G- New Mexico Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

Last Updated on October 15, 2013 by Dennis

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico.

Galisteo. A former Tano pueblo 1½ m. N. E. of the present hamlet of the same name, and about 22 miles s. of Santa Fe, N. Mex. Identified by Bandelier (Arch. Inst. Papers, iv, 122, 1892) with the Ximena of Coronado, who visited the village in 1541, when it consisted of 30 houses. Galisteo was the seat of a Franciscan mission perhaps as early as 1617 certainly in 1629 and in 1680 contained 800 neophytes and a fine church; San Cristobal was a visita at this date. In the revolt of the Pueblos in August of the latter year the Indians of Galisteo killed the resident priest, besides the father custodian of New Mexico, the missionaries of San Marcos and Pecos, who were on their way to give warning, and several colonists. After the remaining Spanish colonists had been driven out of the country the Tano of Galisteo removed to Santa Fe and erected a village on the ruins of the old Palace, but were expelled by Vargas in 1692. In 1706 the town was reestablished with 90 Indians by the governor of the province under the name Nuestra Senora de los Remedios de Galisteo, but it was also called Santa Maria. It remained an inconsiderable village until between 1782 and 1794, when the inhabitants, decimated by smallpox and by the persistent hostilities of the Comanche, removed to Santo Domingo pueblo, where their descendants still live, preserving the language of their ancestors and in part their tribal autonomy. At one time, according to Bandelier, Galisteo probably had a population of 1,000. In 1712 it numbered 110 souls; in 1748, 50 families, and but 52 souls in 1782 just before its abandonment. (F. W. H.)

Genobey. A large Jumano settlement E. of the Rio Grande, in N. Mex., in 1598. Onate (1598) in Doc. Ined., xvi, 114, 1871.

Gipuy. A village occupied by the ancestors of the present Queres of Santo Domingo pueblo, 1½ E. of Thornton, on the brink of Arroyo de Galisteo, N. central N. Mex. In consequence of a flood which destroyed a portion of the pueblo, Gipuy was abandoned prior to 1591, and another village bearing the same name was built 4 m. w., nearly on the site of the present Santo Domingo. It was the latter Gipuy that was visited and named Santo Domingo (q. v. ) by Castaño de Sosa in 1591; but after 1605 this pueblo was also destroyed by a freshet, the inhabitants moving farther w., where they built another village on the banks of the Rio Grande, naming it Huashpa Tzena. See Bandelier in Arch. Inst. Papers, iv, 185-187, 1892. (F. W. H.)

Guatitruti. Mentioned by Oñate in 1598 (Doc. Ined, xvi, 114, 1871) as a pueblo of the Jemez in New Mexico. It has not been identified with the present native name of any ruins in the vicinity of Jemez. In Oñate’s second list of Jemez villages (ibid., 02) Fiapuzi and Triyti are given. Comparison shows the first name to be a misprint of the name of the preceding pueblo mentioned (‘Trea’), improperly compounded with a misprint (‘puzi’) of Guati, the first part of the name Guatitruti; the other pueblo mentioned in the second list (Triyti) being a corruption of the latter portion (truti) of the name Guatitruti. (F.W.H.)

Guayoguia. Mentioned by Onate in 1598 (Doc Ined, xvi, 114, 1871) as a pueblo of the Jemez in New Mexico. It has not been identified with the present native name of any ruins in the vicinity of Jemez. In Onate’s second list (ibid, 207) Yxcaguayo and Quiamera are mentioned. The names are obviously misprinted, the latter part of the first name and a misprint of the first part of the other forming “Guayoguia.”

Guayotri. Apparently a Tigua pueblo in New Mexico in 1598. Mentioned by Onate (Doc. Ined, xvi, 115, 1871) in connection with Puaray. See Tiguex.

Guhlkainde (Gû’l‛ka-ĭ′nde, ‘plains people’). A division of the Mescalero Apache who claim as their original habitat the Staked plains region E. of Pecos r., in New Mexico and Texas.

Guia. An unidentified ruined pueblo on the Rio Grande in the vicinity of Albuquerque, N. Mex. Loew in Wheeler Survey Rep., vii, 338, 1879.

Guika. A former Tanos pueblo on the Rio Grande, in the vicinity of Albuquerque, N. Mex. Loew in Wheeler Survey Rep., vii, 338, 1879.

Gyusiwa. Formerly one of the western group of Jemez pueblos, ½ m. N. of Jemez hot springs, on a slope descending to the river from the E., in Sandoval co., New Mexico. Judging from the extent of the ruins of the village, it at one time contained probably 800 inhabitants. It was the seat of the Spanish mission of San Diego de Jemez, and had a chapel, erected probably previous to 1617, at which date it was the principal Jemez village. The pueblo was abandoned in 1622 on account of the persistent aggressiveness of the Navaho, who had succeeded in scattering the Jemez tribe; but in 1627 Fray Martin de Arvide gathered the scattered members and resettled them in Gyusiwa and Amushungkwa (Patoqua?) pueblos. The latter was deserted prior to 1680, but Gyusiwa was occupied when the pueblos revolted in that year. It was, however, finally abandoned shortly after ward. The walls of the ruined church, in some places 8 feet thick, are still standing. See Bandelier, cited below; Holmes in Am. Anthrop., vii, no. 2, 1905.

 New Mexico Indian Villages

Indian Tribes North of MexicoIndian Bands, Gens, & Clans


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Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico, Frederick Webb Hodge, 1906

Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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