New Jersey Indians – M Surnames

Last Updated on April 24, 2013 by

Machcopoiken. Mentioned in Indian deed, Oct. 29, 1701. See Tallquapie.

Machcopoikan, Ashanham, Meshocorrang, lareandy (or lauwandy), Nockapowicke, Vugahen, Wellocke, Indian Sackamackers. Indian deed, Nov. 10, 1701, to John Johnston, for lands in Somerset county, on the west side of the north branch of Raritan River on Rachaneak River. E. J. Deeds, Lib. H, P- 37-

Machcote, alias Keneckome, A whips, Negacape and Pamascone. Indian deed, May 12, 1681, for lands on Raritan river and Raweighweros brook. Elizabethtown Bill in Chancery, 53.

Macheses. Indian deed, June 8, 1677. See Mendawasey.

Machierick Hitock, Tospecsmick, Wennaminck Keckquennen, Sachems of Hoppemense, 7. Indian deed, Oct. 4, 1665, for the Hoppemense tract between two creeks, over against Anthony Breyandt. (Salem County.)

Machockan. Indian deed, Aug. 13, 1708. See Taphaow.

Machohan. Indian deed, June 16, 1703. See Wickwella.

Machote, alias Kenockome, Awips, Negacape and Pamascome. Indian deed, Dec. 12, 1681, for tract near Middlebrook, Somerset County. First Things in Old Somerset, 6.

Machpetuske, 66. Indian deed, Aug. 22, 1681. See Abozaweramud.

Machpoiken. See Tallquapie.

Machpunk. (A variant for Nachpunk ?) Indian deed, Sept. 1 6, 1709. See Amegatha.

Mackquinakhim (witness), 17. Indian deed, May 19, 1671. See Assawakou.

Maemsey. Indian deed, July 15, 1679. See Coovang.

Mahagpeta (a squaw). Indian deed, Aug. 13, 1708. See Taphaow.

Mahamickwon, alias King Charles, an Indian sachem, in 1703, who had “laid an English right on a large plantation at Werkpink, containing a valuable tract of land, in the county of Burlington, which is so contrived as to remain unalienable from his posterity, who now enjoy the benefit of it.” Smith’s Hist. N. J., 95.

Mahawksey, 559. Indian deed, Nov. 7, 1675. See Allowayes. (See Mohocksey.)

Mahgpeta (signed Mahagpeta). Indian deed, Aug. 13, 1708. See Taphaow.

Mahomecum, alias King Charles, cousin (nephew) of Xenacutton, 513. Indian deed, April n, 1697. For a tract at the seaside on the west side of the Bay, N. W. of Little Egg Harbour, called Amintonck.

Mahwtatatt, and four others, Sachims of the Manisinchs (Minisinks) and Shawhena (Shawanees) Indians, sent for, May 30, 1709, to attend the Governor at Perth Amboy. N. J. Archives, XIII. , 331.

Mameeress. Indian deed, April 21, 1727. See Mowessawach.

Mamerisco. Indian deed, 1714. See Papejeco.

Mamustome, in Indian deed, 1667. See Wapamuck.

Manamasamet. Indian deed, Nov. 19, 1681. See Pawark.

Manamowaone, I. Indian deed, Oct. 28, 1664. See Cowescotnen.

Manansamitt. Indian deed, November 19, 1681. See Pawark.

Manawayrtim. Indian deed, Nov. 18, 1709. See Sherikharn.

Manawkyhickon, “in Resentment for the Death of his Relation Wequeala, hang’d last year [1727] in Jersey,” endeavored to stir up the Miamies against the Christians, and to set the Five Nations at variance with the English. Menakihickon, King of the Mohickon (Mohegan) Indians, 1740. Penn. Col. Records, III., 330; IV., 447. See Menaukahickon, and Wickwela. See also Appendix of Names of Delaware Indians, p. 77, post.

Mandenark, a Sakamaker of the Hackensacks, in 1678. Indians of N. J., no.

