraft, Indian Tribes, v, 36, 1855 (name used for the band).    

G-Unknown Location Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Gahayanduk (Gǎ-‛hänyǎ-yǎnñ’-dǎ’k, ‘there was a forest, or orchard’. Hewitt). A Seneca village destroyed by Denonville’s expedition in 1687. Shea, note in Charlevoix, New France, in, 289, 1868. Gens de la Sapinière (French: people of the fir tree). A numerous tribe formerly living N. N. w. of L. Superior and trading with the English on Hudson bay. Du Lhut, in 1684, endeavored to draw their trade to the French. They were distinct from the Cree, Chippewa, and Assiniboin, and may have … Read more

G-Texas Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Geies (or Geier). One of the non-Caddoan tribes reported by Father Damian Massanet, comisario for the missions of Texas, on the road from Coahuila (probably the presidio rather than the province) to the Tejas (Texas) country in the 18th century. Dictamen Fiscal, Mexico, Nov. 30, 1716, cited by H. E. Bolton, inf’n, 1906. Gueiquesales. A former tribe of s. Texas, probably Coahuiltecan, living near the Manos Prietas, Bocores, Haeser, Pinanaca, Escaba, Cacastes, Cocobipta, Codame, Contotores, Colorados, Babiamares, and Taimamares. Perhaps … Read more

G-Tennessee Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Gusti (Gustĭ′). A traditional Cherokee settlement on Tennessee r., near Kingston, Roane co., Tenn. Mooney in 19th Rep. B. A. E., 521, 1900.

G-North Carolina Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Guhlaniyi (Gû’lani′yĭ). A Cherokee and Natchez settlement formerly at the junction of Brasstown cr. With Hiwasseer., a short distance above Murphy, Cherokee co., N. C. Mooney in 19th Rep. B. A. E., 520, 1900. Gwalgahi (Gwal gâ′hĭ, ‘frog place’). A place on Hiwassee r., in the Cherokee country, just above the junction of Peach-tree cf., near Murphy, Cherokee co., N. C.; about 1755 the site of a village of refugee Natchez, and later of a Baptist mission. Mooney in 19th … Read more

G-Pennsylvania Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Gachwechnagechga (‘islanders.’ Hewitt). The name applied to the Lehigh Indians formerly on Lehigh r., Pa.; so called, according to Pyrlaeus, after the island they occupied. Gnadenhuetten (German: huts of grace). The name of several mission villages (5, according to Brinton) established at different periods among the Mahican, Munsee, and Delawares by the Moravian missionaries. The first was settled in 1746 by Moravian Mahican from Shecomeco and Scaticook on the N. side of Mahoning cr., near its junction with the Lehigh, … Read more