Agencies and Schools listed below are what were listed for the state. Slight indent after an Agency list all schools in that jurisdiction.
Genoa School, Nebraska
Post-office: Genoa, Nebraska
Telegraph address: Genoa, Nebraska; Western Union; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Genoa, Nebraska, on Union Pacific Rwy., via Columbus, Nebraska; or from Sioux City, on Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Rwy., to Norfolk, Nebraska; thence via Union Pacific to Genoa. From all points West over Fremont and Elkton route is via Oakdale, Nebraska; from all points west over Union Pacific route is via Columbus, Nebraska, to Genoa.
Santee School, Nebraska
Post-office, Santee, Nebraska
Telegraph address: Springfield, South Dakota; Western Union, 5 miles from school; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Springfield, South Dakota, on Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rwy.; thence hired team, 5 miles. Or Niobrara, Nebraska, on Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley Rwy.; thence stage, 18 miles.
Ponca sub-agency.
Post-office: Niobrara, Nebraska
Telegraph address: Niobrara. Nebraska; Western Union, 5 miles from sub-agency; thence mail or messenger; time, about 6 hours.
Railroad station: Niobrara. Nebraska, on Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley Rwy.; thence 5 miles. Or Running Water, South Dakota, on Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rwy.; thence stage, 2 miles to Niobrara and 8 miles to Ponca.
Winnebago School, Nebraska
Post-office: Winnebago, Nebraska
Telegraph address: Winnebago, Nebraska; Western Union, 1 mile from school; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Winnebago, Nebraska, on Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Rwy.; school is 1½ miles from station.
Decora day school.
Post-office: Same as Winnebago school.
Telegraph address: Same as Winnebago school.
Railroad station: Same as Winnebago school.
Omaha school, Nebraska
Post-office: Macy, Nebraska
Telegraph address: Walthill, Nebraska; Western Union, 8 miles from school; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Walthill, Nebraska; on Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Road, 26 miles south of Sioux City; thence stage, 8 miles.