Biography of Capt. James H. Sallee

CAPT. JAMES H. SALLEE. This gentleman is a Protestant Methodist minister and a farmer of Ozark County, Missouri, and as a citizen, neighbor and friend is highly spoken of by all who know him. He owes his nativity to Madison County, Arkansas, where he was born April 10, 1833, a son of Arany Shasteen and Martha (Greene) Sallce, who were born in Indiana in 1811 and in Illinois in 1821, respectively. Their marriage was celebrated in Schuyler County, Illinois, soon after which they removed to Marion County, Arkansas, where they lived a few years, then returned to the Sucker State. … Read more

Biography of James C. Chilton

JAMES C. CHILTON. As a follower of the primitive occupation of man-farming-this worthy “son of the soil” has become widely known and has accumulated a fortune, and the prosperity which he enjoys is but the result of worthy qualities rightly employed. He is a native of Grainger County, Tennessee, and was born on the 2d of May, 1831, a son of Thomas and Rebecca (Daniel) Chilton, who were born, reared, educated and married in Tennessee, and there made their home until 1836, when they came by boat to the Mississippi River, and thence by wagon to what is now Shannon … Read more

Biography of Herman Borth

HERMAN BORTH. Herman Borth, senior member of the firm of Borth, Barrett & Co., at Doniphan, is a man popular with all classes, and has a host of business and social friends. He was born in St. Louis, Missouri, October 17, 1851, and no doubt inherits much of his perseverance and industry from his German ancestors. His father, John Frederick Borth, was born in Hamburg, Germany, and when a young man crossed the ocean and settled in St. Louis. In 1858 he moved to Doniphan, Ripley County, Missouri, and there died in 1861. While a resident of St. Louis he … Read more

Biography of Richard Piles

RICHARD PILES. Nothing is more true than the statement that in this country alone, of all countries upon the face of the earth, a man’s family connections do not assist him to places of honor and trust in politics, but he must win his way by his own exertions, or by his own honest merit. This Government of the people is no discriminator of persons, but opens its doors wide for the entrance of all such as possess the requisite qualifications. It is very true that Richard Piles, as every other man whose father was a good and worthy citizen, … Read more

Biography of Judge Joel G. McClaren

JUDGE JOEL G. MCCLAREN, presiding judge of Ripley County, Missouri, is a man of superior mental endowments, whose reputation is not merely local but extends over a wide stretch of country. Like other citizens of the county he came originally from Tennessee, a State that has contributed so much of population and intelligence to his adopted State, and for the most part since about 1869 has been a resident of this county. His birth occurred in Hickman County May 14, 1847, and there he received his scholastic training. In the month of November, 1863, he enlisted in Company G, Tenth … Read more

Biography of Dr. W. A. Copeland

DR. W. A. COPELAND. Fortunate as it is in its older physicians, Reynolds County is no less fortunate in the bright galaxy of younger physicians and surgeons, who, during the past few years, have made a reputation for themselves and added luster to the professional status of the county and State. One of the best known of the latter class is Dr. W. A. Copeland, of Barnesville, who was born on Logan Creek November 24, 1858, son of William Copeland. The Doctor grew up on the old home farm, attending the early subscription school and the district school, and made … Read more

Biography of Judge Morgan White Cotton

JUDGE MORGAN WHITE COTTON. Judge Morgan White Cotton, probate judge of Ripley County, Missouri, and a man well and favorably known in this part of the State, was born in Reynolds County, Missouri, May 10, 1847, to the marriage of Isaac White Cotton and Christine (Jeffrey) Cotton. Like many of the prominent citizens of this county, Isaac White Cotton was a native of Tennessee, and there made his home until about 1840 when he came to Missouri. Here he settled in the woods of Reynolds County, on Webb’s Creek, and began improving and clearing. Few settled here before he did, … Read more

Biography of Isaac Clinton Clark

ISAAC CLINTON CLARK. It gives us no little pleasure to be able to present our readers with a short biography of a Carter County boy. When starting in life it is a serious question if it is not better for a young man to begin at the bottom and depend entirely upon his own efforts to get along in the world. Isaac Clinton Clark, who is one of the successful farmers and stockraisers of Carter County, has accumulated all his property by his own efforts, thanks to a sturdy, honest and industrious ancestry from whom he inherited those characteristics. He … Read more

Biography of William W. McLelland

WILLIAM W. McLELLAND. Howell County, Missouri, is remarkably well adapted to the purposes of farming, and one of the most progressive followers of this calling is William W. McLelland, who is a native of the Old North State, born October 9, 1848. His parents, Rufus and Almira (Percey) McLelland, were also born in that State, and when the subject of this sketch was about three years of age, came by ox-team to Oregon County, Missouri, and until after the war resided on a farm there. One year was then spent in Dade County, after which they returned to Oregon County, … Read more

Biography of Judge James Orchard

The judges of the various courts established in Howell County have always been noted for their character and ability, and one of the most popular of the many worthy men elevated to the bench in the history of the county’s jurisprudence is Judge James Orchard, attorney at law at West Plains, where he has made his home for the past few years. Judge Orchard was born in Shannon County, Missouri, October 24, 1850, to the union of Jesse and Alcey (McCormack) Orchard. Jesse Orchard was a native Kentuckian, and the son of a Scotchman, who came to this country many … Read more

