New Jersey Indians – L Surnames

Last Updated on April 24, 2013 by

Lames. See Alpoongan.

Lammusecon. Indian deed, March 30. 1688. See Hoham.

Laparomza. Indian deed. Aug. 18, 1713. See Menaukahickon.

Lapink. Indian deed, Oct. 23, 1758. See Egohohoun.

Lappawinza. Indian deed, Aug. 18, 1713. See Menaukahickon.

Lawicowighe. Indian deed, June i, 1701. See Hippoquonow.

Lawykaman. Indian deed, Oct. 23, 1758. See Egohohoun.

Loantique, Taphaow, Manshuen, “with divers others, the owners and proprietors,” etc. Indian deed, March. 1701-2, to the inhabitants of Newark, for lands at Pine Brook, etc. (the Horseneck purchase). This deed having been “lost in a fire in the house of Jonathan Pierson at Newark, providentially burned March 7, 1744-5,” King Quichtoe, King Tishiwokamin, Saphoc and Yaupis. heirs and successors of the above grantors, gave another deed, March 14, 1744-5, to the inhabitants of Newark for said lands. E. J. Deeds, Lib. 3, p. 105. Loques, Abraham. Power of attorney, Feb. 23, 1758. See Teedyescunk. As to his character, see Penn. Archives, II., 645. For lands claimed by him, see ibid., III., 345.

Loulax, Will. Power of attorney, Feb. 23, 1758. See Teedyescunk.

Lumoseecon, 143. Indian deed, May 8, 1699. See Hughon.


Personal Names Of Indians Of New Jersey, By William Nelson, 1904, The Paterson History Club, Paterson, N. J.

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