Manhauxett, 440. Indian deed, June 9, 1693. For a tract between Cohannsick Creek and Morris River, beginning at the head of Cohannzie, etc.

Manickopin, 424. Indian deed, June 24, 1688. See Molhunt.

Manickty of Rancokeskill. With three other Indian Chiefs at a conference with Governor Andros, May 13, 1675. See Ipan Kickan.

Manisem. Indian deed, May 1, 1701. See Tapgow.

Manoky, a Sakamaker of the Hackensacks, in 1678. Indians of N. J., 110.

Manschy and four others, “Sackaniakers of Hackensack. Indian deed, 1678, for lands in Bergen county ( ?). Indians of N. J., 110.

Manseim. 230. Indian deed, June 6, 1695. See Taepan. Indians of N. J., 112.

Manshim. Indian deed, July 29, 1702. See Tapehow.

Manshuen. Indian deed, March , 1701-2. See Loantique.

Manshuen. Indian deed. May I, 1701. See Tapgow.

Mansinim. Indian deed, Dec. 31, 1701. See Tapehou.

Manumie. See Nummi. Maquaincke, 66. Indian deed, Aug. 22, 1681. See Abozaweramud.

Marchaiit, 141. Indian deed, Oct. 29, 1701. See Tallquapie.

Marenaw, 73. Indian deed, Oct. 16, 1684. See Hayamakeno.

Mariner. Indian deed, June 8, 1677. See Mendawasey.

Markquinaksim (witness), 17. Indian deed, May 19, 1671. See Assawakow.

Maskainapulig. Indian deed, Nov. 18, 1709. See Sherikham.

Maskainapulig. Indian deed, May 9, 1710. See Memerescum.

Massetuewop. Indian deed, 1714. See Papejeco.

Master Thomas, “Indian King of Stepson s Island” (off Cape May, now submerged), 503. Indian deed, July 10, 1694. Deed for said Island, between Cedar Hamocke and Morrices River.

Mastewap, an Indian of Sussex county, cir. 1715-40. See Ambehoes.

Matachena. Indian deed, July 15, 1679. See Coovang. Matanoo and seven others, “chiefs and owners of the land in the Newesinghs.” Agreement, Dec. , 1663, to sell only to the Director-General and Council of New Netherland. N. Y. Col. Docs., XIII., 314-316; Indians of N. J., 101.

Matamyca. Indian deed, Aug. 18, 1713. See Sasakaman.

Matapeeck and Sepeconah, “Indians belonging to Panem- i singe.” Indian deed, 23d nth mo., 1676. E. J. Deeds, Lib. No. i, p. 75, back.

Matappeas, Taptawappamund (Tawapung) and Seapeckne (Sepequena), “Chife Sachems of Toponemose.” Indian deed, August 24, 1674. E. J. Deeds, Lib. No. i, page 68, back.

Mataro. Indian deed, May i, 1701. See Tapgow.

Mataros. Indian landowner at Wanaque, in 1729. See Quackpacktequa.

Matchaak. Indian deed, 1714. See Papejecop.

Matchues (a witness), 440. Indian deed, June 9, 1683. See Manhauxett.

Materas. Indian deed, July 29, 1702. See Tapehow.

Matskath (Winneld gives it as Wathkath, which is an impossible reading in Dutch). Indian deed, Nov. 22, 1630. See Ackitauw.

Mattamiska. Indian deed, Aug. 13, 1708. See Menaukahickon.

Mattano, 2. Indian deed, March 28, 1651. See Encheim.

Mattano, i. Indian deed, Oct. 28, 1664. He is called Mattano, “chief of the Staten Island and Nayack (on Long Island) savages,” in 1664. N. Y. Col. Docs., XIII., 386; Indians of N. J., 101, 102, 108. See Cowescomen.

Mattenon of Hespatingh. Indian deed, July 10, 1657. See Taghkospemo.