Biography of Hon. Thomas G. Mills

HON. THOMAS G. MILLS. This very successful farmer and stockraiser of Shannon County, Missouri, is a native of Rutherford County, N. C., where he was born in 1833 to Calvin and Margaret (Jackson) Mills, who were also born in that State and county. When the subject of this sketch was two or three years old they removed to Lumpkin County, Ga., where the father died in 1866, and the mother in 1867, the latter having long been a member of the Missionary Baptist Church. The paternal grandfather, John Mills, had been a soldier of the Revolutionary War, was of Irish … Read more

Biography of John F. Church

JOHN F. CHURCH, senior member of the well-known firm of Church & Kissel, Winona, Missouri, is one who has built by years of industry and good management a business that is recognized as being one of the best of its kind in the country, a credit to Winona and Shannon County. Mr. Church is a man who possesses the inherent qualities requisite to commercial success, in a very high degree, and in his chosen calling has attained an eminent position among his compeers, and the high regard of his fellow-citizens, entirely through his own efforts and sterling personal qualities. Mr. … Read more

Biography of O. L. Munger

O. L. MUNGER. Special adaptability to any particular calling in life is the one necessary adjunct to permanent success. No matter the vim and determination which characterizes a man’s start in business, unless he is to the manner born, he will find to his sorrow that his lines have been falsely cast, and the quicker he draws back and takes up another calling the better it will be for him. O. L. Munger, editor and proprietor of the Current Local, published at Van Buren, Carter County, Missouri, has made no mistake in his calling. His paper is bright and interesting, … Read more

Biography of Jacob Kissel

JACOB KISSEL, junior member of the firm of Church & Kissel, began at a very early age to assume the practical duties of a business life, and by diligence, good habits, and a judicious use of natural tact has developed a character which will tell for usefulness in his day and generation. He has acquired a commercial standing which portends for him that prosperity and rank among his fellow-men vouchsafed alone to those who have worthily earned them. He was born in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1854, and is a son of Jacob Kissel who was born in Germany, but … Read more

Biography of J. H. Hogan

J. H. HOGAN. Among the many successful men of Howell County, Missouri, none have made a more desirable reputation than J. H. Hogan, of Willow Springs. Born and reared on a farm in Greene County, Tennessee, from 1826 until his marriage he remained with his parents, receiving his education in the common schools. His father, Hiram Hogan, was a native of the Keystone State, but at an early age he moved to Tennessee, where he met and married Miss Sarah Bales. Their children, four in number, were named as follows: Mary (deceased) was the wife of Robert Caughran; Elizabeth (deceased) … Read more

Biography of Benjamin B. Jones

BENJAMIN B. JONES. Ozark County, Missouri, has no more progressive farmer or business man than Benjamin B. Jones, who is located in business at Lutie, Missouri, eighteen miles west of Gainesville. He owes his nativity to Logan County, Ohio, where he first saw the light in 1844, a son of Nehemiah and Rachel (Taylor) Jones, who were also born in the Buckeye State, where they were reared and married and made their home until 1860, when they came to Shelby County, Missouri, where the father passed from life the same year. He was a well-to-do farmer, a man of unblemished … Read more

Biography of Daniel Curran Kennedy

DANIEL CURRAN KENNEDY is the founder of The Leader, the oldest newspaper in Springfield, a breezy sheet, which enjoys a good circulation and is published in the interests of the community, especial attention being paid to local affairs, making it a history of the events that transpire in this locality. Moreover it reviews intelligently the public issues of the day, and its advertising columns are well filled and show that the business community of Springfield and neighboring towns appreciate it as a medium for making themselves known to the people at large. The intelligent and able editor of this journal … Read more

Biography of Thomas J. Delaney

THOMAS J. DELANEY. To become distinguished at the bar requires not only capacity, but also sound judgment and persevering industry. These qualifications are combined in no gentleman at the Greene County bar to a greater extent than in Thomas J. Delaney. A careful and accurate adviser, and an earnest and conscientious advocate, his success at the bar has been achieved by the improvement of opportunities, by untiring diligence, and by close study and a correct judgment of men and motives. Like so many of the eminent men of the present day his early career was not a very auspicious one … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Judge John Rowlett Woodside

JUDGE JOHN ROWLETT WOODSIDE (deceased). This gentleman was born in Calloway County, Kentucky, in the Kentucky Purchase, in 1814. He was self educated and from Kentucky removed to Scott County, Missouri, and later to Oregon County, and was engaged in school teaching for some time, but while teaching he broke his shoulder which forced him to other pursuits. He took up law and was soon admitted to practice, and later was made State attorney. He was a member of the State Legislature when the secession ordinance was passed. During the early part of the war he served as a recruiting … Read more

Biography of Capt. James B. Old

CAPT. JAMES B. OLD, a prominent citizen of Oregon County, Missouri, was born May 22, 1835, and is the son of Thomas E. and Mary E. (Posey) Old, who were born in Halifax County, Virginia, and lived in various places. They were married in Virginia and afterward moved to Weakley County, Tennessee, and January 1, 1841, landed in Oregon County, Missouri, coming through with teams, and located where Thomasville now is. They both died in 1872 at the age of seventy-two years. Mr. Old was a farmer, but practiced medicine for many years. He was educated at a prominent old … Read more