Carlisle Indian School, Pennsylvania
Agencies and Schools listed below are what were listed for the state. Slight indent after an Agency list all schools in that jurisdiction.
Genoa School, Nebraska
Post-office: Genoa, Nebraska
Telegraph address: Genoa, Nebraska; Western Union; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Genoa, Nebraska, on Union Pacific Rwy., via Columbus, Nebraska; or from Sioux City, on Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Rwy., to Norfolk, Nebraska; thence via Union Pacific to Genoa. From all points West over Fremont and Elkton route is via Oakdale, Nebraska; from all points west over Union Pacific route is via Columbus, Nebraska, to Genoa.
Santee School, Nebraska
Post-office, Santee, Nebraska
Telegraph address: Springfield, South Dakota; Western Union, 5 miles from school; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Springfield, South Dakota, on Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rwy.; thence hired team, 5 miles. Or Niobrara, Nebraska, on Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley Rwy.; thence stage, 18 miles.
Ponca sub-agency.
Post-office: Niobrara, Nebraska
Telegraph address: Niobrara. Nebraska; Western Union, 5 miles from sub-agency; thence mail or messenger; time, about 6 hours.
Railroad station: Niobrara. Nebraska, on Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley Rwy.; thence 5 miles. Or Running Water, South Dakota, on Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rwy.; thence stage, 2 miles to Niobrara and 8 miles to Ponca.
Winnebago School, Nebraska
Post-office: Winnebago, Nebraska
Telegraph address: Winnebago, Nebraska; Western Union, 1 mile from school; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Winnebago, Nebraska, on Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Rwy.; school is 1½ miles from station.
Decora day school.
Post-office: Same as Winnebago school.
Telegraph address: Same as Winnebago school.
Railroad station: Same as Winnebago school.
Omaha school, Nebraska
Post-office: Macy, Nebraska
Telegraph address: Walthill, Nebraska; Western Union, 8 miles from school; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Walthill, Nebraska; on Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Road, 26 miles south of Sioux City; thence stage, 8 miles.