Mattsom. Indian deed, May I, 1701. See Tapgow.

Maundicon, 424. Indian deed, June 24, 1688. See Molhunt.

Mayawaykum. Indian deed, Nov. 18, 1709. See Sherikham.

Mecliat. Agreement, Dec. , 1663. See Matanoo.

Mechekamee. Indian deed, Oct. 23, 1758. See Egohohoun.

Mecokin s Wigwam, 422. Indian deed, March 30, 1688. See Hoham.

Mecoppy, Comtcommon, Contomohickon, Nekolhuck, Haughnum, Wawmasawing, Eshokey, Wavveeinetting, Capenokanickon, Olamoeerinck. Signed Mowppy, Comtcommon, Tontomohikon, Nekolkuk, Haugnum, Wamascuoning, Waiwemitting, Eskokey, Capenokirckon, Olamonossectink. Witnesses Toppanickon, Tapionawikon, Wewanatimus, Nikolhuck. Indian deed, dated “the ffowerth day of the ffowerth month called June,” 1687, to Thomas Budd, of Burlington, for lands by Milston River, and across Assunpink to the bounds of the old Indian purchase; also on Shabbacunck. W. J. Deeds, Lib. M, p. 447.

Meheekissne. Indian deed, March 30, 1688. See Hoham.

Mejawapapim (witness). Indian deed, May 19, 1671. See Assawakow.

Mekemickon. Indian deed, Nov. , 1749. See Teanish Monhoman.

Mek : quam. Indian deed, June 6, 1695. See Neskiianitt.

Mellnighperim (Messingpepin), 17. Indian deed, May 19, 1671. See Assawakow.

Memerescum, “sole sachem of all the Nations of Indians” on Remopuck River, and on the west and east branches thereof on Sadie river, Pasqueck River, Narashunk River and Hackensack River; Japaan, Japhome, Waparent, Sipheme-Rawantaques, Maskainapulig, “right, sole and entire owners,” etc. Indian deed, May 9, 1710, to Elias Boudinot, John Anboyneau and Peter Fauconier for a tract on Haverstroo Creek, being the northeast most branch of the river that runs down to Romopuck, Pumpton, etc., and east and northward of a little run called Mainaiting. (The upper parts of the present Passaic and Bergen counties.) Signed Ayamanug, her mark, Wapparent, Rawantagwas, Maskainapulig, Sipham, Memerescum. Witnesses Panaway, her mark, Namenish. E. J. Deeds, Lib. I, p. 317.

Memereskum. Indian deed, Nov. 18, 1709. See Sherikham.

Memewockan. Indian deed, January 10, 1658. See Bomokan.

Memiseraen. Indian deed, March 28, 1679, for Haquequenunck. See Ghonnajea.

Memmes Seytheypoey, Sachem, 73. Indian deed, Oct. 16,1684. See Hayamakeno.

Menanse. Mentioned in Campanius’s New Sweden. (Memoirs Hist. Soc. Pa., III., 115.)

Menarhohondoo. Agreement, Dec. , 1663. See Matanoo.

Menaukahickon, Mattamiska and Laparomza (or Lappa-winza), Indian Sachems and owners of land with in the western division of the Province of New Jersey. Indian deed, Aug. 18, 1713, to Daniel Coxe and others, for lands in western New Jersey, bounded northwards with the lands of Quenemeka; eastward with the einer Muskonetcong or the lands of Saphow and his relatives; southward with the lands late Sasakomaus, Wowapekoshots and Waukaucoimaus; westward with the River Delaware. “A certain Indian Sachem named Vorgaon” joins in the deed. W. J. Deeds, Lib. BB, p. 140. See Manawkyhickon.

(“Einer Muskonetcong” probably cinde Muskonetcong, at the end of; or perhaps the hinterland. See Quenamaka, and Sasakaman. All three deeds are of the same date, and doubtless were drawn by the same scrivener, probably a Dutchman. Perhaps the word is the Indian ou/, suggesting the idea of place, or direction, as “the course of the Muskonetcong,” or “at the Muskonetcong.”)

