New Jersey Indians – A Surnames

Last Updated on April 24, 2013 by

Abozaweramud, 66. Indian deed, Aug. 22, 1681. With eleven other “Indian proprietors,” for a tract on Mattawang or Millstone River, extending to Pametapake, opposite Staten Island.

Acchipoor of Hoogkong. Indian deed, July 10, 1657. See Taghkospemo.

Ackitoauw (Winfield gives his name as Kikitoauw) and Aiarotuv, Virginians, “inhabitants and joint owners,” for themselves and three other proprietors. Indian deed, Nov. 22, 1630, for Ahasimus and the peninsula Aressick (Jersey City). Winfield’s Hist. Hudson County, 15; N. Y. Col. Docs., XIII., 2; Indians of N. J., 102.

Agnamapamund. Indian deed, Nov. 19, 1681. See Pawark.

Ahtakkones, Nauhoosing, Okanickkon, Weskeakitt, Petheatus, Apperingues, Kekroppamant. Indian deed, October 10, 1677, to Joseph Helmsley and others, for lands on Delaware River from Rankokus to Sent Pinck Creek at the falls. W. J. Deeds, Lib. B, Part i, p. 4.

Ahwaroeb, Mensier, Pewaherenoes (alias Hans), Towachkack (alias Jan Clausen). Signed Assowaka Sackima of Tappaan, Whusquataghey, Jantekoes of Tappaan, Metjes of Tappaan, Croppun, Sachema of Haverstroo, Wheren (alias Tinnker oft Ketelboeter), Harmanus, Coninko, Carsten Lursen, Sietey, and others with English names. Indian deed, in Dutch, dated at New York, April 13, 1671, to Isaac Bedloo and Balthaser DeHaert, for land on the west bank of the North River, in the jurisdiction of New Jersey, between Tappaen and Espetingh, between North river and Overpeck s creek, 4240 acres. E. J. Deeds, Lib. F, p. 370. (“Tinnker oft Ketelboeter” Tinker, or “Ketelboeter,” the Dutch for tinker.)

Aiarottw. Indian deed, Nov. 22, 1630. See Ackitoauw.

Allowayes, 559. Indian deed, Nov. 7, 1675. With six others (Indians), for tract of land on Game or fforcus Creek, Delaware river, and Cannahockinck Creek, adjoining the land of Chohanzick.

Alpoongan. In Thomas’s History of West Jersey, 1698, he gives (p. 13) a list of “the Names of some of the Indians,” ten in all.

Ambehoes, Mastewap, Yamatabenties, Echkamare, Indians living in Sussex county, cir. 1715-40, according to the affidavit of Johannis Decker, in 1785. Hist. Sussex and Warren Counties, 1881, p. 368.

Amegatha, Pecca Chica, Cancheris, Mochson, Thetochhulun, Mondsolom, Machpunk, Ancnock and others, “Indians of Northern New Jersey.” Indian deed, Sept. 16. 1709, for the Wagaraw tract, now in Passaic county. Unrecorded.

Amois, alias Poutchmouth. Statement of, about the sale of land near New Brunswick, about Nov. 10, 1681. E. J. Deeds, Lib. No. 3, p. 175.

Amoneino. Indian deed, August 8, 1700. See Nantzeckem.

Anachkooting. See Alpoongan.

Anaren. Indian deed, July 20, 1668. With five other Indians, for tract called Meghgectecock, between Hackingsack and Pissawack rivers. (New Barbadoes Neck.)

Anasan. Indian deed, July 15, 1679. See Coovang.

Ancnock. Indian deed, Sept. 16, 1709. See Amegatha.

Anennath. Indian deed, May I, 1701. See Tapgow.

Anennath. Indian deed, May 6, 1701. See Tapgow.

Apahon (a witness). Indian deed, June 9, 1683. See Manhauxett.

Apauko. Indian deed, April 30, 1688. See Sakamoy.

Apinamough. Indian deed, Nov. 18, 1709. See Sherikham.

Appamankaogh. Indian deed, Dec. 26, 1657. Mattano and Appamankaogh, for land west of the mouth of Raritan river.

Apperinges. Indian deed, Sept. 27, 1677. See Mohocksey.

Apperingues. Indian deed, Oct. 10, 1677. See Ahtahkones.

Aquaywochtu. Represented the Wapings or Pumptons at the conference at Easton, Pa., in 1 758. Smith s N. J., 456.

Arackquiaaksi. Indian deed, May 19, 1671. See Assa-wakow.

Arahiccon and Shenolope, Sachems of Changororas. Indian deed, June 10, 1677, to Jonathan Holmes, an Englishman and inhabitant of Middletown, for lands at Changororas. E. J. Deeds. Lib. i, p. 402.

Aroorhikan, 17. Indian deed, May 19, 1671. See Assawakow.

Arouweo (Arouwere and Aronioco in the text). Indian deed, 1714. See Papejeco.

Arromeauw and two others, “inhabitants and joint owners.” Indian deed, July 12, 1630, for Hobocan Hacking (Hoboken and vicinity). Winfield’s Hist. Hudson County, 13; N. Y. Col. Docs., XIII. , i ; Indians of N. J., 102.

Arrorickan and two others. Indian deed, April 9, 1679, for the Saddle River tract. Indians of N. J., 1 10.

Ashanham. Indian deed, Nov. 10, 1701. See Machcopoikan.

Ashitaman. Indian deed, May n, 1715. See Kekehela.

Assemahaman, Oshemahaman, alias John. Indian deed, April 30, 1688. See Sakamoy.

Assawakow, “Sachem of Tappan,” and ten others, on be half of Sesrigkam, Whinsis, Sewapierinom and Onoragquin, owners; thirteen others are named, apparently as witnesses. Indian deed, May 19, 1671. Land at Haverstraw, “reaching inland to Metassin Creek and Hackensack River.” E. J. Deeds, Lib. No. i, f. 116.

Assowaka. Indian deed, April 13, 1671. See Ahwaroeb.

Attahissha (a witness). Indian deed, June 9, 1683. See Manhauxett.

Auspeakan and two others, of Nolletquesset or Shark River. Indian deed, July 25, 1689. For tract between the Pine Bridge and Shark River in Monmouth County going west of Pequodjenoyock Hill.

Aweham. Indian deed, Dec. 12, 1699. See Cotten-ochque.

Awehela, alias James Davis. Present at the treaty of Easton, 1758. Smith’s N. J., 474.

Aweonemo, Awoonemo. Indian deed, Aug. 8, 1700. See Nantzechena.

Awhehon (a witness), 440. Indian deed, June 9, 1683. See Manhauxett.

A whips. Indian deed, May 12, 1681. See Machcote.

Awies. Indian deed. April 21, 1727. See Mowessawach.

Awips. Indian deed, Dec. 12, 1681. See Machote.

Awisham, “alias Captain John.” Indian deed, June 16, 1703. For tract “on the main branch of Salem Creek and Hugh Hutchings Run,” etc.

Awquawaton. Indian deed, Oct. 23, 1758. See Egohohoun.

Ayamanugh (a squaw), in Indian deed, May 9, 1710. See Memerescum.


Personal Names Of Indians Of New Jersey, By William Nelson, 1904, The Paterson History Club, Paterson, N. J.

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