Mendawack, in Indian deed, 1678. See Manschy.

Mendawasey (in the text, Meridanasey), Indian sachem of Tapan, Jan Claes of Tapan, Serickham (signed Sereckham), Haharois and Kasamen, “as well in their own names as in the names and behalf of “twenty-three others. Indian deed, June 8, 1677, to David des Marets, for a tract of land, Hackensack River on the west, Kessay Waky Creek, thirty or forty foot broad, on the north. E. J. Deeds, Lib. No. i, f. 85.

Mendenmass, 73. Indian deed, Oct. 1 6, 1684. See Hayamakeno.

Mengootecus, “Indian proprietor,” 516. Indian deed, April i, 1694, for tract on the N. W. of the south branch of Pesainck River, above the upper falls, between Pequanock River and Seneconock River.

Mennesey. Indian deed, June 8, 1677. See Mendawasey.

Mensier. Indian deed, April 13, 1671. See Ahwaroeb.

Menumheck, wife of Sacarois. Indian deed, 16th 9th mo., 1674. See Wassakorois.

Merchant. Indian deed, October 29, 1701. See Tallquapie.

Merickanaipugh. Indian deed, November 18, 1709. See Sherikham.

Merkvan. Witness (or consenting) to a deed for land at Wanaque in 1729. See Quackpacktequa.

Meroppe. Indian deed, March 30, 1688. See Hoham.

Mesawapapim. Indian deed, May 19, 1671. See Assawakow.

Mesehoppe, Indian Sachem of Woomanasung. Indian deed, Aug. 12, 1677. See Janatan.

Meshocorrang. Indian deed, Nov. 10, 1701. See Machcopoikan.

Meshuhow, Indian Sachim, May 30, 1709. See Mahwtatatt.

Messingpejun, 17. Indian deed, May 19, 1671. See Assawakow.

Messingpepin (so in text; perhaps the same as Mesawapapim). Indian deed, May 19, 1671. See Assawakow.

Metamisco and Wataminian. Indian deed, October 13, 1709, for lands on Hollands Brook, Lamitunk Branch of the North Branch of Raritan, etc. E. J. Deeds, Lib. 3, f. 274 (at Perth Amboy).

Metapes. In Indian deed, May 4, 1681. See Konackama.

Metapis. Indian deed, June 7, 1677. See Querameck.

Metappis, 196. Indian deed, Dec. 16, 1689. See Hiphockanoway.

Metasheny. Indian deed, June 8, 1677. See Mendawasey.

Metjes. Indian deed, April 13, 1671. See Ahwaroeb. Metremickin. Indian deed, Sept. 19, 1745. See Teanish.

Mettatoch, 73. Indian deed, Oct. 16, 1684. See Hayamakeno.

Mettechmahon, 73. Indian deed, Oct. 16, 1684. See Hayamakeno.

Mettkett (Mekekett). Indian deed, March 28, 1676. See Cherawas.

Mihiowen (witness). Indian deed, Aug. 13, 1708. See Mokowisguanda.

Mindawas. Indian deed, March 29, 1679. See Ghonnajea.

Mindowashwen, 73. Indian deed, Oct. 30, 1684. See Canandus.

Mindowaskein. Indian deed, October 30, 1684. See Seweckronek.

Minqua Sakima. Indian deed, May 19, 1671. See Assawakow.

Minqualakyn of Hooghkong. Indian deed, July 10, 1657. See Taghkospemo.

Mintagetquis. Indian deed, May i, 1701. See Tapgow.

Mintamessems of Gwegkongh. Indian deed, July 10, 1657. See Taghkospemo.

Mitop, Gabriel. Power of attorney, Feb. 23, 1758. See Teedyescunk.

Mochanhan, Wiquales, Quanalem, Indians of Monmouth County, 310. Indian deed, Aug. 13, 1700, to John Reid, for a tract at the mouth of North Brook in Rockie Brook.

Mochsay. Indian deed, Dec. 31, 1701. See Tapehou.

Mochson. Indian deed, Sept. 16, 1709. See Amegatha.

Mockhanghan and three others, “East Jersey Indians,” 283. Indian deed, Sept. 2, 1696, to John Reid, of Hortencie, for the land about Manalapan from the mouth of Mount Brook up Manalapan River to Welch Brook, etc.

Mogquack, in Indian deed, April 9, 1679. See Arrorickan.

Mohawksey and five others, 559. Indian deed, 7th of 9th mo., 1675.

Mohing. Indian deed, Dec. 31, 1701. See Tapehou.

Mohocksey, Tatameckko, Apperinges. Indian deed, Sept. 27, 1677, to John Kinsey and others, for lands from Oldmans Creek to Timber Creek. W. J. Deeds, Lib. B, Part i, p. 3. (And see Mohawk sey. Indian deed, 6th of I2th mo. 1675-6, for the land called Little and Great Cohansick. ) ( Salem. )

Mohowuqvande (signed Mokowuquando). Indian deed, Aug. 13, 1708. See Taphaow.

Mohuscowungie. Indian deed, Aug. 13, 1708. See Taphaow.

Mohutt, 559. Indian deed, 7th of 9th mo. 1675. See Mohocksey, Mohawksey.

Mokohoss. Indian deed. June 8, 1677. See Mendawasey.

Mokowisguanda. Indian deed, Aug. 13, 1708. See Taphaow.

Mokowuquande. Indian deed, Aug. 13, 1708. See Taphaow.

Molhunt and six other Indian Sackimackers, 424. Indian deed, June 24, 1688. For a tract from and along Cohansick Creek to Oldman’s Creek, to Timber Creek, thence to a river running into Little Egg Harbor, thence to Dellaware Bay at Stephant’s Isle, etc.

Mondsolom. Indian deed, Sept. 16, 1709. See Amegatha.

Monouckkomen, alias Mr. Tom, 424. Indian deed, April 30, 1688. See Sakamoy. (Munnequomin corn or grain when growing in the field.)

Moonis. Deed, October 8, 1740. See Opollonwhen.

Mumshaw. Indian Sachim, near Hackensack, Nov. 27, 1684. See Korough.

Mowessawach, Awies, Wachtaew, Kahaew, Mameeress, Nemeness. Indian deed, April 21, 1727, to Peter Fisher and Philip Koning of Japock, Bergen county, in behalf of Peter Sonmans, Sgr Lord Proprietor, for lands at Pemrachquinming on the second river or creek west from Remopock River, “beginning on a small Pan, which will be drie up sometimes from said Pan running northerly along a short hill or mountain, and also along the marked trees to a great mountain,” etc. E. J. Deeds, Lib. 2, p. 152.

“Pan.” The meaning seems to be a pond. The neighborhood has been always known among the old Dutch settlers as De Panne, or The Ponds. The etymology is obscure. The word pan in Dutch is as in English a frying-pan, specifically. The Dutch dictionaries give ecn Stand waterr (standing or smooth water), paerde-wet (watering-place for horses), or vijver (a fish-pond) as the Dutch equivalent for the English “pond.” The writer has conjectured that the word may be of Indian origin, but the Lenni-Lenape word expressing the meaning of pond usually has the inseparable generic suffix peck, pnug, pock, as in nippeek, me nuppeek, Romopock. The simplest, though not wholly satisfactory, explanation seems to be that the word pan is merely a corruption of the English “pond.” See Wanamasoa.

Mowppy. Indian deed, June 4, 1687. See Mecoppy.

Mullis, Jacob. See Teedyescunk.


Personal Names Of Indians Of New Jersey, By William Nelson, 1904, The Paterson History Club, Paterson, N. J.

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